
Married On Contract (MOC)

I never thought a day like this would come A day i'd be thinking about marrying Alexander Algero my worst enemy. Like working for this man is not bad enough i have to marry him too *Sigh* "I am doing this for you Lisa" I said softly

Jennifer_Morgan_7593 · Fantasía
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25 Chs


"Hey girls" oh come on must this dude come here now? "Elton not right now" I said trying to dismiss him, Diva is not in her best of moods right now "Relax girl, I heard Monstrous crying from my office so i came to find out whats up" Can this dude be anymore annoying "Get out of here faggot" Diva said, These two fight a lot, but I cant help but think diva is the reason Eton's guy today. Since that incident in high school that diva inserted a wood up his ass he seem to like it like that, He seem to like stuffs going up his ass but he will never admit it *Laugh* I looked up and found both diva and Elton staring at me, Shit did i laugh out loud? "What?" I demanded "Girl i always knew you were mad i just never knew you've reached this extent" Elton said to me then back to diva "I am just saying monstrous, We are going to miss you when you are gone" Elton said holding his chest in form of a heart felt emotion. woaw wait, gone? I wasn't following them so i don't know what they are saying but what does Elton mean by gone? "What do you mean?" I asked "This dick head thinks i am resigning" Diva said relaxing in her chair...Resign? why would diva do that?.

"Girl I'm just saying, boss must've fired you after finding out you have a heart disease" What?! A heart disease? Diva has a heart disease?! "Diva what? Do you have a heart disease? Are you sick diva?" I said this almost at the verge of crying "What? No princess don't listen to this faggot, He just says whatever strokes his shitty brain cells, I am not sick ok? I promise I'm fine" "Really"? I asked really concerned, I mean Diva cant be sick....She and Lisa are the only sane people i have left in my life "Yes" *Sigh* That's a relieve. Then why did Elton say diva was sick? "Look Marie i was saying, Someone with a lot of evil in her chest....Surely the heart would want to give up, Oh now i know what Elton was saying , He didn't mean it really "Elton you should stop saying nonsense you know" I scolded Elton "Its non of your business hand bag" Did this boy just call me a hand bag? Whats that suppose to mean "Apologise" Diva said to Elton "What? Its true, Girl if i were you i would've made that Greek God mine a long time ago, I mean if you cant beat him... you should keep him right?" Why is he talking like a girl, Ew...With those facials,I think he is ugly but then again every man is ugly to me*Shrug* "Oh my....Elton" Diva said covering her mouth like she was surprised for something "You have taste" Diva said in awe " Of cause i do, Can't you see Alex? He has been an eyeful since from school" Elton said visibly proud of himself "I have been telling her, Grab now you have the chance" Diva said "Are you kidding me girl? She has always had the chance, they always competed with each other, Had interest in the same thing also did the same thing....I cant help but believe they are soulmates " Elton said hand fanning himself like it's hot "What are you guys saying? Alex is my rival i hate him....You and you should too" I said trying to remind them "FACE it girl, You can never beat that Greek God...He is just too perfect" Elton said cat walking back to his duty post "Can you believe this guy?" I said to diva pointing at Eton's back expecting diva to support me but Diva was avoiding eye contact, She also belief i Cant beat Alex "Diva you know i can beat him right?" I was trying to reason with her "I haven't won him all this while because I've not been ready but now i am, I can turn the wheels and have him work for me" I said but i sounded like i was trying to convince myself 'I can beat him right?' I whispered softly "I will show you, I will show you alll" I probably should not have shouted that last part out loud.....