
Marriage Deal

"What do you want Xavier?" "Cal I want to talk to you." "You're talking now." "I really need to talk to you. Don't shut me out." "We have nothing to talk about. You got what you wanted right so leave me the fuck alone. Calvina and Xavier are paired together by their fathers and none of them liked the idea. What will happen if they spend one month together alone. Will they face all odds and be together as one or will they decide to part ways as they always did. Let's follow Xavier and Calvina on this topsy turvy ride of love, hate and business. Who knows they might end up falling for each other or worse.

Esther_Laryea_3606 · Ciudad
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25 Chs



I came downstairs and met an empty house. I went to the kitchen and met Xavier standing over the stove. I hesitated a bit to talk to him before I finally gave in and went to him.

Calvina: Hey.

He turned around shocked to see me standing behind him and I understood.

Xavier: Hey. You're up early on a Saturday.

Calvina: I always wake up early be it a weekend or weekday. So what are you doing?

Xavier: Making breakfast before moving out.

Calvina: Where are you going?

Xavier: James' grave. Do you want to come?

I looked at him and he looked at me while I was thinking of whether to go or not. I turned my back on his funeral and its almost one year I think I have to go. Its what's right.

Calvina: Yeah I want to go. I'll go and get ready. I went upstairs to go and get ready.

After getting dressed in my clothes Xavier and I were on way to the cemetery where James was buried. When we got there Xavier got out and came over to my side.

Xavier: Um.....you don't have to come if you don't want to.

Calvina: I want to come.

Xavier: Okay then. Let's go.

I got out of the car and followed him till we were standing in front of James' tombstone. I looked at it and felt the tears well up in my eyes. Xavier looked at me and moved away giving me time alone with James.

I fell on my knees and cried my heart out. I was angry and sad at the sametime but i couldn't do anything and just cried. I also told him about how I was living without him and promising to look after Lucy and myself. After I composed myself and went towards the car to see Xavier waiting. He turned when he saw me and did not ask any questions but quickly helped me into the car and drove us back.

When we arrived I got out first then went to my room and saw Rose and Andrew playing chess.

Calvina: What's going on here?

Andrew: You left without telling us anything so we assumed that you were not coming back and started to play chess.

Rose: Check mate Andrew. Where were you by the way Cal?

Calvina: I went to visit James.

Andrew: You did? I'm sorry Cal.

Calvina: Don't be. Anyway what's up with you and Brad? You seem to like him.

Rose: Yes tell us Drew.

Andrew: Yes. I like him and I know he kinda likes me too but his random phonecalls annoys me.

Calvina: Do you want to talk to him about it.

Andrew: Cal! Its just three days since we met.

Rose: So? You like him don't you? Go for it before its too late.

Andrew: Okay I'll go then. But not now.

We laughed and continued playing chess and mocking each other. I was also happy that I got to talk to James.


I was in my room doing some office work when Xavier came in smiling. I just ignored him and continued with my work.

Xavier: Brad? Can we talk?

Brad: I don't talk to people like you.

Xavier: I'm sorry buddy but I couldn't keep it. That's why I said it. I didn't know he would be that angry.

Brad: He was our cousin. Our brother. You didn't care. I'm sure you never care about me.

Xavier: Don't say that bud. I do care that's why I came to tell you about Andrew. Calvina's friend.

When I heard that name I froze and an unwanted smile formed on my face without me realising it. I was picturing him when Xavier spoke.

Xavier: Wow even his name turns you on I wonder what will happen when he stands next to you.

Brad: Shut up. You did that on purpose. What do you want?

Xavier: To talk about you. So can we?

Brad: Okay. What about?

Xavier: Like I said Andrew. Its obvious you want him. Why aren't you making a move?

Brad: I'm scared he might not want me the way I do. I'm afraid I'll do it wrong.

Xavier: Did you try it to conclude? No I'm sure he likes you too. But you're too stubborn to see. I took Calvina to see James' grave.

Brad: You did huh? You did right. I mean its almost a year and she hasn't done that. Its for the best.

Xavier: Thanks bro. And I heard Andrew's single and you might want to hurry up and act fast.

Brad: Can you help me with that?

Xavier: Of course I would but fix yourself first.

I frowned and wanted to punch him in the face but stopped because he is stronger than me. He laughed and left the room leaving me sitting to continue my work. My asshole of a brother.