
Marriage Contract With My Supreme Alpha

[Mature Content! NO RAPE] Everly never thought her life would change so much by merely marrying Ivan, a man she barely knew. She had tied the knot with him in an attempt to save her ill mother, but what she wasn’t aware of, was what this man, Ivan Smirnov, truly was. A being beyond something she’d never for once imagined in her life. Just a few days into the marriage, tragedy struck. Everly's mother was cold bloodedly murdered in the hospital and as far as things had appeared, there seemed to be a possibility of Ivan being connected to the whole incident—a connection that Everly herself may not be willing to believe nor accept. As the dig into the case went deeper, she struggled with mixed feelings for him, in between her attraction and his secrets. What happens when Everly discovers what this man, her soulmate, was? Would she flee or be with him? And would she ever learn to love him or will she find herself in regret? How To Contact Me: >>>Discord: luna01704

_LunaX_ · Fantasía
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192 Chs

I Want To Do It

"A guest? "Everly asked, her curiosity piqued.


"That's right. Do you want to meet them?" Ivan replied with a grin.


Without waiting for her to answer, Ivan gestured for her to follow as he rose from his seat.  "Follow me, then."


Everly trailed behind him as they left the dining room, her mind buzzing with curiosity.


They walked through the hallways of the mansion until Ivan pushed open one of the doors, revealing a room lined with shelves upon shelves of books. 


Everly's eyes widened. "Well, would you look at that? You have a library here. Just when I thought I'd seen it all," she said, somewhat fascinated.


Ivan chuckled softly. "Yes, but that's not why we're here," he said, indicating her to follow him further into the library.


As they reached the back of the library, another door stood before them, with Sergei standing nearby, seemingly waiting for their arrival.


"Sergei? What are you doing here?" Everly inquired.


Sergei simply bowed in response, offering no explanation as he opened the door. Ivan entered first, but Everly hesitated, uncertain of where they were headed.


Sensing her hesitation, Ivan turned back to face her. "Come on. It's not dangerous or anything, I promise. Just trust me," he said, his tone gentle and reassuring.


With a nod, Everly followed Ivan into the room as Sergei closed the door behind them.


They entered the room, shrouded in darkness, until the lights suddenly flickered on. Everly's eyes widened in surprise. "Ivan, what is this?" she asked, looking at Ivan.


"This is your guest," Ivan replied, gesturing towards Dominik, who sat tied to a chair, his face contorted in pain and sweat dripping on his bruised skin.


"I don't understand, who is this?" Everly asked as she turned to Ivan, seeking an explanation.


"This, Everly, is your only chance at getting answers about your mother," Ivan stated firmly. "Though he's been less than cooperative, I'm sure he'll come around soon enough."


Everly's gaze remained fixed on Dominik. "You've had him this whole time?" she questioned, narrowing her eyes at Ivan.


Ivan let out a soft chuckle. "I was exhausted last night, and it was already late. I thought it'd be better to show you this morning," he explained with a playful shrug.


Taking a deep breath, Everly approached Dominik, the sound of his breaths filling the silence of the room.


As Everly opened her mouth to speak, a sudden knock at the door interrupted them. Sergei swiftly moved to open it, revealing Ania standing on the other side.


"Hey, darlings," Ania greeted cheerfully as she sauntered into the room.


"Ania?" Everly exclaimed, surprised to see her.


"The one and only," Ania replied with a toss of her hair, flaunting the elegant dress she wore. She flashed Everly a smile before turning her attention to the tied-up man. "My, it looks like you two are having fun," she remarked with a chuckle.


Everly quickly interjected, "N-no, I just came in here..."


Ania waved off her protest, keeping her purse and settling down on one of the desks. "Well, go ahead, don't mind me."


Everly sighed as she glanced back at Dominik.


"Look, Everly, I'm not forcing you or anything. If you're not ready, we can wait until you are," Ivan said from behind her.


Everly raised a skeptical eyebrow at Ivan's words. "Not ready? Oh, I'm ready alright. I've been looking forward to this moment!" she declared.


Ivan smirked in response. "Damn, you're suddenly energetic," he remarked, amused by Everly's sudden change in demeanor.


"Of course she is! Nothing like a good old revenge!" Ania chimed in, her tone filled with excitement as she scrolled through her phone.


Everly took a deep breath before addressing the man tied to the chair. "Were you the one who killed my mother? Or was it one of the guys you killed?" she demanded, her voice firm.


The man remained silent, prompting Everly to glance back at Ivan, who nodded encouragingly. 


Turning her attention back to the man, Everly repeated her question with a louder voice. "I asked you a question. Were you the one who killed my mother?" Her voice grew sterner, and her expression serious.


"I heard you for the first time, lady. What makes you think I'm going to answer that?" the man retorted cockily, spitting on the floor near Everly. 


Ania, unfazed, commented, "Looks like his bravery's still intact," as she continued to scroll through her phone, while Ivan observed the scene in silence.


Everly sighed deeply and posed her question once more. "I'm going to ask you one more time. Were you the one who murdered my mother? Or was it one of your men that you killed?"


Dominik scoffed. "I told you, I'm not telling you shit—"


Before he could finish, Everly's fist connected with his face, cutting off his words. "Answer me, you son of a bitch!" she yelled, landing punch after punch on the restrained man.


"Holy shit!" Ania exclaimed, abruptly putting away her phone to watch what was happening.


"Yeah, beat his ass, girl!" She exclaimed, hyping Everly up.


Everly continued to deliver punches to Dominik, filled with frustration.


Finally, Ivan, who had been observing in silence, decided to intervene, gently pulling Everly back. "Calm down, my dear," he urged. "You don't want to kill him now. He's our only lead, you know."


"Why won't you just answer me, damn it?" Everly demanded as her voice trembled. 


Ivan's expression hardened as he turned his attention back to Dominik. "Oh, he's going to give you your answers, all right," he stated with a menacing glare. "Sergei.."


At Ivan's call, Sergei stepped forward.


Ania chuckled in excitement as Sergei approached Dominik with a bag in hand. 


He placed the bag on a nearby table next to Domik before he opened it and revealed a bunch of dangerous tools. 


"You might want to turn around for this one, Everly. It's about to get a tad bit ugly," Ivan warned and pulled her closer.


"No" Everly said with a stern voice, "I want to do it!" 


Ivan looked at her with a surprised face. "You want to do what?"