
Marked Ones: Advent of the Demon Prince

Lucius was born cursed by the power of demons to bear the Mark of the Abyss, a mark that grants him abilities beyond the understanding of man. The only future destined for him, like all other "Marked Ones" is servitude, ostracism, and death. Follow Lucius as he goes through a journey to discover the truth behind the Marks, tries to build a future of his own, and strikes back against those that forced this life on him. Existing in a world that hates him by nature of his curse, he will somehow find allies to rage against those who reject him. Lucius will fight to build a place for him and those he holds dear. He is even willing to fall into the depths of depravity to fulfill his goal. The only remaining question, is what waits for him on the other side of those goals...

VeeRoze · Fantasía
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100 Chs

The Talk

The party returned to a large amount of fanfare, it seems one of the villagers had been trying to find a monster to tame and saw the party moving through the woods with the spoils of their hunt. They had run ahead and informed the rest of the village who gathered near the northern entrance to welcome their new 'heroes' back from the dangerous hunt.


"Thank you so much adventurers, you really saved us! And you only did it in a day!" The village chief came out to greet them upon their return as well. Rena noticed him greedily eye the monster's pelt for a moment, but he did not say anything since he knew the guild's rules on spoils.


"Oh it was no problem! Honestly it went down a little too easy for a beast of its rank." Jen answered.


Rena was about to agree before she heard her best friend mutter under his breath, "For some of us anyway…"