
Mark Me, Not

{Warning--Sexual Content--} Kyon Mason; Shy, clumsy, anxious, small and known for his stutter, has his life turned upside down when paired in a group with the only person whose scent actually had a dramatic affect on him. Zio Miller. The "Boss", the bad boy, dominant and very possessive. Know for being cold towards anyone that touches what belongs to him. And in this case, Kyon Mason would be the one who would soon belong to him.

Puppers_Love · Fantasía
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1 Chs


Bambi {Kyon} Mason

" Kyon Mason?" The director called, but my mind was elsewhere. Mainly focused on Zio Miller. His scent was amazingly strong today. I knew this by two things. One; there were lots of female omegas crowded around him, and Two; By the way my body was reacting. I pushed my round glasses up the bridge of my nose for the tenth time in one sitting. My eyes were so transfixed on his face alone. The way his hair fell perfectly on it, his beautiful Hazel and magnetic eyes, a jawline so sharp it could cut me.

I assumed Zio must've felt my eyes on him because just then, his head lifted from the floor and our eyes met. A deep red flush came to my face as I quickly snapped my head the other way and came back to reality.

" Mr. Mason! Are you even paying attention to me?" Yelled Director Wade. The room filled with giggles, laughs and whispers. 'How embarrassing!' I yell to myself in my thoughts. My own head lowered to the ground as I went to speak. Hesitantly parting my dry lips.

" Y-Yes I a--a-am Mr. Wade." I stuttered

More whispers filled the room. There were many things I was very insecure and anxious about, but my main insecurity was my stutter. I was born with it and I was going to die with it--unless there was a way to get rid of stutters, but I doubt that. I always tried to avoid speaking, even as a kid, because I just knew people would make fun of me for having this. I kept my head low, pushing my glasses up once more and moving my black, curly and fluffy hair from out of my face.

" Well then, Mr. Mason, can you repeat back to me the last thing I said to you." Mr. Wade asked.

I lifted my head and took a hard swallow. My heartbeat got faster and I was sure it would eventually beat out of my chest. My bottom lip was abused as I sucked it into my mouth to chew on it for comfort. There was no reason to try and guess, so I just shook my head.

" I-I--I don't know s-s-sir"

I heard a frustrated sigh leave from his mouth. " Mr. Mason. I'm sorry but I'll have to talk to your mother. Lately you have been losing focus in class and it's taking a bad toll on some things."

My heart sank to the floor---not literally--- when he said that. My cheeks got hotter as I flushed even more from embarrassment. It was already enough that everyone was focused on me. Now everyone knew my business. How terrific.

To my luck the bell rang and I quickly gathered my things. Usually I would move slowly but it was lunch time and I wanted to escape this classroom and all the embarrassment I had suffered. Zio had already left but his scent still lingered in its place.

The halls were pretty empty, everyone must've already made their way to their eating spots. I had my own where I ate with a friend. But not today. She had a date with her mate and I didn't want to be that selfish friend who kept their friends all to themselves. Oh well, at least I didn't have to hear her brag about the guy and 'mother' me about finding my mate soon since 'I was already 24 and would need to find one before I grow old'

I was scrolling through my phone looking for a new e-book to read. As I continued to stare at the ground, not looking up to become aware of my surroundings, I ran into what felt like a wall but there was no way it could be. I backed away and let my eyes gaze up at what I'd bump into.

There stood Zio Miller. Six foot four, arms and hands that can easily crush or hold someone tightly. Those entrancing hazel eyes that could make anyone fall to their knees. A face and body that had nicely defined muscles and features that you'd believe a god made him.

His eyes met mine. His deep hazel eyes, maybe even golden around the edges, gazing over my smaller figure as if wondering what he should do. I stood, slightly scared, waiting for something to happen. The silence between us felt awkward and I decided to just go ahead and apologize.

" I-I am s-s-so sorry! I wasn't p-p-paying attention t-t-to where I w--was going!" I exclaimed apologetically.

A deep growl left his lips, perhaps of satisfaction, and a shudder ran up and down my spine. He reached out a hand and I flinched unsure of what his intentions were. I felt his thick fingers pull at my chin, lifting my head to force me to look at him. That gaze of wonder looked at me once again as he stared into my eyes and I stared back.

" You..." He started, and I prepared myself for the scolding. But to my surprise he spoke in a softer tone. "Should watch where you're going little mouse." His deep and husky voice spoke, causing a tingle to go though my body and butterflies to form in my stomach. My face heated up and a peachy pink blush came to my face

He examined me once more, a pleasing smile formed from his lips as if he was proud of how I reacted to him. His hands left my chin and went to fix my crooked glasses. Zio gave a wink before walking off. Leaving me to become an even more flustered mess. I stood there processing what had just happened before I returned to my phone to text Riley--the friend on a date--. I arrived at my eating spot, waiting for her to reply. My face red both from semi-running my way here and from think about the recent events.I set my bag down and took out a small carton of strawberry milk. I used a straw to drink from it but it seemed that I did more chewing on the straw rather than drinking.

" Sorry! Just saw your text! Why are you so frantic? " Riley finally replied.

" No It's alright. I just had a strange interaction with Zio..."

" Zio? Like THE Zio Miller? The Head Alpha? "

" Yes him! "

" Ok, Well spill! Tell me what happened. "

I rolled my eyes at the text and set the carton of milk down.

" For some context, I was rushing and not paying attention so that's how I ended running into him in the first place. When I did though, he didn't get furious. Instead he softened his tone, grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. THEN! he gave me some silly pet name or whatever. He called me Little Mouse."

There was no reply from her for a while. But then I saw the three dots at the bottom of my screen and awaited her response. Eagerly.

" Bambi....That's not a good thing. You remember how I said Zio only gives special names to those who he hates, bullies or to people he wants or possess?"

" Yes, but wait. Does he hate me? Cause if that's the reason..."

" No, Bambi he doesn't hate you. He doesn't stop talking about you non-stop" Riley started. Zio and Riley were both cousins and next door neighbors so they talked to each other pretty often.

" Then...why? "

" It could be...because he wants to possess you. Or claim you as his. Your pet name seemed too special for him to hate you. "

My heart leapt with joy at the text. He wants me? Yes, it was exciting news at first but when the second text came all my excitement left my body...

Hello! Author here. I hope you enjoy the first chapter of my first ever BoyxBoy book. I'm not good in the omegaverse field so please, help me with anything! I'm glad to take any suggestions from you guys out there! The cover is just a temporary thing until I find a good one I like!
