
Chapter 66 The Transgression Of The Son Of Man


Seeing that Kirito actually killed the incarnation of Radius, even the GM couldn't help but exclaimed!

Look at the words that appear in front of you.

The girls all laughed unbridled.

Amid the laughter of the girls, the cross-shaped portal appeared in front of everyone again.

The girls immediately gathered around Kirito and looked at the portal with solemn eyes.


[GM Permission 4: Your actions are restricted by the system! ]


Hearing the system prompt, Kirito was shocked.

He tried to move his body and found that he couldn't even blink.

Not just Kirito.

The surrounding girls were also imprisoned in place by the system.

Kirito was a little panicked: Damn it, what should I do?


[World-class artifact: The Heavenly Law has reached the hand-banning condition, whether to open it! Forbidden hand: The transgression of the son of man. Effect: Invalidate all rules and restrictions. ]

Ignore all rules and regulations?

Kirito felt happy.

But he didn't dare to show it on his face.

The opponent is the GM, and I can only make sneak attacks. Moreover, there is a high probability that there is only one chance, so he must plan it carefully!

Just when Kirito was thinking about countermeasures.

A man's voice came from the portal: "If you don't seek death, you won't die. Why don't there always be people who don't understand this truth?"

This voice is very familiar.

Kirito always felt like he had heard it somewhere.

Soon, a male angel came out of the portal with six female angels!

Damn it!

Kirito was startled.


The person who walked out of the portal turned out to be Hua Ye, the King of Angels in "Super God".

The six angels following him, from left to right, are: Kesha, Hexi, Liang Bing, Ruoning, Yan, Zhui...

Looking at Kirito's shocked expression.

Hua Ye was very proud: "Don't you understand the principle of killing the first bird with a gun? Why do you always go against me? Originally, I kindly planned to kill you all! However, your behavior just now made me Very unhappy. It makes me lose face. So, I decided to punish you well.

These are your women?

Then I will f**k them in front of you, so that you can also experience what humiliation is. "


Hua Ye walked towards Misery.

A flash of despair flashed across Misery's face. She couldn't even die facing Hua Ye, who was the GM.

Seeing Hua Ye walking towards the girl beside Kirito unprepared, Ruoning hurriedly reminded: "Master Hua Ye, please be careful, Kirito is still in the growth stage of [Red Dragon Soul Ring].


Ruoning didn't wait for him to finish.

Hua Ye slapped her in the face with his hand.

Although the two of them were five or six meters apart, red palm prints still clearly appeared on Ruoning's face.

"Who allowed you to interrupt!"

Hua Ye's eyes were full of indifference: "What should I worry about? They have been imprisoned by the system. They can't even blink. Tell me, what should I be careful about?"

Ruoning lowered his head, but he didn't dare to refute a word, and he couldn't refute it!


Hua Ye snorted coldly: 'If you dare to talk too much next time.

Hua Ye raised his right hand and made a motion of wiping his neck with his thumb. The meaning is self-evident.

After scolding Ruoning, Hua Ye continued to walk towards Misery. As the distance between the two people got closer, Hua Ye's expression gradually became lewd.

Just when he was only two meters away from Misery.

Kirito suddenly moved!

Ruoning immediately wanted to rescue her, but suddenly thought of Hua Ye's reprimand just now, and she became hesitant again.

Although Kesha, Hexi, Liang Bing and other angels nearby also saw Kirito attacking Hua Ye, they had no intention of helping.


Kirito's sudden action really shocked Hua Ye.

However, he quickly sneered: "It's useless, I am the GM and I have the blood-locking skill. You will never be able to kill me!"

Blood locking skills?


Kirito had already thought of this.

I also thought of countermeasures for this skill.

Arriving in front of Hua Ye, Kirito stabbed Hua Ye's body with the Yama sword as quickly as possible.

The ability of Yan Mo Dao is separation.

Although its attack did not cause any harm to Hua Ye's body, it successfully separated his soul from his body.

A body without a soul.

It's just a body without consciousness.

Kirito immediately activated the "Predator" skill and ate Hua Ye's body!

According to the settings of the predator's skills: as long as it is an unconscious target, it can devour it and gain the opponent's abilities.


Being driven out of the body.

Hua Ye's soul. In other words, consciousness becomes a pink stuffed rabbit.

what's the situation?

Seeing his body being eaten by Kirito, Hua Ye panicked instantly!


Panic, panic!

Hua Ye had no idea.

The image of the pink doll bunny is only used by him to attend GM gatherings. He has no GM skills at all!...Please give me flowers…0



There is no means of attack.

Hua Ye, who looks like a rabbit, can't even defeat the lowest-level one-horned rabbit in the game.

Run away!

Before being discovered by Kirito. Run away...

Think of this.

Hua Ye turned around and ran towards the teleportation array.

Just when he was less than five meters away from the teleportation array, he was suddenly stepped on by a foot!

He looked back!

It turned out to be Ruoning who had just been reprimanded by him.


Hua Ye became angry instantly and growled in a low voice: "Asshole, what are you doing? Let me go quickly... No, you bastard, take me and run away with you!"

Ruoning looked at Hua Ye at his feet with cold eyes, reached out and picked it up from the ground: "What a pity, Mr. Hua Ye, you are no longer the GM, nor the king of angels! Now you are just a Ordinary doll rabbit, you are no longer qualified to give orders to me!"



He didn't expect Ruoning to speak to him in such a tone.

Hua Ye was angry and annoyed, but there was nothing he could do. Because everything Ruoning said is true. He is indeed not qualified to order Ruoning now.

Just when Hua Ye wanted to beg Ruoning for mercy.

Ruoning had already carried Hua Ye, who had turned into a rabbit, and walked to Tongren and knelt in front of Tongren together with Kesha, Hexi, Liang Bing, Yan, and Chai.

"Angel Kesha!"


"Angel Ruoning!"

"Angel Liang Bing!"

"Angel Yan!"

"Angel Chase!"

"Meet the King of Angels, Kirito-sama!"

After absorbing Hua Ye's body, Kirito has inherited everything about Hua Ye, including the identity of GM and King of Angels.


Kirito walked over and slapped Ruoning.

Huge power.

Kill Ruoning instantly on the spot!

Later, Kirito said to Misery: Misery, resurrect the angel named Ruoning just now!

Misery agreed.

Immediately used the resurrection technique to revive Ruoning!


Unexpectedly, Kirito would resurrect him, Ruoning's face was full of confusion!

Kirito smiled and explained: "Ruoning, I hit you because your reminder to Hua Ye almost ruined my plan."

Ruoning quickly lowered his head: "I'm sorry! I..."

Kirito waved his hand to stop Ruoning from apologizing: "There is no need to apologize, I have already punished you, and this matter is over. Serve me well in the future, and I will not treat you badly!"
