
Lin Ruoxi is dying?

Until now, Wu Xue had held a steadfast belief that Fang Dongmei was an unwavering pillar of loyalty within the company. However, the shocking revelation from Zhang Wei shook her to the core.

Evidently, Fang Dongmei's prolonged presence in this small company was solely motivated by the allure of money, specifically the potential windfall from her shares if the company were to be listed.

It was nothing short of a bitter truth, a reality that extended beyond the company's walls.

Even the exorbitant salaries of top executives were nothing more than minuscule grains of sand in comparison to the astronomical housing prices that loomed over their heads.

It became apparent that the true driving force behind their dedication to their positions lay in the realm of company stocks.

Brimming with rapid growth, the real estate division stood on the precipice of an imminent listing, an event that would undoubtedly fuse its fate with that of Pearl Cosmetics in the not-so-distant future.