
CH375. He does, Xiao Xiao

And she had always felt so sad whenever her colleagues praised her for gaining weight.

After that, she goes back home to keep Yu Yan company. At last, she had some time for herself.

The last two weeks have like hell to her. She would go to work very early and come back so late in the night.

"What?" She exclaims when she sees Lu Yu Yan. "What happened? You do not lool like yourself."

Lu Yu Yan smiles weakly. "I am fine Xiao Xiao."

"No! You are not fine Yu Yan. See, you wanted to meet me the other day. You have something to tell me?" 

"Xiao Xiao..." Lu Yu Yan calls with a defeated look on her face.

"Yes?" Ye Xiao Xiao says and holds her hands. "Yu Yan, we are here for you. Tell me what that is disturbing you."

"Will you help me?" Yu Yan asks again. 

"If it is possible, I will. Just tell me what you want," Ye Xiao Xiao says with pity.

"Xiao Xiao, Luoshan is back..." Yu Yan says at last.

"What? He came back?" Ye Xiao Xiao asks in surprise.

"Mmh, he did. I do not even know what to do," she says with a nod of her head.

"He has not talked to you?" Ye Xiao Xiao asks worriedly. If Yu Luoshan is back, it should be a good thing for her.

"He came to find me a week ago," she says and looks away.


" I refused to see him. But he had been calling me daily. He says that he is sorry," Yu Yan replies. 

Ye Xiao Xiao sighs in relief. "You scared me. I even thought that he does not want to see you. Or...do you still love him?"

Yu Yan is silent for some time. She seems to be having complicated feelings.

"I love him," she says at last. "But..."

"But?" Ye Xiao Xiao asks her. "Do not hurt yourself. If you love him, just let him explain to you why he left."

"Hhm," Lu Yu Yan sighs. "You do not understand. Min Chen will not let me meet him again..."

Ye Xiao Xiao remains quiet. That is true. With how protective Lu Min Chen is always over Yu Yan, he will not allow a man like You Luoshan come any close to her again.

"How did you want me to help you?" Ye Xiao Xiao asks Yu Yan. Things seem complicated.

"I want to get together with him. But you know Min Chen has the final words. And Luoshan is afraid of him."

"Just tell him that you still love Luoshan. He will listen to you, right?"

Yu Yan shakes her head immediately. "Xiao Xiao, Min Chen listens to you more than anyone. Can you please talk to him on my behalf?" 

"Yu Yan?" Ye Xiao Xiao asks in shock. "He does not listen to me. You are just..."

"He does, Xiao Xiao. You just do not know. But he does everything you ask him to."