
CH335. Even gluttons are still adorable

And this is the final blow to the old man. "You...just how much do you know?"

He knows that he cannot keep pretending any longer.

But Lu Min Chen only smiles. "Not much," he says. "I just do not know what you have been doing with her in there. But now that she has turned you down and left, I think it is nothing good," he says.

And there is a loud bang as the old man knocks off everything from the table. "Whether you know or you do not, I have to warn you now. Young man, you know my wrath, right?"

Lu Min Chen remains silent. But the reaction from the old man shocks him. It was too much from what he had expected.

"Listen here, I give you three days. You have to make her come to the company, or I will know what to do!" The old man goes back to his usual way of doing things.

"And will you benefit by doing anything to her? You now how stubborn she is, right?" Lu Min Chen asks.

"Okay!" The old man roars. "Lu Min Chen! You are a Lu, I made you one. But I think that girl had ruined your brain cells..." He says and moves closer to him.

"You are talking like this to your grandfather because you think that there is nothing I can do again to you? The orphanage is at place XX in city X. My men are around it, what do you think?"

Lu Min Chen's hairs on the body stand straight. How did he find out about the orphanage?

"I made you clever, you know what to do..." He says and stands up.

Reaching the door, he halts and looks at Lu Min Chen. "I will leave you a way just because you are my blood. But you have three days... Three days... I mean it! Make her come back to the lab, or divorce her infront of the media! I will have everything prepared!"

Lu Min Chen pouts. And his head hurts. Three days?


The moment Ye Xiao Xiao reaches the hotel described by Lin Mo, he is already waiting.

He waves his hand happily towards her. He had missed her so much.

"What would you like to eat?" Lin Mo asks after Ye Xiao Xiao had taken a seat.

And as it used to be in the car, Ye Xiao Xiao orders all of her favourite dishes.

This makes Lin Mo so happy. They are travelling back to their past.

Even if she is another man's, they still have a long history together.

"I am not a glutton, right?" Ye Xiao Xiao asks him with a smile. 

And he laughs. "Even gluttons are still adorable," Lin Mo replies.

Ye Xiao Xiao laughs. And she likes Lin Mo for that reason. He is always accepting her for who she is!

"You have gained some weight," Lin Mo observes. "Is he treating you better nowadays?" He asks. She is no longer so skinny as she used to be in the past?