
CH249. Call me if it gets worse

He goes back to feel her temperature and tries waking her up.

But Ye Xiao Xiao just says some things that he does not understand.

He quickly calls his doctor. He is filled with fear. Did she get fever from what he did to her yesterday?

He walks outside and comes back with a piece of cloth and ice cubes.

He places it on her forehead and tries cooling down her body.

But it is the piece of clothes that gets hot from being in contact with her skin.

Luckily, the doctor arrives quickly and checks on her.

"What is wrong?" Lu Min Chen asks his doctor worriedly. The doctor looks at him in hesitation. And it angers Lu Min Chen.

"Can't you talk?" He asks with irritation. Ye Xiao Xiao's life might be in danger. And this old man here is still hesitating.

"Um... Were you intimate with her?" The doctor asks at last. And he feels like slapping himself.

He has been Lu Min Chen's doctor for so many years now. And he has never heard of him touching any girl. So this...

"Could that have caused her fever? What should I do?" Lu Min asks.

"Cough!" The doctor coughs awkwardly. He had not expected that that would be the case. Lu Min Chen actually slept with a woman.

However, he swallows hard when he received a cold look from Lu Min Chen.

He shakes his head. "Nope, it is not a very big deal. She will be fine after taking enough rest. It is just that she might have caught the fever before the action. And since her body is so weak, she was unable to hold in," he explains.

Lu Min Chen sighs in relief. "She is not in danger?"

The doctor shakes his head. "You just need to be gentle with her any time you are intimate until her body gets accustomed to it."

Lu Min Chen nods in understanding at the doctor's words. He must have been a little hard on her yesterday.

"But for now, her temperature is too high. She needs a drip."

Lu Min Chen nods again and watches as the doctor arranges everything.

He feels bad for her and even prefers that he was the one sick instead of her.

The doctor hands Lu Min Chen some medicine. "I think it is not very serious. She can do without them. But if the fever persists for more that a day, she has to eat some."

Lu Min Chen takes the medicine and reads the prescription with seriousness.

"Call me if it gets worse," the doctor says and walks out.

Lu Min Chen does not even bother to send him out, not like the doctor would have wanted him to.

He gets on the bed and wipes off the sweat from Ye Xiao Xiao's head again.

And he does not leave her side for a long time, observing every change on her body.

Three hours later, the fever goes a little down and Lu Min Chen relaxes.