
CH112. I personally paid you a visit

And it is usually so bad. You should prefer being handled by his subordinates if you ever land in his hands.

Lu Min Chen takes steady steps into a certain room. A man is locked onto a chair with his eyes closed. He looks at him closely. This man that tried to kill his wife...

The people in the room bow at him with respect. Lu Min Chen nods his head and takes a seat, after one of the men has cleaned it for him.

Lin Chan snaps his finger and one of the men walks in with a bucket full of ice cold water.

He pours the whole bucket on the head of the man tied onto the the seat.

The man jolts awake and shakes his head. He sits up straight and looks around the room fearfully.

"I personally paid you a visit," Lu Min Chen says. He looks at the man coldly and with anger. 

But the man still says nothing. He looks at his hands and legs that are tied and purses his lips. 

Li Chan moves forward and gives the report of the man to Lu Min Chen.

"Boss, he is one of the underlings of the Double organisation, a little organisation in the city. But his boss says that he did not assign him this job, neither did he know that he had taken it. He has washed his hands over the matter and asked us to handle it the way we want."

Double organisation is just a small group of a assassins that deal with small victims.

They are probably very afraid of big forces such as that of Lu Min Chen. 

It is obvious that they would never attempt to cross paths with Lu Min Chen.

Lu Min Chen might just need three of his men to complete the job of sweeping off the force in just an hour.

Then they will all have to disappear without a trace from this world.

"Mmh, I see," Lu Min Chen says and looks at the man again. "So, if your boss did not send you, who did?" He questions him.

In his life, he hates these kinds of underlings who would betray him and take some actions by themselves without any consultation.

"Tell him the rule," Lu Min Chen says to Li Chan when he gets not response from the man.

Li Chan looks at the man on the seat and smiles bitterly at him. 'Was he stupid to take such a task that is against the young Master?'

"You are given only three chances. You can either choose to say the whole truth and earn yourself a quick death and save  your family, or keep quiet and receive the best torture until you beg for death. So, here is your first chance, are you willing to confess?

However, the man only looks at him without saying a thing. It seems like he is very loyal to whoever that sent him.

'So stupid,' Li Chan thinks. Does he think Han Chan will come to save him?