
CH1. Attracts too much attention

Ye Xiao Xiao looks at the email showing that she has qualified for the job she applied for and smiles. At least there is hope now.

She quickly contacts the number given and she is informed to report to work the following day.

Several days ago, she got a special invitation asking her to apply for the job. What made her interested is the fact that she will be working in an orphanage, taking care of kids like herself. She is also considered an orphan now.

She attended the interview a few days ago and now she has just qualified. She is going to have her own source of income after struggling for so long.

At first, she wasn't sure if she would qualify. She is just a high school graduate who had no any qualifications at all. So, getting a job at the orphanage that is run by the most powerful family in the country is not something easy.

Ye Xiao Xiao has been a partial orphan since young. Her parents got divorced when she was still very young. Her mom left with her brother, while she was left in the hands of her father.

Life with her dad was never difficult, she had everything she needed. Be it love, care, advice...her dad was always there for her.

But without warning, he contracted a deadly disease which deprived him of his good health.

They spend almost every cent they had, ending up so poor. And before she had time to agree to their change in life, he died. He died and left her alone, all by herself.


Ye Xiao Xiao travels to Z city as she has been instructed very early the following day. She knows that work will not be easy for her at first, but she still has to adjust herself accordingly.

She is welcomed and given her room. She arranges her things and decorates it to her taste.

Later, the woman who had welcomed her comes to see her. She introduces herself as the manager. Xiao Xiao can tell that she is a nice woman, or rather, she is nice to her.

Madam Chen, the manager also loves the girl immediately.

And to think of that, who will not love to sit and chat with that beautiful and doll like little being?

She attracts too much attention just by her appearance. 

"Don't talk too much in the presence of the young master and don't go too close to him. He hates all the other women save for his mother. I am afraid that I have to put the young you in the position that the young madam has ordered. She wants you to serve him, a duty that has only ever been done by men."

Xiao Xiao looks at the manager in confusion. " Am I not supposed to work with the children?" she asks. That was the job she applied for.

The manager looks at her and shakes her head. "We don't decide by ourselves here," she says. "They give an order and we follow."