
The own living kid

Once there was a very small kid. He always used screens and watched lots of videos. when he was three years old he started using his mother's phone he used it all day. When his mother said to him that give me back he always screamed and starts crying. he doesn't did anything. He started playing games and his eyesight got weaker and weaker. One morning his mother noticed something that he was scrubbing his eyes again and again. So she took him to the doctor and the doctor said that he got the ugly glasses. After that he was very afraid to wear them. He was pressurized to wear the. But, guess what he didn't stopped using screens and his eyes got weaker and weaker he didn't eat all day. So one day he got ill and started crying. His mother gave him medicine and then said to him to not use that much screens so he started thinking about it. Then he tried to use it less. And he said sorry to his mother..... and he was very sorry for his eyes too.....

So this was the story of a very personal kis.