
A man with nothing in his life still in 37 years old life petup from his life standing like a single tree in a desert ..why??

Hello dear friends it's a really story it's not a time pass honestly my life start with illness from the beginning my body like a small ten like always playing alone no one can try to play with me every boby think I m a mad man but why ?? There is still nothing with me in the stage of my life in 37 years old life I m still standing on my parents help .I try many jobs in my country out of my country but I have nothing why I 10 years old daughter died in car accidents b4 3 years I think it's my life last day but I m still living why I m the only man in my family who have nothing no one can give me respect when i m alone i m crying like a baby why God born me for this world. Every body needs money for a friendship for a relationship but I dont have why .the man who have no money he his no right to live with people to play with friends want to eat a good meal new clothes why it is happening in this world only please tell me .I always try to b died because I m tried of my life why I m still standing alone and helpless in this world why .I can do any kind of work hard work office work anywhere why I m not getting something in my life still in my 37 years old stage please can you help in finding friends and a loving family not for money only with me please think about in this world there is many people like me who have no friends no matter to live his life like that .....thankyou so much