
The Unbelievable News

Two hours later my sister texted me back saying "Hey. I'm sorry I left like that, you just don't understand." Now, when my sister said that" you don't understand" part, I grew worried because I've never seen her text like this before. From how she texted me the message she sounded like she was scared, hurt, or worried about me for some reason. I told her "It fine but why are you so scared to tell me why I should delete my account.

She didn't text me back until 30 minutes later... Saying "Their something you don't know about this website. It's not just some app you make friends and play games on. This is serious!". I texted immediately saying what are you talking about. She again didn't text me until 30 minutes later saying "DELETE THE ACCOUNT WHILE YOU STILL HAVE TIME, BEFORE THEY COME GET YOU."

I jumped out of my bed in horror because of the capital letters. I felt that she was serious, so I called her while I got up to go grab my laptop. I pulled up the website and logged in so I can delete it.

But as soon as I logged in my sister answer the phone and her voice gave me shivers because she was panicking so much. Why I have no idea! "Sis, I'll explain everything later just delete the darn website. You need to stop asking question and just do what I tell you, now yes I know it's out of the blue and stuff, and I know you really don't understand but please just delete the website." She said in horror and tears. "Why ar..." Before I can even finish my sentence she hit me with a "Your in danger, and so is your family". My heart drop when she said it. I turned to my laptop and saw something that confused me at first, but than made sense at the end when fully understood what my sister said. I turned to look at my laptop and froze from what I saw.

My location icon popped on my bottom right corner. I asked my sister "Does my location iron have something to do with what your talki...". My Sister panicked and said "Oh my god, GET OUT NOW! IF YOU CAN GET YOUR MOTHER OUT. GO THREW THE BACKDOOR AND THREW THE WOODS, go to our favorite spot in the woods, i'll meet you there! I promise" I threw my laptop and ran out my room to my mother who was washing dishes, listen to her favorite show.

I just grab her arm and told the main parts of the situation, she looked at me scared and pissed. She ran in her room to her bed, pulled the top layer of her bed off and pulled a gun with bullets on the side out. She told me to go cut off every light in the kitchen and to go grab two knives for me and her. When I approached the kitchen I turned the light off and quickly to go grab the knives, when I grab the knives I look up to see a black car coming in our drive way with no light on. My mouth dropped! My mother came crawling to me and grabbed my shoulders and said "I saw the car too, but listen I need you to focus OK. Take this and keep in in your pocket, for now!" My mother handed me a pocket gun, she putted the other bulls in my pants pocket for later. "Baby, I need you to be a big girl and listen to me, when I tell you to do something doing I need you do do it quick, ok!!!". I shook my head ok. We ran towards the backdoor, quick and quiet.

As soon as we open the back door we heard the front door open, we tried to closed the door silently but it slammed. Which alerted who walked in our house, we panicked and started to run toward the woods.....

Hi, I hope you like my novel so far. Please rate and comment on my novel too. I would love the feed back. Today chapter was suppose to come out last night but my internet went out because of the snow, but it's back on. So here it it.

The next chapter would be called (Run to safety)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {updates: Every Sunday}

Babylila16creators' thoughts