

A normal mech geek gets reincarnated in marvel universe in the world boku no hero academia as superman with some powers of his own with some dc elements. Author: It will the timeline of year 2040 or 2060 or so to make sure the characters are present in this timeline, I will use 2XXX to rpresent year, calculations are messed up to pick an year. Stark will be born at 1998 or so captain will be in ice longer 90 years. Quirk Awakening will be at 1955 along with X-Men scenario.

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Cómic
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!!!! Meanwhile while the trio hashed it out in the forest!!!!!

Thor and Loki was having a heated conversation about the murder loki caused. Loki arguing how Thor shruggs the conflict off in Midagard while they slaughter each other without care like he enjoys it like ant fighting a ant. Loki is giving lecture on how he would be right to rule them and show the proper path of conquest to the stars with their gifts.

Loki shows odinson how he has grown and saw power beyond the realms and his reach for him to obtain.

Thor wanted to know who has showed Loki this power and changed his mindset but was ignored.

Thor was arguing about the beauty of ruling but loki only laughs and scoffs at him.

"There is no beauty in ruling brother"

Thor: Where is the tessaratct loki!.

Loki: I don't know, even I have made them make it disappear out of my knowledge.

Thor grabs his Hammer and tries to give another lecture of ethics.

Thor: Listen here brot-

Boom Iron Man slams him and takes him to the forest.

Loki : I am listening!.

Tony Rams Thor through several trees finally letting him go and body slamming thor getting up after the collision.

Thor: I have no quarrel with you tin man.

Tony: Then don't touch my stuff!.

Thor: You have no idea what you are dealing with.

Tony: Shakes pear in the park. Thy mother has forget to maketh her son wear her drapes!

Tony: Tourist!.

Thor throws his hammer again with stark dodging his attacks and proceeds to fire his repulsors.

Tony moves fast and ambushes Thor from the back with several blows to the chin and a headbutt.

Tony and thor goes on a contest of strength but to tonys surprise Thor is folding his armour trough his elbows.

Thor does the same but causing a dent on the head of the iron armour.

Tony again fires all his boosters to max to escape thors brunt of attack while he was lying on the floor causing thor to fall over as he flew under his feet. Tony gets up and his body slams Thor throwing him to the cliff and ploughs his way upward and thorough the trees.

Amidst this Loki was enjoying his brother having his ass beat. If only he had popcorn!. Mortals have made some strange toys for him to applaud.

Thor spins his hammer and for the second time body slamming him, he will refuse to be bested in brawling as he is the king of brawling.

Thor shoots like a bolt towards stark throwing him to the centre of the forest.

Thor raises his hammer to the sky and gathers the cloud for lightning to hit the hammer.


A crackling lighting hits the hammer and shoots it toward the surprised stark.

[Tony: How many abilities does asgardians have?. Flight, Speed and strength?. Now lightling?]

While tony was having this thought he gets set ablaze by the lightling.

Instead of harming him his suits energy cells get's charged to the brim.

Tony: Well will you look at that!.

Jarvis: Arc reactor at full capacity.

Tony Fires the tri beam and repulsors at thor throwing him off-guard and takes the brunt off attack.

While this was happening Captain threw away the parachute and looks at the devastation.

Steve: Maybe I should have sit this one out.

He reaches the edge of cliff in a spring and throws his shield to the two to stop the fight and be a peace maker. The shield slams on both of their chest and returns to him.

Steve: Enough! both of you!. You Asgardian drop the hammer.

Thor: You want me to drop the HAMMER!.

Tony: No no he like his hammer.

Thor takes the hammer and rams it to stark and flies of to slam captain with hands clasped on his hammer to swing the mighty Mjolnir.

Captain Raises his Shield to take the brunt.


The moment hammer falls a huge shockwave radiated through the forest and takes thor by surprise shoving him away.

After the smoke clear sometime the trio get up standing in the middle.

Captain: Are we done?.

Thor and Stark after their heads being rammed by shockwave boggling their minds nodded slowly.

Loki fell face flat after being thrown away by the shockwave while assessing his competitors. He lifts his head and does a classic hair swing.

!!!!! Meanwhile after few weeks with a certain kryptonian!!!!

Clark: Hmm blue sun my senses seems to sharpen with each gulp of it's radiation. Teacher only said to stay for an hour or I'll get supercharged.

Clark Finishing his classes on I-Island and Making clay bricks to hold the molten Uru for his project Babylon and Monarch.

Clark: Haa so much work it does not seem to end at all, let's visit Kamar- Taj to see the Avengers Progress.

Clark opens a portal and disappears after wearing clothes that is, at the first time he entered butt naked Wang got petrified and so did Raven who was having a hotpot and spew out on wangs belly.

Ancient one: So how was the drink any changes?.

Clark: My senses seemed to have sharpened and so did my super vison observing at Atomic and Nano levels.

Ancient one: Hmm it seems the post war preparations is already finished.

Clark: I noticed and it seems Thor only gave lecture about the Chitauri not the infinity stone under odins orders.

Ancient One: Well the temptation for it's power is endless.

Clark: Did banner arrive or did the Black Widow get banged up by him.

The Ancient one gives a Smirk.

Ancient one: Well Natasha had quiet the experience, you saw for yourself.

Clark: Isn't he in India?.

Ancient One: Yes and it seems the SHIELD is trying to hide it's mess by burying the fact of the Tessaract and that it was a villian with a nuclear quirk causing havoc not a.

Clark: Typical I'd say my previous worlds government did the same stuff covering it's sins.

Ancieent: I wonder how was you world like. I know it did not have supernatural beings only heroes in comics, how was it there?.

Clark: A place where world war 3 happened and you can imagine the rest.

Ancient one: Well it looks like you lived in a hell hole with your tone.

Clark: Aren't you right. Banner huh! so can he be made a hero after his misunderstood villainous records?.

Anicent one: We will see about that, but for now stop your weapon building and projects, we need to intercept unknown factors.

Clark: Haa! yeah so can I steal the scepter?. That thing messes with the head.

Ancient one: You decide and please hide it's signature.

Clark: I'll hide it in a place where no one can find it.

Ancient: Where will that be?.

Clark: Mars.

Ancient one: .....

!!!!! Back to Banner and Natasha !!!!!!

A little Girl was running across the streets of the village, Between the vans with fruits and tea shops at the sides of the street. Stalls with sarees and Basic commodities making it jam packed with cars and rickshaws squeezing through the road .

She quickly made her way through the crowd and reached a particular house the doctor was residing in dealing with his patient.

She ran up the stairs and quickly alerted the present crowd.

!!!!????!!!: Who are you? go from here, there is sickness all over the place.

!!!!????!!!: ( In Hindi)I need the doctor, My father is sick he does not wake up, please help me doctor!.

Banner washes his hands and looks at the guest trespassing the premises, then he points at the kid and asks her.

Banner: Say it slowly (In Hindi).

She looks at the patient.

Banner:Like him ( In Hindi).

!!!!????!!!!!: Please!.

She shows him the money and baits him.

After few minutes of Banner packing up Banner followed her.

After some Military trucks passed the roads and banner hiding his face so he is not identified he enters a hut. Travelling after thirty minutes without being seen by border patrol he relaxed.

But that was a mistake which he realised after the Girl jumped out of the window and escaped.

Banner: Oh great!, Just great!. You should have been paid upfront banner

Natasha: You should have been avoiding stress, but you chose hell of a place to settle.

Banner: Avoiding Stress isn't the secret.

Natasha: What is it? Yoga?.

Banner: She bought me to the edge of the city smart. I assume the whole place is surrounded by heroes and army.

Natasha: Just you and me.

Banner: And your actress buddy, did she start spying that young

Natasha: I did.

Banner: Who are you?.

Natasha: Natasha Romanoff.

Banner: Are you here to kill me miss Romanoff because that is not gonna work out for everyone.

Natasha: No No of course not I play on behalf of SHIELD.


Natasha: We never lost you doctor.

Natasha: You are a hard man to find Doctor. Your ability to lay low out of heroes watch is commendable. We kept our distance and kept some troublesome parties off you sent.

Banner: Why?

Natasha: Nick Fury seems to trust you, but now we need you to come in.

Banner: What if I say no?.

Natasha: I'll persuade you.

Banner: And what if the other guy says no.

Natasha: You are more than without an incident in an year, I assume you don't want to break that streak.

Banner: I did every time I did what I want.

Natasha: Doctor we are facing a potential Global Level Catastrophe.

Banner: Ha ha all those I actively try to avoide. Can't the so called heroes or All Might deal with it with his honey smile?.

Natasha: All Might's Compromised.

Natasha Brings out a phone and shows a picture to banner.

Natasha: This is the Tessaract having the potential energy to wipe out the planet.

Banner puts on his glasses from his topic and takes a look.

Banner: What does Fury want me to do swallow it?.

Natasha: I want you to find it, it's been taken. It emits a gamma signature that is hard to trace which is too weak. There is no one that knows Gamma radiation like you do. If there was that's where I'd be.

Banner: I assume he is not after the invulnerable monster?.

Natasha: Not that he told me.

Banner: I assume he tells you everything?.

Natasha: Talk to fury he needs you on this.

Banner: He needs me in a cage.

Natasha: No one needs to be put in a cage and your recor-.

Banner: STOP LYING TO ME!!!!.

Natasha take out a gun from under the table and aims at banners face.

Natasha was scared really scared. If not for Natasha learning the news of coulson saying Barton was compromised she would have never dropped the assignment from Ukraine.

Banner: I am sorry that was me. I just wanted to see what you wanted to do. What is we do the easy way instead of the other guy spitting the bullet out making a mess. Is it okay Natasha.

Natasha: Stand down we have everything under control here.

Banner: Just you and me.

!!!!!! In Kamar Taj!!!!

Clark: Well that was nerve racking. With Banner Living and seeing constant conflict I thought he would go for the kill.

Ancient one: You would have knocked him out or took control if his mind anyway.

Clark: Why so late with banner?. Was Natasha too busy with Ukraine?.

Ancient one: You could say so. Some villians are hard to deal with.

Clark: Who would that be?.

Ancient one: You'll see.

Clark: Ursa Major I suppose?.

Ancient one: Yup and many other. Captain Red is here by the way.

Clark: Looks like it is getting better and better.

[ With all the players added the show begins to unfold of earth's first Alien Invasion].