

Izen wasted no time as he dragged him by his feet and moved behind a large dead bush

He dug a small hole and cut the body up before he stuffed it into the hole

Just the sight and sound of the chops made him vomit multiple times, until he was vomiting foam

He quickly cleaned himself up and moved towards the distance

Soon a couple of scrap metal houses appeared in his sigh, but he moved past them and headed to the slightly tall scrap metaled building in the distance

Not long later he stood in front of the building and bowed before he screamed

"Lord Thantar! I Izen! greet you, I have very important news for you!"

Soon a man dawned in white robes walked out and stood in front of the kneeling man

"What is it?" He talked in a calm and conceited tone

"Oh advisor Chris!" Izen mumbled before he continued to say

He quickly jumped out of his daze "I have seen a carriage, it seems that they are moving quickly it looks like a real steal" he kept a stern expression but his excitement was apparent

The man looked down at Izen before he walked into the base silently

"You are dismissed!" suddenly his voice came out from the building


"One! go and get Roun, be quick" Apep ordered

"Yes sir! suddenly the man dissapered

Not long later he reappeared as he held the girl up by her collar, before he disappeared which made her fall onto the ground

"Sorry, Roun he's just jealous" Apep said in a teasing tone as he glanced up slightly

"I heard that you have a brother his name is Athel right?"Apep asked

"Huh?! how do you know about him" Suddenly her face grew dark as her tone wavered

"A leader of a different branch told me he said that he is his master now" Apep said calmly as he analyzed the girls reactions

"I want to see him!!!" she raised her voice slightly

"Calm down, he said that he doesn't want to see you right now" Apep said quickly

"But?!?!??" She hesitated but she wasn't given a chance to continue because Apep screamed

"Enough! he must have his own reasons you have to respect that"

"But!!!! I want to see him!!!! waaaaaaa!"she began to cry

She couldn't even remember the last time she saw him walk effortlessly or even speak a full sentence without a cough, and now he had a whole master and she couldn't even see him and be happy with him, so it took a huge blow on her

"Look I'm sorry but you can't force him to see you, and maybe he just want to get stronger and be able to protect you" Apep said on a soft and calm voice

she didn't say anything and kept her head down before she walked to the wall even though there were no handles or seams, but she came in through that wall so she stood in front of it as a way to say she wanted to leave

Apep examined her for a few seconds before he sighed and waved his had which caused the wall to open and reveal the hallway

He turned around and faced the wall while she stormed out


Athel had cultivated again as he waited for Kolitis

"Hahaha, good, good, now let's begin your real training Kolitis" suddenly appeared and yelled loudly

He snapped his fingers and suddenly lights appeared from the ceiling and a hologram of Kolitis appeared

The is a hologram of myself with only...out of three this is only half of one percent of my power, you will fight this and then you will go down and up these stairs, then you will fight again, I'll give you a hour break and then repeat and don't think of slouching off cause it will attack after the break and you won't be able to stay at the stairs you'll see why" Kolitis quickly said

As he said this stairs opened up in the wall

"Ok," Athel said ,there was no need for confusion everything was explained clearly

Athel jumped back and put on a stern expression it was obvious that he would take on the defensive

Kolitis waved his hand and the hologram dashed at Athel

It moved faster than Athel could see

But he jump in a random direction and hoped for the best, But without fail the hologram punched him with full force which made him vomit food, feces, and bloodthirsty my before he was blasted into the wall

The hologram still didn't stop it it dashed at Athel and sent a bunch of punched at him but he was able to duck and roll before he got hit

But it was not long before he had to vomit feces again cause the hologram caught him and it let a bunch of punches land on Athel

Oh yea I forgot to tell yo it will fight you depending on however long you can hold out and how much you can take without death Kolitis suddenly said before he disappeared


Athel had been knocked out he had been knocked out before but the bot hit him and woke him up multiple times but he was now reaching critical health so they had to stop

The bot stood over him but a chunk of its left arm was missing

"Hahahahaaha..... that boy, he's really surprising" Kolitis' voice suddenly rang out but he was nowhere to be seen


Athel had fallen unconscious as most of his bones had broke, the hologram kicked him up which caused him to wake up and wriggle in pain

He plopped back on the ground with his back facing the hologram

The hologram walked behind him and went in for a kick but Athel suddenly sprang up and grabbed onto its right arm as he bit the left arm and took a chunk of meat

The hologram could feel so it had a change in expression and slowed its reaction and made it winch slightly it was about to attack but Athel suddenly turned fell to the ground and passed out for good which caused the bot to stop and stand still

100th chapter I was late today and it is the 100th chapter so for today I’ll post two chapters the next one will be put in a few hours

LORDOFORIGINALINKcreators' thoughts