

he first scanned through about 500 encyclopedias as he said before they mostly repeated the same information but there was always at least one or two new animals or species that he discovered he already had a basic beast encyclopedia, That had information on regular beast and beasts from rank one to two but now he had a way broader scope of information about Rank three beast and even transcendent beast

when it came to transcendent beast there was only some basic knowledge about them it seemed as if he would have to go to the more prestigious library in order to get more information about the topics that he was interested in

He quickly moved onto other subjects the science and math we're pretty under developed in Earths terms but in this world they were up to par or even extra ordinary A lot of math resembled earth but there was also a lot of it that was completely different and wouldn't make sense on earth Enopy didn't spend time learning it but he always had it within the system it was of no used to him right now but in the future things could change

But without a sun and such things like gravitational pull and such didn't exist but all that could be explained by using fragrance as the base

Music was under develop in terms of tunes but all the instruments that existed on earth were also here purely for noble entertainment

Art was one of the highly revered subject in the world due to the fact that one put into the right hands something literally magical could happen there was even a myth that all magic knights could create a magical art piece using the passion from there life experience

After scanning the library once again he quickly realized that there was not much left but he could learn so he stood up and returned his art history books as he glanced over to the table in the far left corner and realized that the girl had left already

He had been impressed by this girl after all he had spent multiple hours scanning books and she was still there for the majority of the time just reading without saying a word or moving too much, it was a cool and uncommon thing amongst regular humans so he was impressed that she could even sit still for that long without being frantic

For cultivators sitting down for a few hours would only feel like one but a regular humans time was short so a day couldn't just be spent on reading

He quickly finished putting back his books before he made his way out the library

"thank you for your stay!" Maria bowed frantically

Enopy merely ignored her as he walked out as he was quickly greeted by the night sky


Enzo was currently booing his head back and forth in the corner of a room while colorful tones that resemble Dixico balls floated around the room while pulsating music came out of them

He was wearing a Hawaiian like shirt and some brown shorts as he wore sunglasses and drunk from a coconut

The room was dark so there was no need for the sunglasses nor the Hawaiian like dressing…..or the coconut

There were tons of people within the place but him along with a few other people were the only ones standing in the corner looking completely awkward and antisocial it was obvious that he didn't know how to associate with people it seemed like all the time that he spent underground caused him to become severely..antisocial

"Hello, honey" a short girl about 5'5 came up to him and put her hands on his chest she had blonde hair and her face was full of make up not to the point of making her look ugly she had a voluptuous body and a natural charm

Enzo's face instantly went cold as he said "H-hello" she was instantly frightened and immediately speed walked away

He had felt himself getting nervous and on the verge of making an ugly face so he on a serious face to mask his nervousness but it seemed like it went the complete opposite way, but in his mind he just thought that he had lost her because of his looks

Suddenly his face brightened before it turned even colder

"Enzo come here back to the library" Enopy's voice rang out in his head


Para had become a power fanatic after her defeat against Enopy and third time within Enzos separate space so she had been going around to multiple weapon shops and proclaimed artifact shops the artifact shops were mostly scams and the real artifacts to be had there were incredibly weak and mostly damage while the weapon shops pretty much had some regular weapons with no special effects

She walked through the streets as exclaims rang out while everybody moved out of her way making most of the street Barron and quiet while she walked through it

she had no luck the whole day so she had a foul mood but suddenly she shook her head and suddenly disappeared

Enopy had relayed the same message to her so she instantly sprinted over she had nothing better to do

Meanwhile Enzo was taking his sweet and slow time walking back to the library

...…. Time passed slowly as 20 minutes later he finally arrived in front of the library as he laid his eyes on Enopy and Para. Enopy didn't say anything as he merely went on to what he had already explained to Para

"I have gathered all the information that I wanted, so now what information did you guys gain during this time" he looked at both of them with expectancy