

As the week went on the beast tides repeated the cycle of calming down and coming back even stronger then the last as the white tiger pack completely surpressed all other animals in the forest and even sent out a huge massacre

If one were to glance in the white tiger packs direction they would see a huge pile of animal bodies most of them were from the other two great packs

During this time the beast kings had stayed hidden, afraid of offending the great transcendent white tiger so their packs have been greatly reduced even if they wanted to join forces to retaliate at this point there was nothing they can do it was obvious that the white tiger pack wanted to take over the whole forest within due time they would definitely be beaten into submission

Or so that was what they thought but as the week progressed the white tigers eventually retreated, they had already gained a lot of new territory so their retreat wasn't anything special but it surely was surprising

The kids were smart enough to realize what the white tiger pack was doing so they were surprised of the retreat after all the white tiger pack had the power to step over all other packs in the forest but for some reason they stopped as if they had met some terrifying existence


Athel was fighting two golden monkeys they were about the same size as the monkeys on earth but their nails were made out of gold along with their teeth their golden eyes let out a terrifying shine that could potentially make an enemy flinch

In the transcendent realm these monkeys would be able to completely blind their enemy just with a glance although it seemed like transcendent rank for beast was a great thing and it was to humans it was nothing much after all anybody with enough finances and resources could to raise a transcendent beast army but against humans, beast were naturally weaker but It didn't mean that there weren't some terrifying godly beast in the world

Athel had decided a two days ago that he would join the battle but he was only doing it for his own gain simply because he was tired of eating berries and he also saw the benefit in having some true combat training but his fights were completely disappointing

Although he had completely stayed away from beast rank one and up, the fights that he had with bodybuilder Rank animals were completely boring and fruitless he could easily defeat them with the combat experience that he already had from the hellish training that he got from Kolitis so they just proved to be an easy meal for him rather than him gaining any experience although he was pretty happy that he got a bountiful meal out of his fights he felt completely bored as if there was truly nothing to gain from this place

And what do you do when your bored you find something to excite you, and that's exactly what he did, he just so happened to find these two monkeys strolling around together probably make and female so he decided that he would challenge himself with a two on one battle

This battle had already prolonged for about 10 minutes now, he had only gained about 100 scratches on his arms, face, stomach, legs, and especially his chest, But he was still standing strong as the monkeys were in an even worse state, broken arms, and Shattered ribs, but even so their will to live exceeded all as they tried to run away due to the pleading of their instincts

But he quickly darted at them, he kicked one right on the side of it's head causing it to cave-in as it flew into a tree while the next one he quickly grabbed it by its head and slammed his skull on a rock repeatedly until it's head was nothing but mush

He felt pretty good about that battle, after all that was truly a life and death battle one of his first and although he didn't get any real injuries the scratches were enough to tell him that he was still incredibly weak, he was only a rank one bodybuilder but he was able to easily destroy rank three bodybuilder beast, it was an amazing feat but it was also common after a beast were naturally weaker than humans if not physically the mentally


Elizabeth and Ruon were strolling through the forest they weren't doing anything special they were merely strolling around and looking for any bountiful harvest

Every time they met a beast they would take turns fighting after all Elizabeth didn't find it to be babying Ruon and limiting her growth

And besides Ruon's aptitude and power far exceeded her own rank, she could easily take out some bodybuilder beast and even injure a rank one beast

Beast unlike humans didn't have stages within a rank and they merely jumped from rank to rank that was why a Beast would take an extremely long time for it to get to the next rank or have a quantitive change in power

After all for humans a minor rank could already give a major change in power but for beast they had to wait until the next rank to get that huge change in power but that also meant that their power far exceeded A human at the first stage of the same rank but techniques and skills were something that regular beast didn't have so it was very easy to overpower them along with them

It was already nearing the end of the day so they decided to go out and hunt a little after all they hadn't found any fruits and such as they traveled so they decided some meat would be nice for tonight

After about 10 minutes of searching they came across ZelElephant


It looked like a Regular zebra but the nose resembled an anteaters

It was an uncommon animal and was frequently hunted for being a delicacy especially the Black and white trunk

With all the humans in the world this beast could've easily gone extinct that is if it was a normal beast but its speed was so great that one blink would be enough for you to never see it again, it's speed combined with it innate stealth created a terrifying existence if it weren't for the fact that it was a herbivore it would easily be able to Reign supreme over most animals

Elizabeth and Ruon both had grim expressions but that didn't stop them from being excited after all it's not every day where you get to hunt and eat A World renowned delicacy

They instantly stood still as if they were statues they held their breath and waited for the perfect opportunity