
Didn’t wait

"Alright...so there seems to be some tension between us, to ease it we'll go out!" Hestia said as a smile appeared on her arrogant face

Elizabeth nodded in acceptance although she felt fear, she didn't have anything against the lady especially after seeing the annoyed expression that Apep put on when she appeared she couldn't help but find it amusing

Elizabeth Glanced at the cultivating girl it was literally impossible for the girl to not have noticed that they were there but Elizabeth didn't mind that the girl was ignoring her she felt proud at Ruoy for taking her cultivation so seriously it was obvious that Ruon had a new goal that she didn't want to share

Soon Hestia and Elizabeth found themselves in a street filled with food carts, it was different from the other street and it had way more delicious and varying foods

Elizabeth couldn't stop her curiosity at these foods that she had never seen before which easily made her fear completely disappear as she got more comfortable with Hestia

They strolled around for hours as Hestia carried a bunch of food within her arms while she walked around and made comments about the buildings

"ha! I can't believe this building is still here!" Hestia announced as she glanced at the slightly tall Japanese style building m She was mesmerized in her own memories for a few moments but she quickly got out of it as they strolled around the Building Before they went around the side

Elizabeth agreed by saying

"Yeah! it's so big and beautiful they're probably really strong!"

Hestia snorted "this old thing!? ha! this could barely be identified as a minor training facility, ha! they should be embarrassed to have such a small thing in practically the middle of the fucking city!" she said rudely she wouldn't hold anything back, her criticism knew no bounds

Elizabeth was Slightly shocked but her attention was quickly turned towards the stack of food in Hestia's arms she couldn't figure out the reason as to why Hestia would hold the items instead of petting them inside of her space ring

"hahahaha, do you wanna know why I hold them instead of putting them inside my space ring" She had noticed Elizabeth's stare even though she was laughing with her eyes closed

"Y-Yes" Elizabeth replied with a slightly shocked expression she didn't believe that this girl could be truly serious but she had just proved her wrong

"Well, it's a simple thing among inscription masters, once any food goes inside of a space ring it tastes…..just different….. well I don't know explain it, but it taste as if it had left the world. I say left because there's still a bit of familiarity with the world but about 20% of it is gone which for inscription master changes the taste entirely I hope you can understand" Elizabeth stayed quiet and didn't push further But I still could see her confusion so she quickly continue

"Well it's like the worlds energy has been cut off which leaves the food bland despite all the seasonings and flavor, it just doesn't feel right "Hestia explained as some slight clarity came to her mind

"Oh, okay!" Elizabeth didn't quite get it but she didn't want to push on and anger the lady

"All right let's go I would make you start training right now, but I feel like a nice long sleep right now, so tomorrow be ready!" Has deicide before she suddenly disappeared


She quickly appeared in Apep's office

"I don't want to have to do this every time I come into the building those lasers down there want to kill me so bad you might wanna clean up those burn marks and melted spots on the first floor she said as she scratched the back of her head with a wooden chopstick that used to have food on it

So what do you want me to do about it Apep shrugged his shoulders and showed no care

"Let me get one of those identification cards, don't be stingy who knows I might give you a reward" she said slowly as she glared at him with soft eyes

"ha, don't try to trick me I'm only doing this since Sirus want you as her master so I can't have you ruining the building every time you come in here or else I'll have to kick you out and leave her master-less"Apep said quickly

"huh, masterless I think you're mistaken I'll be taking her with me!" Hestia said coldly but Apep showed no care as he got up from his chair and walked to a wall

This wall revealed the same bland room as the stand suddenly came out of the ground as a Apep signaled her to come in

After a few moments she got her dark blue card and she suddenly disappeared, it was obvious that she didn't care and she would choose whatever room that she wanted


A day passed in the blink of an eye

Athel had quickly made it back up the stairs before he decided to rest on the platform on the top of the stairs in front of the door for a while, he hadn't had to sleep so this was the only chance to get rest, he knew that Kolitis would send a challenge his way as soon as he exited the staircase

But suddenly the pressure doubled after he spent about an hour in the same spot he didn't mind it because he was used to that level of pressure but then it doubled again and again and again until it it was at the edge of becoming the same as the bottom platform so he was forced to step out

"Good, good" now you have to fight The hologram as you know" Kolitis suddenly appeared and he announced loudly as he scanned his disciple and praised the new gains and muscles

Athel stayed quiet as he nodded slightly he knew it was coming so there was no need to act surprised

Kolitis's Eyes widened for a second before they retracted back before Athel could notice, he then raised his hand which caused lights to appear from the ceiling as moments later A Burst Fragrance fill the room and finally the hologram appeared

And this time it didn't wait it immediately attacked