

Enzo didn't wait up and continued to punch at the man with his left fist but the man easily stopped it with the tip of his finger nail

"Now that the other man had died his shadow left Enopy which caused his armor to be weakened, But he had no time to focus on such things

He quickly changed his sniper into a stronger one. a Barrett M95 and aimed it it the man's skull


The bullet quickly zoomed through the air and reach the man's head

His head swayed backwards to the point where none of them could see his face as his glasses clacked onto the ground

But he suddenly spraying back up as he showed the bullet in between his teeth before he clamped down on it and dispersed the energy

Enopy was completely amazed by this

The man laid his eyes on Enopy's surprised expression

"Don't worry I don't have the same power as you" he said "I'm just getting the help of the worlds energy... haha it's cool, this technique works with mental energy and at your rank...he took a good look at Enopy "that would be impossible so I guess that you are a mind manipulator but you don't have acsess to the worlds energy…hmm always so fascinating I'll be able to make a breakthrough if I study your techniques, I should make this fast he scanned Enopy and spoke his thoughts out loud as he placed his hand on his chin

He smirked and glanced at Enopy's dark expression

He wasn't happy that his opponent was telling his some details of his power that just meant that he was more confident in defeating them

"Oh don't be so up tight" the man said as he disappeared and reappeared right in front of Enopy

He was taller than Enopy so he glared down at him from above as if he was some God like entity looking down on a mortal

But Enopy knew that that wasn't true after all he actually met an entity stronger than anything that he ever seen before memories of that creepy book appeared in his mind and quickly disappeared as he refocused on the man

Enzo quickly began quietly chanting as he did before he was obviously going to use another powerful technique

Enopy quickly shot at the man's foot the thought gun technique now had some physical properties so it easily went through the bridge of the man's foot and destroyed the bones from the inside

Besides all that the man still floated as if nothing had happened as if half of his foot wasn't flimsy

Enopy quickly abandoned the gun and re-materialized his two sabers, the red one was still near the other man's body so he took out another long black one and jumped into the air

He wanted to make as much distance as possible he didn't want to let opponent hit him or even graze A single hair on his body

He sliced down with Immense force which caused two wind blades to be created and diverge on the man's position

But like usual the man had disappeared and without fail he appeared right above Enopy with a huge smile on his face and his leg ready to kick him down to the ground but Enop he had already predicted this he instantly used burst and moved to the other side of the man and kicked him with all his force to the point where his leg almost snapped

The man was A bandit after all so he instantly fell towards the ground due to him not having a flying technique like Enopy

But the man still kept the smile on his face

Para had been charging up a deadly attack Energy was being absorbed into the tip of her blades through the can like object on the bottom of the hilt

Little squares opened up all around her armor that absorbed Energy

She looked like a deadly beam that had a bunch of small hinged Opened doors on her

And it was an accurate description she had a ton of jets all over her body filled with power ready to explode but she continued to charge even more power

Meanwhile Enzo had finished chanting

He suddenly let out a bunch of fire but instead of aiming it at the man he directed it towards the ground and created a pool of magma That created a bunch of steam

He ignored Enopy's and Para's glares he knew that the technique hadn't showed its true power

He suddenly reached out his hand no immediate effects were shown but he knew that he had to hurry up the man had been pulled multiple miles away Buy Enopy but he was now sprinting at Enzo with dangerous speeds to the point where Enopy and Para almost couldn't see him

Enzo urgently sped up his technique and the True effects Where shown

The steam condensed over and over and over again it didn't turn into ice but it turned completely still as if it was a marble it had now took in the form of a staff but it continue to condense until it took the form of a long jagged shard

The man was only a few feet away from him and his next step would bring him right to Enzo

Enzo seemed to have stumbled in fear and didn't send off the technique allowing the man to converge directly on his position with a fully charged fist

But suddenly Enzo wore a smile as he sent off the technique which cut right through the man's heart

"bam!" The man still punched at Enzo which turned him back into slime that splattered everywhere

But the slime still converged together and re-created his figure a couple feet away from the man

Enopy and Para's were a little disgusted with Enzo dirt had fused with his figure so when he turned back into his human form he looked as if his skin was sandpaper

The muscles around the man's heart compressed and mended the wound but even he knew that as soon as he relaxed he would die

He quickly reached into his sock and piles a pill in his mouth in order to slow the effects

He wanted to kill them before his last breaths