
Chapter 6

Jerry and Rufus exchanged comfounded looks now and both men shook their heads. "No man..." Said Jerry protested. "I don't think that's the case here. The Susan I saw with my own eyes seems to be enjoying the company of that old fox. I mean, she's even living in one of his houses here in Kaduna, despite the fact that she knows that he's married and his family are in Abuja."

Stephen stopped pacing now, shrugged off his suit and threw it on the chair but it only slipped to the floor and he didn't care, but Jerry picked it off the floor and draped it over his knee. "I still don't believe that Susan will just decide to leave me standing on our wedding day. I need to see her. I need to speak to her. I need her to tell me to my face that she doesn't love me anymore. I need her to look into my eyes and tell me that she no longer loves me! I need to hear the truth from her own mouth and only then will I believe what you guys are saying!" Stephen adamantly said.

"I don't think that's a good idea, sir." Rufus stated. "You can't just walk up to the Major's gate and ask to see his woman." He bent his index finger and middle finger joined together in the air to lay emphasis to the last word. "You and I know that would require a penalty from the cruel man. He's that ruthless, and besides, today is still Saturday and this incident is still fresh. There's no telling if you'll go berserk and try to strangle the life out of Susan when you see her... You are still pretty much livid."

Stephen sat down again. "What do I do then? What do I do?" He anxiously asked.

"I think you should just wait it out. We will corner her when she's not at the Major's house. I'll simply speak to Anne to help tell us her whereabouts and it would be easy to meet with her in public, and then maybe you two can sit down and thrash out this issue like two adults." Jerry suggested.

Stephen leaned his back against the chair, folded his arms on his chest and crossed his legs at the ankle as he contemplated what to do. This heartbreak was so strong and deep that he felt it in the depth of his soul. He even doubted if his parents would ever forgive him for causing them such embarrassment, but that was not his problem now; he knew that once he saw Susan face to face, they would iron out whatever the issue was and would simply fix another wedding date and get married.

Fixing this was that simple that Stephen was certain that everyone would even forget that today ever happened. He just had to see Susan at all cost and make things right, but it was frustrating that he would have to wait till Monday which felt awfully long for him to wait, but he had no choice but to wait.

This was a girl whom he had dated for six years and had grown so attached to and he was not willing to lose her just like that. No man would take her away from him, no man! If they wanted her so bad, they should be ready to kill him first to get to her because he was ready to lay his life down for Susan. She was worth every bit of it.