
Malignant Love

Kate is a girl living in a shaded world. She prefers to be alone than pretend to like and be liked. She sees the world full of hypocrites and judgmental people. Pia, her friend, is the only person who can tolerate her attitude and her bad mouth. One day, Samuel, a new student entered their class. He secretly has a huge crush on Kate but he barely knows her. Will that change his feelings for her once he learned about her and her past? Or he will light the shaded world of Kate? What will happen when the past of Kate ghosts her? Brave women follows heart over mind. They mostly choose their MALIGNANT LOVE than a happy-ever-after like love.

DaoisteKcXLB · Adolescente
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: I think we're destined

Chapter 1

Kate's POV

Time really flies, I'm in 2nd year college now and I'm so excited because I'm supposed to be released to our cooperating schools. I hope I don't end up in terror teacher 'coz it will be hard for me to observe knowing that there is a monster in front of me who is ready to swallow me with his students anytime. I overheard those things to those who are a year ahead of us. Our section is close to them except me. I don't feel them and I don't care.

Oops! I forgot to introduce myself. I am Kate Louise S. Antonio, second year college taking up Bachelor of Elementary Education. Don't ask me why I took up this course because even I don't know the reason. Maybe I just don't know what I'm going to take so that's it. Eventually, I'm starting to love what I'm doing. I'm starting to value this course because here I learned to read someone and someday nothing will mess with my brain. No one can fool me.

They say I'm very serious and don't seem to be fun with. Well, I prefer to be like that and only my friends know the real me or should I say friend without an 'S'. Me being pessimistic makes me a toxic person? Well. Deal with it! I will never try to be demure just to satisfy your ears.

This is the first day of the school year so mostly there's self-introduction happening in the classroom. There new faces this year because this is the time we have to decide the major we want to take up. And I took generalist. Again, don't ask. Ughccckkk I feel like nothing's right happening in my life.

I sat in the back with my one and only friend which is exactly opposite of my personality. She's bubbly, clingy, and clumsy.

Sophia De Guzman.

She's the only naughty girl who didn't stop bugging me just to notice her when we were freshmen. It was like I have my own world then suddenly an alien invaded it without my control. Yes, I am what-they-call a loner and I'm happy. I created my own world where no one can limit nor control me.

"Kate! Wooaaahhh ! I miss you! I have many stories to tell you!" she greeted me wish a hug.

I rolled my eyes.

"Which one? the guy who said 'I like you' back?" I answered shattering her excitement.

"You knew it?" she said looking surprised. I was just shaken.

"Pia, you've already told me that over the phone" I uttered while fixing my headset that was knotted and I was about to put it on my ear when she stopped me so I looked at her badly.

"First day of school, you didn't even miss talking to me?" then she pouted.

"tss. Stop it" I said seriously.

"ouch! Great! I miss you too" she let go of my hand and leaned back in her chair.

"How will I miss you if I always talk to you over the phone every night? Please stop acting like a baby, Pia" words suddenly came out of my mouth. It's like I didn't even get a good vacation because of her. I know you are thinking that I have a choice to put my phone on an airplane mode or just block her number, believe me, I thought of that but. Yeah, I don't know. I just prayed that her phone will break so that I'll have a peaceful night but it never happened.

"You know what? I think we're destined." she said looking at me with shining eyes.

"What?!" I shouted. "T-that's impossible" I replied nervously. This woman is crazy. Then she laughed her lungs out. "Not you! I know how you think. I'm not into you.. not into you.." she even sang it like AG. "I mean Stephen. He likes me too! OMG !! It's exciting, isn't it?" uhm okay? I leaned back and raised my foot on the chair in front of me and turned up the music on my phone. I don't have time for this.

SONG: She Used to be Mine by Sarah Bareilles

~~It's not simple to say

That most days I don't recognize me

That these shoes and this apron

That place and its patrons

Have taken more than I gave them

It's not easy to know

I'm not anything like I used be, although it's true

I was never attention's sweet center

I still remember that girl~~

"You won't even ask my plan?" in all fairness, that took long before she asked. She pulled my earbud for the second time. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to show my annoyance.

"Oopss sorry." she folded her arms like a shy person. I know I'm too harsh, you cannot blame me. She's really annoying. She finally stood up and walked. "Crazy" I mouthed before putting back my earbud.

~~She's imperfect, but she tries

She is good, but she lies

She is hard on herself

She is broken and won't ask for help

She is messy, but she's kind

She is lonely most of the time

She is all of this mixed up and baked in a beautiful pie

She is gone, but she used to be mine~~


"Good Morning Class" greeted by our professor. All of my classmates went back to their seats as well as Pia.

"I'm back" she teased while I put my earphones in my bag.

"I'm Miss Ruiza T. Perez and I am your professor in POT1 or better known as Principles of Teaching 1. I know you almost know each other so there's no need to introduce yourselves it'll be a waste of time. I will get to know you in the process." She looks smart. She's wearing a corporate attire partnered with 3 inches heels. If I estimate her height I think she's 5'2 ". She has a fair skin, wearing a light make-up with red velvet lipstick. She ponytailed her blonde and wavy hair. She looks young. Like a fresh graduate.

"Wew! Sorry. Good morning Mam" a boy student just entered our room. Seems like he just had a long run. A bit sweaty. Well, he still looks hot with his barber cut's hair, elegant physique. Wait! What? Why am I checking on him? I shook my head.

"Sorry I'm Late. I'm an irregular student. BSED Math. This is the only class fitted to my schedule" he explained and handed his registration permit to Miss Perez. I sat up then I crossed my legs.

"It looks like you ran kilometers away? Breathe first. Then, I bet you're a new face here, so introduce yourself to your classmates" Really? Does he need to do that?

"Hi. I'm Keith Samuel Pacho from BSED Math. An irregular student. I do modeling." He scratched his head "I can sing, I can dance too. But of course I can only do all that in our bathroom." Then they all laughed. For me, he's weird. His introduction made him less cute. "I hope we'll unite in this class" they all clap their hands.

"That's good! You may sit beside Miss De Guzman." said Miss Perez then pointed the available seat beside Pia.

After giving orientation Miss Perez handed us pamphlets. "Okay class, here are the copies of your lecture for preliminary period" Ugh. This is a lot of lecture. Who'll have an interest to read of these?

"Hi Miss. I'm Keith." his introduction. I look at him as he gestured a handshake.

"I know. You already introduced yourself." I rolled my eyes and continued to scan the notes just given by Miss Perez. I think it is 20 pages.

"Hey, the man is just introducing himself. You have to be kind" Pia said softly to me and then he smirked. "Pia, not now." I said coldly. I don't want to talk to her right now.

"Thanks Pia. By the way, I'm Keith." Is he that proud of his name to repeat it again and again? "She's always like that?" he whispered but I could hear him. Pia laughed a little and nodded. They continued talking to each other and it's no longer my interest to listen to them. They didn't stop giggling and not that annoys me.

"Hey, Pia and you, why don't you open your notes and scan it. You are disturbing the class." Seriously, I cannot focus with what I a reading if I hear annoying giggles

"Bossy" I heard Pia whispered then they giggled again. "You have to talk to your friend, she will get old alone if she keeps on acting like a boss" Great! They're talking like I am a mile away from them. "Oh you don't know what you're talking about. Let her be. That's her" I don't know which side is she into. They continued to talk about me and they're getting to my nerves. I moved my chair a little backward then kicked Pia's chair where she almost fell.

"Oh My God!" she shouted and stared at me. I just shrugged. That caught the attention of the class and Miss Perez.

"Is there a problem Miss De Guzman?" she asked. "None Mam. Sorry." Pia answer shyly.

"Why did you do that?" oh now, she's mad? Does she know what she's doing?

"You know why" I answered without looking at her. From then on, they stopped and read their pamphlets. Pia is the type of girl who is conscious on embarrassing herself. What I did is not a fun thing for her.


"Can I join you for lunch? "asked by the annoying boy after our professor left.

"Sure" Pia said. "What ?!" my initial reaction. Pia and I often eat together unless I decided to go home. The arrogant man approached me.

"No worries, I don't want to keep up with you." As if I want to keep up with him. "Neither do I" I answered him with a smirk. I saw Pia smile and tremble.

"Pia!" I looked at her threateningly. "What? It's just lunch. Let's eat together." she said. I see, this is an opportunity to get off her. "You may enjoy your lunch together. I prefer to eat my lunch in our house" I am serious. No sarcasm. My house is just 3 blocks away from our school. Anyway, I can see that she's enjoying his company so she will not be upset if we do not eat our lunch together. Plus, I will have a peaceful afternoon! Smart decision!

"Hey Lesbi! Wait up!" I stopped when he grabbed my arm. I immediately removed his grip. And what did he just call me?

"Lesbi?" I asked. What does that even mean?

"Yes. as in lesbian" he answered like it's normal to call a person like that.

"Excuse me?!" how dare him? He did not even hesitate to call me lesbian. I am not against LGBTQ+ but what he did is insulting and I'm sure even the LGBTQ+ would agree with me.

"You're excuse" he teased. He's doing these things intentionally. What does he want?

"Will you please stop irritating me?! Just so you know, I'm not a lesbian. What made you think I am one?" I can't believe him. God! He seriously labeling me? "You know what? Your initials really fit you. KSP as in Kulang Sa Pansin (Filipino of Lack of attention). I don't even know you but you act like a close funny friend. Well, you're NOT! Ugh !! why am I wasting my time talking to you?" I said with disbelief.

"Keith!" We both looked at who's calling. Ugh. It's Celine. She was my high school friend. Her height is just right, 5ft I think, she has a slim body, long hair up to her waist, she also loves to wear make-up and accessories. I admit, she's pretty. She looks like Maja Salvador. The only difference between them is that Celine is tanner. oh wait! Maybe she knows him. And before I could open my mouth Celine spoke.

"Oops Sorry. I mean, Keith Samuel." she clarifies. Unbelievable. I rolled my eyes. "You know each other? Since when?" Since when she became interested with who I am with?

"Yes, unfortunately" replied the man next to me. I just looked at him badly.

"Awkward. Anyway, Keith is my tutor slash friend. Don't mind what he's saying. He is really mean sometimes" she even pinched him before she wrapped her hand around his arm. I raised my left brow and smirk. Same Celine I know. He smiled but he seemed annoyed with Celine.

"I have to go." I am not interested.

"Oh look who's here!" I heard Sophia's voice so I turned my back. She looked at Celine from head to toe. Now, I'm interested. "What a small world?" She continued talking but the two were still puzzled. Sophia knows the story between me and Celine. She is even more affected that I was. Yes, until now. It was like she's the one who was betrayed. She looked at me 3ft away from them.

"Ahmm. Hi Sophia." Celine seems awkward.

"Don't be pretentious, bitch" Oh! That's a big word. I saw them gasps. I love it but I don't want to make a scene right now. I don't have the energy. I called Pia and shook my head. This is not the right time. I left them dumbfounded. After a few minutes I reached home. As usual I am alone again.

It's 12NN, our next class will be at 3PM so good thing I decided to go home. No Sophia bugging me. I will have plenty of time to rest.

The microwave is almost done heating my food when I hear the doorbell ring. I look at the monitor and saw Sophia in front of our gate. I didn't bother to open the gate. What is she doing here? I thought she'll have her lunch with that annoying boy?

*Ting* That's the sound of my microwave oven. Finally! I can eat now. I'm starving. Before I have my first bite our doorbell rang again and this time, it didn't stop. Ugh! I walk to the gate stomping my feet.

"What is taking you so long to open the gate?" I heard Pia shouting. "Why are you even here?" I shouted back. I took a deep breath and opened the gate. I am stunned when I saw Keith.

"What is he doing here?" She just went straight to the living room and put her bag on the sofa while Samuel is still in front of me.

"Ahh girl, he said he wanted to see your house. He insisted on coming here so I took him with me." she's obviously nervous. I walked closer to Pia.

"Pia, are you out of your mind? We just met that man, we don't even know what he's capable of and besides you know that my house is not open for stranger, right?" I think all of my blood went up to my head.

"Oh shit!" my heart jumped when he spoke.

"You could've just told me that you don't want me to come in rather than think like I am a bad person" he said.

"oh, is that what you want to hear? Yes! You're not welcome—"

"Kate!" Pia cut me off.

"Pia, it's okay. I will just head back to school. Thank you for the TRUST" then he gazed at me. I crossed my arms while looking at him leaving the house.

"Wait Keith, it's getting dark outside. The thunder and lightning are so alarming. You might be overtaken by heavy rain" Great! Thank you, weather! I just rolled my eyes.

"It's okay Pia. I can walk in the middle of HEAVY RAIN, just pray that LIGHTNING won't hit me. Uh Oh I left my umbrella. But no worries, my IMMUNE SYSTEM IS STRONG so I won't get tuberculosis!" I just keep watching them. He was close to the gate.

"Do me a favor. Close the gate" what a dramatic play.

"Bye" he waved backwards.

"Kate, don't you feel sorry for him? When he dies in the middle of the road, your conscience might swallow you." Seriously? This is not getting any better. I took a step to get inside the house but Pia pulled my arm.

"Are you serious? Are you that rude?" this time she seemed eager to let that annoying boy inside my house.

"I will let this pass. But next time you do this, you are no longer welcome to this house either and forget that we know each other." She looked astonished. "I am serious" I threw a gaze at her before heading back to the kitchen.

I just let them in. About five minutes after they entered the house, heavy rain fell.

I grabbed my food and sat down at the dining table. The house is quiet and awkward. I saw Pia went to the kitchen to get food for them. She's not being impolite. My house is like her house too. No one will serve her so she needs to help herself. The annoying boy sat in front of me. I can feel that he's staring. So creepy.

"Hey" he broke the silence.

"Will you stop?" I told him annoyingly.

"You know what? I think you're cool." I gave him a questioning look. "but it's better if you put down your foot because it doesn't look good on you since you're a girl" he rebuked.

"I don't need your opinion." I have no energy to argue with him.

"I'm just saying. You—" Okay that's enough.

"Aren't you really going to keep quiet? Do you think you've made me feel good? I'm telling you now, stop it, you won't get anything out of me. You always annoy me with your nonsense small talks. Once the rain stopped, you may leave my house. " I thought I will have a peaceful afternoon.

"See? The way you talk and the way you act, doesn't fit your angelic face" he continued.

"What are you? a PR specialist?" this is irritating.

"No. Just a keen observer" he replied as he lowered his head and raised his eyebrows.

"Ugh! You're such a gay." he speaks so much. Exactly opposite of—A sudden sadness flashed in my mind. Pia arrived on the table with food and a liter of soda.

"Seem like you both are getting along" she smiled while putting down the pitcher of juice.

"You wish" I spoke uninterested. "Where did you get that soda?" As far as I know, my mom doesn't buy soda anymore because no one drinks it.

"I bought it along our way here so we could have a tasty drink" she replied.

"Isn't it embarrassing to take food?" Samuel whispered to Pia which I heard. Now he's shy? He was shameless when he got here. My every first day of the school year are really epic. To tell you honestly, Samuel is not really that new face to me. I often see him with the student council officers in our school but he is the least popular, I think. I didn't expect him to be this annoying person. I am sure he does, what he does intentionally. Does he know me? Not at all. Ugh Why do I even think about that?

"What's that?" I asked when he placed a glass of juice in front of me.

"Ahmm a soda?" ugh! moron.

"I know, I mean, what will I do with that?" I don't drink soda.

"First of, I am not a moron." Oops did I say it loud? "I am just being kind to offer you a soda as my peace offering" Okay good answer. But still I don't drink soda.

"ohh I'm touched" I said sarcastically. "But sorry, I can't drink that" He asked why but I didn't answer him. "You might want to say thank you? I'm okay with that." I just gave him a disbelief laugh. I don't want to explain myself plus we're still not close. On the other hand, Pia grabbed the glass of soda and drank it. I looked at her like 'what wrong with her'

"I choked because of you two. You're like having a love quarrel. You're cute together" Okay, I am shock. How? Wait.

"Ew? You're delirious" I can't tolerate this anymore. I stood up and put my plate on the sink.

I heard them laugh then suddenly change the topic. I think she's telling him about this guy she's been crazy with for a month now.

Before I went upstairs I stopped in the dining area, they were both looking at me.

"Just leave your plates on the sink. Never ever touch them." I saw them both nod. I sighed. "I'll just go upstairs to take some rest. If you want to watch TV, just turn it on. The remote is on the center table" I didn't wait for them to answer and I walked towards the stairs. Our house is full of CCTV camera except my room so it's okay for me to leave them. Besides, I trust Pia.

When I entered the room, I removed my school uniform and threw my body on my bed. I feel dizzy. I think I only slept for three hours, my insomnia attacked last night, so I just did a movie marathon. I set my alarm at 2pm because I still have class at 3. After I set it up, I closed my eyes and immediately fell asleep.


"shit!" I was shocked by the loud crash so I ran out of my room. I couldn't stop the pounding of my chest. I even felt blackout because of sudden standing up. "What happened?" I shouted nervously but no one answered so I rush down the stairs. "Pia?! Samuel?!!" I call them out loud. There are only three of us in the house. Something in the past flashed again through my brain that made my tears fall. I don't know what it is but it makes me feel really sad. I was halfway up the stairs when I saw them. It seems that they're okay but there's still the pounding of my chest. I immediately wiped away my tears and breathe. I managed to ask them what happened but they just gave me a grin.

"What happened Pia? What was the crash I heard?" I asked calmly but they were just quiet holding back a laugh. "What?!!!" I shouted. I don't know but anger immediately existed in me. I gasped as I looked at them and held back my tears. Why do I feel so weak! T.T

"S-sorry. It was just an accident. Keith fell of the floor" Pia explained. I still breathe heavily trying to calm myself. We have a wooden floor so that explains why it sounded so loud. I just tweaked my hair.

"Are you okay? Did you cry?" I am stunned. I looked at him sharply, what do they think they are doing?! As far as I know, I only slept for a few minutes before a sudden thud. took a deep breath to hold back my temper. "Hey, you look different, beautiful?" he said, maybe trying to lighten up the atmosphere. Wait?! I looked at what I am wearing. God! Such a pervert! Grrr! I can really say my whole day is ruined! I wasn't in the mood to argue with them so I quickly went up the stairs.

"Louise!" He called me again. I stopped and faced him.

"What now?!" I can still feel my head because of interrupted sleep.

"You look amazing with what you are wearing right now. You look like an angel" and they both laughed. He really pisses me off. I sighed and bit my lower lip before speaking.

"Please! Leave me alone! I don't need someone to just mess with my life errr!" I'm only wearing short shorts and a shirt that isn't rude but you can see the shape of my body. I'm wearing a messy bun. I don't go out of the room like this because if he's here he can scold me. I kept his words because I don't want to disappoint him. I went up the stairs and slammed the door. I dropped my body down on the bed again and in a while, I cried. Anger, sadness, tiredness and lack of sleep. What a great reunion.

Sophia's POV

"Now you see, your stupidity caused a lot of trouble. Why are you running?" I tried not to laugh. I can't pull of my mind the actual scene he fell off the floor. There is an elevated area between the dining and living room. I suppose he didn't notice that. He explains what happened in the kitchen. I forgot that the dining light is paralleled with the kitchen light. If that's the reason why he ran then he's a—

"coward!" then I laughed out loud.

"I'm not! I was just surprised when the light went off" Oh dear. Now I know his fear. I can't believe it. "If I may ask, why did you jump off the sofa when you saw me fell of the floor? he asked.

"Because that's a loud bang on the floor, to my surprise, I knew I am dead to my best friend. Did you see how mad she is?" You cannot paint her face, it's like she'll be able to kill someone. "You came after me. You coward!" He moved closer to me. Oh God, he's handsome. His wavy hair, round eyes, and kissable lips. Wait! What am I saying? You flirt! You already have Stephen. Okay. Now I'm talking to myself.

"I. AM. NOT. A. COWARD" he uttered word by word. That's cool. He's moving closer. What is he doing? I am like a mannequin right now. Oh my—then he laughed.

"I'm not going to kiss you" he said then walk back to the sofa. What the?!

"I never thought of that either" my defense. I'm gonna kill this man! "But hey, you really pissed her off? I just don't know if you can come back here." I sat on the long sofa. I didn't pay attention to what I was watching.

"Your friend undoubtedly has dark aura. Just tryna' move her out" He said without looking at me while I was just looking at him as if he was checking his arm to see if he had been beaten when he fell. If only my fear of bhessy hadn't taken the lead, I would probably have laughed. Oh wait. Yeah I laughed.

"But infairness you have a great sense of humor. If I just didn't know you liked Kate I might have crushed you" Keith seems mischievous and arrogant but I feel he is kind. I heard this boy is a scholar at our university. Extra points on good looks. God! Temptation, get away from me! I described it to you so you know if he is suitable for bhessy. To me he's a 100% Yes! They're cute when fighting each other. My friend may be rude but if you look deep in her heart, she is a great person.

"And who says I like that woman?" When I'm here, I'm really drowsy from the taste of my bed. I am talking about the sofa. I just smiled at him like 'okay-if-that's-what-you-say. Mr. Indenial, it is so obvious that he likes my friend. I've been around men so I know their style. But whoever took a step-in courting Kate will definitely pass a rocky road. I don't know if she just hates men or human in general? Except me of course. lol.

"Hey Pia!" Oh gosh! I was stunned when he jumped on the sofa. I just took a deep breath and closed my eyes again. "What you were saying to like your bestfriend who is the daughter Ms. Minchin is like saying that fit n 'right makes you fat, glutathione darkens your skin and sleeping pills keeps you awake. It's really the opposite." Why is he so defensive?

"You said so" I finally found my drowsiness. I love this cold temperature accompanied by heavy rain outside.