


when Alex wakes up he finds himself in a grassy field and beside him there are dragon balls that are like just in anime dragon ball and size is just fist size, he feels he can breathe just fine can feel himself energetic than regular.

He walks next to dragon balls and call out the dragon and see the dragon in green colour with golden aura and gives a majestic felling but the size of the dragon is child like only 1m long.

when dragon comes out it speaks my master what is your wish ???

Alex speaks that he wants a ability added in his system so that he can copy, cut, delete, paste anything whatever it is as long as it is not a person he can cut copy delete paste anything

dragon eyes shines red and says wish granted and vanishes

Alex checks his system he sees a blue screen in menu he sees in edit there are four options copy cut plaste and delete.

Alex than thinks in mind to leave his planet and leaves

After that Alex find himself standing on a red light and there seems a car just standing there without moving and every body behind is honking .

then Alex tells his system to cut his gate of multiverse and paste it in his system and then leaves the scene

he just keeps walking on the side of road and sees that every time a woman passes they stare at him for some time and blush appears on there face. he think now I can have sex with many women .

he finds a bank and goes near it and just copy the entire bank and place in his planet and just vanishes in a parking lot to his planet

then he looks his system there is nothing much expect edit and control setting for universe

he then goes to his copied bank and takes money and goes to mall and buys clothes bag etc and moves to hotel books a room for 1 month.

there he just sleeps and eat and reapet uses dragon balls for wishes


1) hide ability that can hide from anything and hide anything upto creater level god unless he wants nobody can know his existence or anything he hides

2) analyse can analyse anything and. power level record is level A500 for creater beings and level Z1 for normal mortal

3)library of heavens path

4) upgrade ability so it can upgrade anything upto it's max it can handle

5)create can create any non living things

6) integrate can integrate mix anything without side effects

7)disintegrate can disintegrate anything

8) have a body which can use any energy and adapt to any world

9) have a soul which can adapt to any world

10) all knowledge and books present in the world is automatically transferred in the library

11) A store in his system to order anything in the multiverse

12) status screen for himself in his system.

13) in which ever world he go copy all types of minerals metals plants and place in the planet

14) inventory for his system with unlimited space and connected to his planet

15) Make me immortal so I don't age from this age. (age 21)

then Alex uses gate of multiverse


[Gate to the Multiverse]




he chose option 1 movie


[Gate to the Multiverse]

Enter your film: …-


[Gate to the Multiverse]

Harry potter



100 years before the birth of Hogwarts founders


As soon as his thoughts were presented, he felt weak as he finally lost consciousness.