
Make your life worth it

"Are you a idiot? Why can't I be a spectator of others' life? I am too annoyed by those harem-seeker and cultivators." "What the heck is that lucky aura? The Will of those Worlds must be joking me." "Come on, MC. You don't need be so dumb, I can help your love life. Do you need me kidnap both you and lock you in a love hotel?" "Now, this frustrated spectator is going to rampage your lifes!" Worlds: - Kaichou wa maid-sama Author Motto: Begone, Harem lover! ============================= DISCLAIMER ============================= I don't own any of the characters, all of them belong to their respective author. The cover is take on the net

Lord_Fate_Master · Otras
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34 Chs

He he he (part 2)

"Master, I'm sorry for the ruckus, but it's also your fault. You know, she still hasn't forgotten your joke about her future marriage in front of her parents yet." Said a woman behind that smiling guy who turned his head to look at the source of the voice.

There was a beautiful young woman, who was wearing the maid uniform of that maid café, with long green hair tied in a ponytail with her bangs parted on her right side of her face and moss green eyes. She was wearing an oval glasses and she had a small chest. She was staring at him with an impotent expression.

"Subaru-chan, how are you? Did you miss me? Misa-chan has a terrible look, you should check if she's ill. And I want a lemon soda, I'm very thirsty in this moment." Said in streak that guy ignoring her complains.

"... was your doing? It's the first time she looks so pale. Sayu-san, go to take a glass of lemon soda for Master, please." (Subaru)

"Yes!" Answered a brown-haired maid who was holding a empty tray and was going in the kitchen.

"Who knows? I haven't visited you for a while. I just wanted see how you were doing. I'm also here to enjoy Misa-chan's awakening. She's going to bloom soon and I'm worried about Satsuki-chan die from blood loss." (???)

"...is it so serious?" (Subaru)

"It will be more moe of a shoujo story..." Replied the guy in the Evan****** way with an air of mystery around him coming from his half-bright glasses.

"... I'm going to warn the manager later." Said Subaru while she left to take the order of another customer.

Meanwhile, that brown-haired maid, Sayo, come back with a glass of lemon soda with a slice of orange stuck on its edge.

"Thanks". Thanked the guy while he started drink his lemon soda while Sayo returned with a smile. She was new and didn't know his relationships with her colleagues/senpais.

After a while, Honoka brought out the rest of his order. She didn't say anything aside the Moe Spell, maybe because she was still too angry. She just wore a stuck smile all the time he was in the local. It would be hypocritical if he asked the reason of her behavior.

After eaten his meal and chatted a bit with some employees, he paid his bill and left to go in a nearby arcade in front of a park. He played and waited for a long time. Only when an employer told him the arcade was closing, he left and took a peak at Takumi who was still waiting leaned on that wall before returning home.


Next day, morning, Seika High School.

Tadao entered by the gate of the school, and there he could see a nervous and firm Prez checking all the students under her view. He walked near her and left a little paper note in a her pocket without be noticed before entering the school building.


15 minutes later, Class 2-2.

Tadao reached his class and sat down on his seat. Behind him, Takumi had his head in the clouds for a while before he returned to himself after noticed Tadao who was staring at him with playfull smile.

"What?" (Takumi)

"... Nothing." Answered Tadao shaking his head before turns himself toward the blackboard, leaving without a proper answer a disinterested Takumi behind him.


9 hours later, a candy shop near the school.

Sat on a bench, Tadao was playing with his phone while he was eating a dango. Soon, a girl rushed towards the shop and stopped in front of it before looking around, but the shop was empty aside a granny who was sitting on a chair. Hearing he girl's arrive, Tadao raised his head and closed his phone to look her.

"Prez, who are you looking?" (Tadao)

Hearing someone calls her, the girl turns her head to that guy with a uniform of Seika HS.

"Are you Tadao Usui, right? Did you see Tak-." Said the Council Pres before stopping after seen the amused smile showed on his face.

"IT'S YOU! That alien told you everything, right?! Why did you give me this note?" Shouted the Pres with a bad mood as she took out the little note he gave her.

[Let's meet at the candy shop in ******* after you finished your work at the Student Council today.


"Firstly, calm down and don't shout. That granny doesn't fell very well in these days. Secondly, Takumi didn't tell me anything. I already knew it since when you started working in that place. I'm just here to talk about Takumi." (Tadao)

"..." (Misaki)

The Pres didn't replied, leaving Tadao continue his story. Not that she wanted it but she didn't know what to say.

"Takumi is my cousin and I grow up with him, so I know him very well. He won't tell to anyone about your part-time work. He's too lazy and disinterested to do it. He won't do anything unless he's interested in something. At most, he'll visit your workplace everyday to satisfy his interest on you. Don't mind him if he keep staring at you during your work and he will manage eventual peepers." (Tadao)

"...As if I will believe you." Answered the Pres after a moment of disbelief. How she was supposed to believe a male student of Seika HS known for the students' undisciplined behaviors.

"I don't want you to believe me, time will be your answer.." Said Tadao before he left that candy shop.

"Hey!" (Prez)

The Pres frowned hearing Tadao's affirmation and went towards the train station. She wanted to reach him and force him out a proper answer, however today she had a work shift so she was in a hurry.


2 days later, afternoon, club activities time.

"Takky, there is something you have to see. Come with me. You can't sleep the entire day." Said Tadao out of blue. He was cleaning his camera a moment ago until he stand up with a lively look.

"... Ok." Answered Takumi after reflected a bit. He knew something was up but he was too busy on thinking something only he knew to mind it.

Then, Tadao led Takumi towards the small building of boxing club and flower arrangement club. On the way, they met a member of boxing club heading the same place.

"Hiroshi-kun, how are you? Did you forgot something?" Asked Tadao to that member of boxing club. That guy was a Tadao and Takumi's former classmate. They were classmates last year but he has been assigned to another class this year.

"Oh Tadao-kun, I'm just taking a break from my club activities. Now I'm returning. I shouldn-" Hiroshi wanted say something but he swallowed his words after remembered something and ran towards his club building with a desperate face.

Tadao followed him and Takumi as well without asking anything. Now, Takumi knew there was something fishy about Tadao's plan for that day.

After Hiroshi ran until his club building was in sight, he saw a girl outside the door of and the thing lying before her...

'I'm screwed.' (Hiroshi)

In front of boxing club, there were three female students. The most stood out had light, brownish amber eyes with a golden tint and black shoulder length hair with an average height and figure; she was Misaki. The others two seemed be her friends. One was a petite girl with wavy dark salmon pink medium-length hair, which was ties in pigtails, and dark pink eyes while other one was a fair-skinned girl of average height. She had short black hair and oval glasses that obscure her eyes.

They were in front of the outside stairs of the club building that led to the flower arrangement club. On the stairs there was a sandbag of the boxing club that blocked the stairs.

"Leave this... to ME!" (Misaki)

The three guys just arrived to watch Misaki use the aikido projection on that sandbag that has been launched in front of the entrance of boxing club in the distance.

Seeing that, Hiroshi started sweating cold and fled as fast as he could, Takumi was showing a impotent expression that was saying 'are you serious?' with Misaki's friends with the same expression, and Tadao pressed something inside one of his pocket before walking away, enough to frame Takumi and that girl with the camera he took out.

"You are incredible, Misaki...!" (Petite girl)

"Don't mention it, it's only about 50 kg. It's lighter than a person." (Misaki)

"I'm gonna get killed" (Hiroshi)

"..." (Takumi)

"Tsk tsk, still strong as always." (Tadao)

Then, the petite girl jumped on and hugged Misaki to thank her. She was really happy.

"Thanks~~!! You really helped!! Misaki is so reliable!" Then the skinned girl gave a daisy from she took out from the bouquet in her hands to Misaki.

"Here, this is my thanks!"

"! ... Thank you." Said Misaki with a kind smile she rarely showed. Enough kind to see some illusions of flower bloom around her face.

"!" Seeing that smile, Takumi showed a surprised expression because he didn't imagine Misaki could shows such smile, considering that she had most of time a serious expression on her face. That also mean she has become interesting for him. Poor Misaki...

"Hey! Over there... aren't them Usui-kun and Tadao-san?"(Petite girl)

"Hm?" Hearing that, Misaki turned toward where her friend was looking and she saw Takumi, and Tadao who had already put away his camera.

"!! You! What are you looking at?!" Shouted Misaki towards the two trouble makers. Noticing they have been discovered...

"Pfff." (Takumi)

Takumi waved his right hand towards them with a smile and left while Tadao bowed one time to apologize before following his cousin.

I'm trying write 1k-1,4k words for chapter but nobody read this fanfic. I'm a bit disappointed.

Lord_Fate_Mastercreators' thoughts