
Make you mine forever

Isla Jones is a very hardworking women. she graduated from the most prestigious university of her country. she wants to work for Lee group and be a professional women who could support herself. she is hardworking, intelligence, kind hearted, has helping nature, but speaks very less due to which she has nearly no friends. Daniel Lee , who has just taken over Lee group from his father is a very formidable person. famous worldwide , he is workoholic and very intelligent. The one who are his enemies are never spared and shown mercy. He has a big family but he is close to no one . what will happen when Daniel will meet this distinguished lady called Isla? . will his frozen heart ever melt ? how both of them will fight against difficulties to live with each other. ALERT ( MATURE CONTENT) AS THE STORY GOES ON THERE WILL BE SOME EXPLICIT SCENES. SO BE ALERT. Enjoy reading and please support me. I am new to writing so I need your support and your reviews to improve myself. thank you...and lots and lots of love......

feathers_11042002 · Ciudad
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49 Chs

Chapter 27. His incompetent son......

"We will register our marriage tomorrow in the marriage bureau." said Daniel plainly.

"To....Tomorrow ?Isn't it too soon?" said Isla with hesitation.

"It isn't. I will take you to the parlour in the morning. Then we will straight away go to the bureau to register the marriage." he said.

"I will arrange a small banquet for close relatives to celebrate your wedding in the evening." Said Grandfather joyfully.

"I will inform the family now" said William and stood up and went his way out.

Jasper was in a deep sleep when his phone started to ring. He slowly opened his eyes and attended the call. "Hello." He said in hoarse voice.

"Young master Jasper, Master William has called you back to mension." said butler Henry.

"I am coming." he said and cut the call.

He saw Julie sleeping soundly at his side and kissed her forehead. She smiled in her sleep and found a new comfortable position to sleep. Jasper quickly got up , washed his face and changed his clothes to leave the condo. Before leaving the place, he left a message to inform Julie of his departure and reason. He again kissed her forehead and left for the mension.

It was almost the time for dinner. Everybody was sitting on the dining table. But the dishes were no yet served. Jasper came and sat beside Isla. Today Isla was sitting beside Daniel. And Jasper didn't want to make her stand so he just sat beside her. Now she was sitting between the two brothers.

"Today I have an important announcement to make. Daniel and Isla are getting married tomorrow in the civil marriage bureau. After there marriage we have a small celebration in our home for our extended family members. The invitation has been sent and the guests will have dinner in our mension. I hope you all will co-operate and give your blessings to my son and his wife." Announced William in his firm voice.

Every one was stunned. Except for Grace, Old madam Lee, Isla , Daniel, and Jasper.

Jasper knew about all this through his brother. Daniel told him about all the arrangements done by his grandfather and father to get him married to Isla.

Grace was the first one to react. She stood up and went to Isla. Isla also stood up. Grace hugged her and kissed her forehead. "God bless you my child. I am very happy for both of you." Then she went to Daniel And hugged him as he stood up as well. "Congratulations my son. May you live long. May god bless you."

Then Jasper stood up and said " Congratulations sister in law" while winking at her. Isla smiled shyly. He then went to his brother and hugged him hard and said "Congratulations brother"

Then Andrew did the same as well. And then Mia also gave her blessings to them.

Other family members also congratulated them half heartedly. Daniel and Isla thanked them all.

Then they went to grandfather and grandmother Lee to seek their blessings and bowed at them . Grandfather Lee was very happy. He pulled Daniel into his embrace and said, "May you both live long together. May god bless you both. I am proud of you." He patted Daniel's back.

Then William also came forward and patted the head of Isla and said "God bless you." with a gentle smile on his face. He then hugged his son and told him that he was proud of him.

Grandfather Lee asked the servants to serve the dinner along with a very expensive wine from his celler. The dinner was very sumptuous. Everybody enjoyed it.

During the dinner, some people were not so happy. Like Charles and his wife along with their daughter. Hatred and jealousy could be clearly seen on there faces. But rest of the family members ignored them as they didn't want to ruin the merry atmosphere around. As soon as they were done with there food Tina left with her daughter for her room .

After sometime Charles also excused himself.

Now the other family members were chatting and drinking wine. "Why don't you serve some wine to sister in law, brother?" said Andrew winking at Daniel.

Daniel just gave him a plain look. He then turned to Isla and asked her if she wanted to have some wine. To which she replied, " I can't hold my drink well. I would rather not have it." she said in soft voice.

"You can have just a little. It won't matter much since you are at home." he said pouring in her half a glass.

"Thank you" Isla said and took the glass in her hand and had a sip.

The rest of the family members happily enjoyed wine while discussing Daniel and Isla's wedding.

"Now I just want to see a chubby grandchild in my arms." said Grace with a sweet smile.

Isla chocked hard on the wine. She was coughing violently. "cough....cough.....cough...cough......" Daniel took the glass from her hand and gently patted her back. He kept the glass on the table. Passing her a glass of water he said "here drink some water".He kept on patting her back slowly until she stopped coughing. "Are you okay now?" he asked her softly. Her face was cherry red due to coughing and embarrassment. She could not believe that Grace was already expecting a grandchild now.

"Hmm....." she shyly said.

"Why are you so embarrassed over it ,child." Grandfather Lee laughed softly her reaction. "I am getting so old. I don't know how long I will live now. You should quickly give me a great grand child. So that I die in peace." He again played his Trump card.

"Don't worry Grandfather you would atleast see their five children when you die. " Andrew made a jock. To which everyone laughed. But Isla was so embarrassed now that she could not even lift her face. She was continuously sipping her wine keeping her face low so that she would not meet anybody's gaze. "Enough everyone. Don't tease her any more." Said William. He could not see his dear daughter in law being teased by everyone. And her incompetent husband was not even defending her. He was highly disappointed with him.

Daniel was enjoying the entire scene. Isla looked so beautiful in her red face. She looked so tempting in her shy smile. He just wanted to hold her face and kiss her to his fill.