
Beginning of it all.


?? pov.

It's dark.... cold.... painful. My name is William Afton, And i died from a springlock failure. Let's go back to where it all started.

35 years ago.

MIke:"you're a crybaby!"

Eli:"stop it mike or else i'm telling daddy!"

Mike:"whatever, you always ruin the fun"

As Mike walked away Eli turned to Chris.

Eli:"he can be so mean! hmph!"

Chris:"y-yeah, i k-know but h-he's still our b-brother, a-and i still l-love him"

Eli:"but he bullies you, and i hate it!"

Chris:''w-we can't do m-much about i-it tho"

Eli:"you're right... BUT on a side note are you ready for your birthday tomorrow?!"

Chris:"y-yea, i am"

MIke's pov.

'damn, i hate doing this... he doesn't even do anything...'

i was snapped out of my thoughts as i heard my phone ring.

'shit... it's Eric...'

(the 3 other tormentors, Eric, Dave, and Emily)

"what do you want now?!"

Eric:'' Geez what up with the hostility?~"


"Get to the point, will ya?"

Eric:" Right well, me and the rest of us agreed to pull a prank tomorrow on chris' birthday party, and YOU will be completing it."

"dude, i'm not doing it"

Eric:" who said you could say no to me? do you want me to teach you a lesson later?"



Eric:'' alright then, you're doing the prank whether you like it or not end of discussion. I'll see you tomorrow~"

i hung as quick as i could. Why does it have to be me...? i curled up on my bed and started crying quietly, or so i thought.

Time skip to 5 minutes before the prank.

3rd person pov.

Mike:" do i have to?, i mean we could just leave him alone and do it tomorrow"

mike said but as he turned his head toward Eric, and regretted it."

Eric:" i told you, we're doing the prank."

(credit to the person who made the video. if you can't see it then just search chris afton death, and it should be the first one to pop up.)

Michael cried out to his dad. Once William reached there, he pulled Chris out of fredbear's mouth, he yelled out for someone to call the ambulance, but by the time the ambulance got there, it was too late... Chris was dead. This set off off a series of events, over the next 2 months.

A/N; ok so this is the first chapter, in hope you understood it. Again i don't know much about fnaf, this is just from what i gathered form watching videos. If you still don't understand my au, then i apologize. on a side note should i start a YT channel and turn this into a video, mind you i watch gacha so it would probably be in gacha verse and/or club.



idc just update pls.
