
CH 17: Cleansing Flame

Without wasting a single second, a half foot long throwing knife appeared in her hand, which she then flung directly into the Mandala Snake's mouth frozen by Ali.

And just as he had said, the ice in its mouth immediately shattered before it pierced the Mandala Snake's mouth, killing it.

After the Mandala Snake died, a purple energy began to flow out of its still frozen corpse before a purple ring condensed on top of it.

Once Ali was sure that it died with its soul ring appearing, he made the ice disappear. The snake's motionless body fell on the ground as Ali pat off the imaginary dust off his hands, he smiled at the group who were still staring at him with awe.

With a smirk, Ali shrugged :"again, what is it? Why are you all staring at me like that?" And Tang Ya answered :"well, I knew that you were strong, but I didn't know that you could take out a thousand year soul beast so easily."

Ali shrugged once again :"well, my martial soul IS one of the strongest there are. Heck, it might even become the strongest in the future.

After all, it has never been seen and there are no records of it in history. It's the first time that it has appeared.

So who knows how strong it will be in the future? Oh, by the way, thanks, Yuhao. It wouldn't be so easy if not for your amazing soul skill."

Yuhao nodded with a blank expression before he turned to Beibei :"eldest senior brother, are level 30 soul elders so strong? They can take down thousand year soul beasts so easily?"

Beibei shook his head seriously as he explained :"no, they're not, unless they have a very powerful martial soul.

But martial souls that hold this much power are extremely rare. Even I would have an extremely difficult time dealing with that thousand year Mandala Snake.

With your soul skill, the chances of me winning would significantly increase, but I would still have to be very careful.

This shows just how strong Ali is. His martial soul is extremely unique and hard to fight against. After all, you saw it for yourself, he can turn intangible and even freeze whatever he passes through."

Yuhao had an astonished look on his face as he looked at Ali. He felt kinda jealous of Ali's talent and strength, but all of that turned into fuel that strengthened the flame of determination in his heart!

Ali chuckled as he waved his hand around :"ok~, ok~, enough already. You're gonna make me blush with all of that praising.

Xiao Ya, come and quickly start. Even though it's just the edge of the Star Dou Great Forest, we still shouldn't mess around."

Beibei also nodded in agreement as he and Ali took back their martial souls :"Ali's right, we should be careful.

I didn't think that we'd meet a thousand-year soul beast at the edge of the Great Star Dou Forest. The quality of soul beasts in the Great Star Dou Forest has really increased."

Tang Ya giggled happily as she nodded :"I can't believe that this could be so easy! Protect me while I absorb it!"

She sat down in a cross legged position and started. Some blue vines were released around her body as a blue energy emitted from her body.

The blue energy emitted from her flew towards the purple soul ring before gently touching it and beginning to fuse with it.

Ali turned to Beibei and nodded at him :"I will be on the tree so that I can have a better watch. You two do whatever you want."

Beibei nodded as well before Ali jumped several times and up to a thick branch of a tall tree.

He also activated his own Spirit Spy ability so that there wouldn't be any dangers. Even though Ali was a battle thirsty and wild person, he wasn't careless at all. The reason for why he acts like that is because:

1: it's his nature and how he is most comfortable in. He doesn't like to hide his emotions, so he acts like a maniac.

2: so that the opponent would let his or her guard down. Would you think that someone who acts insane be planning and observing your movements?

No. And that's why Ali acts like the way he does in a fight. Seeing how he just rushes in while relying on nothing but his instincts, a lot of people will underestimate him.

While he sat on the tree branch, he took out a lollipop from his storage device and began to busy himself to pass time.

And while he was keeping an eye out with his Spirit Spy, Beibei was explaining some things to Yuhao.

Like what Tang Ya's martial soul is, some things about Tang San, Mandala Snake, the soul master team and each members roll, and what path Yuhao should choose.

But the poor guy felt depressed a little when he thought about his talent. However, Beibei was there to cheer him up and encourage him.

And after he cheered him up, they began to talk about his soul ring and for how long Yuhao could maintain it.

Which was about an hour before he was exhausted and sat down cross legged to cultivate and regain his soul power.

Since absorbing a thousand year soul ring normally would take a rather long time, Beibei decided to walk around them and spread out some medicine that could chase away soul beasts.

There were still a few soul beasts that tried to mess with them, but since they were only ten year olds and hundred year old, they were all chased away by Beibei and Ali.

"Phew…" After exhaling deeply, Tang Ya slowly opened her eyes, causing a radiant light to appear inside of her bright pupils. The energies in her body had all risen by an extremely large amount.

"I succeeded!" Tang Ya jumped up excitedly. Following the stimulation of her soul power, two yellow soul rings and one purple soul ring rapidly rose up from her feet.

The most eye-catching sight was naturally the thousand year soul ring. The bright purple colour released an aura filled with grandeur; Tang Ya's strength had already entered a completely different level from this moment on.

Seeing that she's awake, Ali jumped down from the tree and landed gently on the ground to hear Beibei congratulate :"Xiao Ya, congratulations."

Tang Ya let out a cheerful cry as she suddenly pounced on Bei Bei, giving him a big hug :"Beibei, thank you!"

Beibei hugged her delicate body, and a slightly doting look appeared within the smile on his face :"Since I've promised to help you achieve your dreams, I'll naturally do just that."

Ali on the side rolled his eyes with a smile :'are these two feeding me and Yuhao "dog food"? Thankfully, I already have Ma Xiaotao, so I'm not jealous at all.'

As Tang Ya rested in Beibei's embrace, she inadvertently saw a pair of large, astonished eyes looking at her, causing her to suddenly remember that there were other people present.

She instantly broke free from Beibei's embrace, and looked at Yuhao, whose Spirit Eyes were flickering, with a slightly embarrassed look as she said :"What're you looking at? Haven't you seen love between a teacher and a student before?"

Yuhao answered with an extremely honest tone :"I've never seen it before!" Causing Ali to burst into laughter :"hahaha!

Haah, Yuhao, you're really honest, huh? But well, that's a good thing. I actually like it when people are honest."

While laughing, he walked to Yuhao's side and pat his head. Even though he wasn't even a teenager yet, he was still rather tall for his age because of how much he liked to workout.

And because of that, he didn't have any problems on patting Yuhao's who was short even for their age.

An embarrassed blush appeared on Yuhao's face as a dreamy look came to his face, probably imagining himself with a lover.

But Beibei's cough broke him out of his thoughts as Tang Ya teased :"little Yuhao, you are blushing~. So, do you want a lover~?"

Yuhao immediately became flustered and embarrassed as he shook his head and hands with a blush :"ah... No... No... I... I don't... I'll think about it..."

Ali laughed once again as he ruffled his hair :"hey, it's not something to be embarrassed about. It's in our nature to want a lover!

I'm not any better, I fell in love at quite a young age, and now am in a relationship with the girl I'm in love with."

An astonished look took over Yuhao's face as he stared at him :"brother Ali, you actually have a lover?"

Ali nodded with a smug smile on his face :"yup! And I'm telling you, she is the most beautiful girl in the world! Not even Xiao Ya can compare to her!"

Yuhao was shocked at his statement, you have to know, Tang Ya is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. If even she can't compare to Ali's girlfriend, then Ali's lover must be as beautiful as a goddess!

But hearing his statement, Tang Ya on the side grew mad as her head whipped towards him with a glare :"hey! What does that mean?!?"

Ali shrugged :"it means exactly what it sound like. You can't deny it either, you have seen her for yourself.

I'm not saying that you're not pretty, but it's just that Xiaotao's beauty is on a whole nother league of her own."

Tang Ya couldn't come up with anything to argue with him, so she just whipped her head away and snorted cutely.

Actually, Ali wasn't exaggerating at all. Ma Xiaotao in the original was also extremely beautiful, but because of Ali, she is on the same level as Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong ten thousand years ago.

Remember how Ali grows a new heart each ten levels and how he obtains a new flame? Well, Ali's second heart possesses the Cleansing Flame.

<I was planning to have this flame in the 5th heart, but I decided to change it so that he could help Ma Xiaotao>

Not only could this flame help purify Ma Xiaotao's martial soul, but it also unexpectedly had a beautifying ability!

It could burn the impurities of the body and make the person who has been burned by this flame beautiful.

And after years of being burned by this flame, Ma Xiaotao was as beautiful as a goddess! They obviously found out about this effect, and Xiaotao was the happiest she had ever been.

But Ali asked everyone to never, ever tell anybody about this effect. After all, if the girls in the academy and the Sea God Island knew about this effect of the Cleansing Flame, they would literally imprison Ali.

So, because of that, this effect of the Cleansing Flame was actually one of his most important secrets!

He had obviously used this flame on himself as well. Not only did it improve the body condition, resulting in an increase in the speed of the cultivation, but he had also gotten really handsome.

Beibei tried to break the slightly tense atmosphere with a cough :"Alright, since you've already finished absorbing your soul ring, we should quickly leave this place.

During the past few years, the number of accidents that have occurred to soul masters entering the Star Dou Great Forest have increased.

Even the areas around the forest have existences such as thousand year soul beasts, so it would be better for us to leave sooner rather than later."

Tang Ya decided to forget about Ali's words as she excitedly raised her hand and pointed at the sky :"ok, let's go! Back to Shrek Academy!"

Ali also smiled gently :'yeah, let's go back home.' before they all began to ran. At this moment, the sky had already dimmed.

However, spending the night in the Star Dou Great Forest clearly wasn't a good plan, so they all rushed towards the outside of the forest without stopping.

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