
WTF happened (Good Morning)

In morning with sunlight sweeping through the curtains falling on a boy's face waking him up. Opening his red eyes he is stunt for a little while,he realised that the room he is in,

Not the one slept in, feeling confused he rubs his forehead.

"What the hell is going on" He say that and start thinking what happened in his sleep.

"Where am I" Saying than getting out of the bed he was sleeping on , he thought that the mattress was very soft and comfortable.

He walked toward the bathroom not knowing why or how he even knows it's that.

Upon reaching the door he opens it like he been through this hundreds of time, entering the bathroom he walks up to the mirror while think of something and what he should do if he's in danger

"Well the room looks familiar and WHAT THE FUCK" He backs off quickly from the mirror,

While breathing heavily falling on his butt.

The face he saw was very handsome but that was not his

"That.. is that me" He asked but there was no one to answer his question.

He stand up and moved closer to the mirror

touching his pale face and dark blue hair, seeing it with his red eyes (hot metal color).

Soon his headache got worse he started screaming in a low voice as to not alert anyone In the house , after 10 minutes of throbbing pain he washed his face and went to 'his' bed and sat there.

"I died i really died and while I was sleeping

what kind of joke is this what happened,

WHAT HAPPENED *sniff* mom dad aah..

I can't die I have a sister,mom and a loving dad I have responsibility on me as the older brother, I can't play hero I in some 'will get destroyed world' FUCK *sniff*.

After 20 minutes crying and cursing the situation he started to gather his thought ,worries filled his mind again tear ready to fall remembering his family "stop I can't complain *sniff* now for better or worse I have to live and I might find something to live for"

He again went to the bathroom to take a bath

Entering the shower after removing his clothes, the futuristic shower turned on after one hand gesture "that's cool" he's sed but still he can't stay like that, water fall on body of the boy he had a fine with a firm built with some small scar on his hand and chest after admire his new body closing his red eyes he started thinking what to do next.