
Heaven's Peach Tree

Peeking through, their eyes fell upon the strangest of things, something that neither of them had ever seen before. Something that they would have never dreamed truly existed.

Small beings with rather round and cute bodies. Bits of wood and leaves sprouted from their bodies. They had wings on their back that looked like butterfly wings. Their limbs were a bit short and stubby as well as their large, dark green eyes. 

Emerald light radiated from their bodies and it exuded a calming aura. 

They fluttered about, going from one flower to another, bush to bush, tree to tree. They wandered about plucking and eating from them. 

"Fairies?" Xuan Yin whispered. 

Ming Yue didn't say a word, the both of them were wide-eyed as they watched these little sprites practically frolic about.