

{Disclaimer: This story may not be 100% accurate. Due to a large passage of life, many smaller parts of 'Vijaya Samhita' has been manipulated or changed. So, if there's something wrong with Character's personality or Plot, please remind me!

There's no need to diss me for my lack of wisdom! I would be very grateful to you.}

Nature's Viewpoint,

Near the kingdom of Anga, on the ganga river, a certain area was completely illuminated by a bright divine light.

However, no one noticed this anomaly. Maybe because it's daytime? Who knows?

On the outside, a school of fishes led by a crocodile were moving towards the kingdom of Anga so was the area shining in the white light.

As they followed the light, their eyes were filled with faith and devotion.

"Om~... Om~"

From the blinding light, some faint chanting were heard. Although not as loud as before, thye were filled with the same divinity as before.

Not to mention, these chants were filled with an extreme energy of purity. Previously, these chanting were clearly the negative thoughts of the surrounding beings. However, nothing impure could exist in the area where these slow but steady hymns reached.

Be it living trees or soil, Prey or predators, all of them seized their actions as they folded their hands or bowed to the bright light till it disappeared from their sight. 

This same scenery was played in many places. Every creature who heard the hymns devoted had unknowingly cleared their half bad Karma.


When the voyage reached the kingdom of Anga, it was already evening.

The Sun was setting, the creatures of the day were returning home and the creatures of night were slowly awakening from their sweet dreams.

At that very moment, the veil of light vanished. 


Devi Ganga appeared seated on water from the curtain of light. A wax basket was floating beside her.

It contained a newborn baby. the source of divine hymns and a young dove along with some jewels and gems.

Devi Ganga was a little out of breath while her fair skin had turned a little pale. In celestials, It was the indication of over-consumption of power or essence energy.

Though, it was tiring for Devi Ganga to feed Vasusena, It was worth it. The pleasure she felt for parting with her every drop of essence was greater than this mild paleness. It could be from her radiant smile that appeared on her face.

Her face is pale, but it is filled with immense satisfaction and euphoria. 

However, her joy couldn't be viewed by Vasusena as he fell asleep. It seems, the purity of Devi Ganga's essence was too much for Vasusena. To digest it, he needed to rest a bit. The young dove fled to the feet of Devi Ganga and slept at that place with a satisfied expression.

"Child, lead me to his destination." Devi Ganga ordered Makar as she observed the adorable face of this little baby and the young dove.

As observed from before, Vasusena can speak by chanting 'Om'. Therefore, before he fell asleep, he unconsciously murmured 'Mother... Father... I'm coming...'

Hence, the sudden question of Devi Ganga came into being.

From the previous incident, She can understand that this newborn baby is a demi-god. He is indirectly affected by his parent's curse and directly affected by his Bhagya (Luck). 

Initially, Devi Ganga wanted to help this child to reach his destination safely and punish his mother but she was enchanted by his fair skin and sweet voice. Her motherly instincts influenced her to go as far as to feed him her essence. Something she will neither regret nor forget it till eternity.

Although her anger for the newborn's mother has lessened a bit, She hadn't forgiven her and never will She. Her act was unforgivable and will remain as it is. Not even her water, hailed to purify the gravest sins, couldn't work on this heinous crime.

Henceforth, she didn't want to act like his previous mother and left the newborn baby to someone unknown.

She wanted to test the fated parents of this child first. If they are worthy, she will leave the Child in her care. If not, She will take care of this child by herself.

As for whether Adiratha and Radha would pass or not?

It's for them to decide.


Half an hour later,

On the riverside of the Kingdom of Anga, A man and women were worshipping the setting sun. Their bowed heads and hands folded in utmost respects were clearly showing the immeasurably amount of devotion they have towards Suryadev.

When they opened their eyes after completing their prayers, they opened their eyes filled with hope. A Hope of being parents...

"Nath (Husband), When will we have a child?" The women asked in a tone filled with grief. This question almost brought tears to her dark black eyes. 

Hearing her wife's question, the man thought for a while before he turned towards the Sun and said with folded hands, "प्रिये (Priye), The birth of a new life isn't in our hands. It is the will of lord. We are just mortals. I believe Suryadev would not mistreat his Bhakta (Devotees/ Believers)."

He paused to look at her wife's face before adding, "If we aren't blessed with a child, the Lord will have bigger plans for us. We... just have to stay true to our beliefs."




The man's word's triggered the tears of the wife. She hugged the man with her weak grip as she cried on the man's chest, wetting his Kurta (A dress commonly found in Indian Villages).

Yes! They are Adhiratha and Radha, the future parents of Vasusena. Whereas an unfortunate childless couple, currently.


A short while later,

Radha recovered from her sensitive state. She wiped her tears and looked at Adhiratha, apologetic for wetting his chest. 

Seeing her silly wife's antics, Adhiratha smiled and gestured to her to return home. Radha, too, packed the containers used for preaching Suryadev.

But, When she turned towards the Ganga river, She saw a shining basket flowing in the river. However, what attracted her was not the shining jewels and gems in the basket but a living baby!

"Hmm? Nath look here!" She hastily called out to Adhiratha. 


As they are married for years, there's no need for Radha to express her concern. As soon as Adhiratha's gaze fell on the baby in the basket, he swiftly jumped into the river.

His hands and feet coordinated with each as he reached the basket in moments. After he reached the basket, He ignored the Jewels & gems inside the basket, Instead he took the baby wrapped in silky clothes along with the young dove to the riverside.

After reaching the land, he passed the baby to his wife while he observed the young dove himself.

"Fortunately, both of them are safe."