
Magneto of Hyuga

[Byakugan] + [Electromagnetic Force] + [Bow and Arrow] + [Science] Starting as a Hyuga and awakening the electromagnetic force! What kind of changes will occur when the sun is paired with electromagnetic force? Hyuga Satoru said, what is Gentle Fist? You haven’t even learn it! Aren’t electromagnetic guns fragrant? What? Hyuga doesn’t have a ranged attack? My bow and arrow are paired with the electromagnetic force, within the range of byakugan, where to shoot, the magnetic storm is here! What? Can’t Hyuga drive Gundam? Hyuga Satoru snapped his fingers. Electromagnetic force, move! Completely in the middle of Susano’s body, Madara Uchiha looked up at the metal Gundam hundreds of meters high in front of him and fell into contemplation. 2 to 4 chapters per day. My first language isn't english so please bear with me, I'm doing my best. I'm translating this with Chat GPT, then I edit the chapters, mainly the names and things that doesn't makes sense. Raw link : https://m-xpiaotian-com.translate.goog/book/416523/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=in&_x_tr_hl=id I'm translating two others chinese fanfics, so go check them out if you have nothing else to read : My Pokemon Trainer Simulator, In Kuroko no Basket as Shōgo Haizaki

Ethanma · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
49 Chs


AN : I'm sorry guys, I had to go back bo home urgently and I didn't take my computer. 4 more chapters are coming in the next hours.


"As expected, the Suna shinobi came to ambush the Iwa shinobi." Shibi murmured, his expression slightly solemn.

"Well, who would have thought that the so-called large-scale supply transaction was a setup orchestrated by the Suna themselves," said Satoru, raising an eyebrow and feeling helpless.

After gathering intelligence through his method, the results surprised everyone. The mysterious seller in the black market, who was selling large quantities of supplies, turned out to be from Suna, one of the Five Great Shinobi Villages.

This transaction was like using bait to lure an innocent fish. When the right time came, they, hidden in the shadows, would reveal themselves and take both the money and goods.

Satoru couldn't help but mutter to himself, "This kind of thing should only be done during lunchtime because something is bound to go wrong in the morning or evening."

He was astonished that Suna, which was considered the weakest among the Five Great Shinobi Villages, had such audacity. However, upon deeper consideration, it didn't seem surprising. In the original story, the Third Kazekage of Suna disappeared during the Third Great Ninja War. They were also stubborn enough to start a war with Konoha, the Leaf Village, which resulted in their defeat and territorial loss.

"Satoru, Suna has dispatched Pakura, who possesses the Scorch Release, and Rasa who possesses the Magnet Release. If we intervene rashly, our chances of winning won't be too high," Shibi's face became serious. If there was only one kekkei genkai user, he was confident they could withstand the opponent, but with two, the outcome was uncertain.

"Don't worry, Shibi-sensei," Satoru smiled at him. "We don't necessarily have to fight them. We just need to disrupt their plans."

It seemed like Shibi realized something and suddenly chuckled while scratching his head.

"I almost forgot you had that!"


In the forest, the battle continued.

However, the defeat of the Iwa shinobi was inevitable. Under the joint assault of the two kekkei genkai users, the remaining Iwa shinobi had no chance to resist and died tragically one after another.

Seeing his comrades dying in front of him, Yamatsuchi's eyes were bloodshot, and his rage reached its peak. He quickly formed hand seals and forcefully clapped his hands on the ground, channeling his chakra into it.

"Earth Release! Earth Dome Prison!"

The ground beneath him split open into two large semicircular walls, continuously closing in towards the center. The intense pressure seemed to grind all the Suna shinobis into dust.

"It's useless," Rasa said coldly. Slowly raising his hands, countless grains of gold sand poured out from under him, filling the cracked ground. From within the sandstorm emerged several golden tentacles that firmly resisted the closing walls.

A deafening tremor echoed.

The two of them engaged in a tense struggle!

Pieces of rock fell continuously from the huge walls, and the points where the golden tentacles touched showed cracks spreading like spider webs.

Yamatsuchi's chakra was still considerable, allowing him to continue the stalemate with Rasa. However, this was not a one-on-one battle. He looked back at his team.

In just a few breaths, his Iwa teammates were nearly annihilated under the combined assault of Rasa and Pakura.

When the last Iwa shinobi fell next to him, his blood-stained hand tightly grabbed Yamatsuchi's pants, and he looked at him with trembling pupils and a quivering throat.

"Lord Yamatsuchi, run away..."

"Damn it!"

As if something had broken inside him, a surge of immense power burst out of Yamatsuchi. He roared to the sky as tears mixed with blood ran down his face.

The massive earth walls, which Rasa had been holding, began to shake intensely and closed in even faster as if they were about to crush all the Suna shinobis into powder.

"Useless struggle!"

Seeing that they couldn't resist this attack, Rasa cursed and jumped backward, trying to escape from Yamatsuchi's attack range.

"Move back! This jutsu is powerful; don't try to resist it head-on!"

As Rasa withdrew his support, the golden sand tentacles only trembled slightly before shattering abruptly. The huge spherical wall closed with a bang, turning into a massive tomb, engulfing the Suna shinobis who couldn't escape in time.

The earth trembled, and dust filled the air.

Narrowing his eyes, Rasa stared intently at Yamatsuchi's position.

"After using this jutsu, he has lost all ability to resist."

After careful consideration, he decided not to take action personally. Instead, when the dust was about to dissipate, he turned his gaze to one of the Suna shinobis in their squad.

"Takuro, go kill him!"


A Suna shinobi named Takuro took out a shuriken from his pouch, feeling a bit pleased. Killing the enemy leader would be a significant achievement.

As he approached, he suddenly felt a chill explode from his back. Before he could react, a blue light flashed, and his head exploded into pieces of brain matter.

This horrifying scene shocked everyone.

The Suna shinobis stood still in place, unable to see what had happened. It seemed like they had witnessed the aftermath of something but didn't catch the moment it occurred.

After a brief pause, his eyes shrinking, Yamatsuchi immediately formed hand seals and used a strand of chakra to dive into the ground.

"Oh no! Don't let him escape!" Rasa said with a cold tone.

The other Suna shinobis reacted and rushed toward Yamatsuchi's last position.


The second arrow arrived!

The Suna shinobi at the forefront suddenly felt a chill burst forth. Before he could react, his chest was penetrated by a powerful force, leaving a fist-sized bloody hole that was gruesome to behold.

"Who is it?!"

Rasa's pupils contracted as he roared in rage.

In the very next moment, the hair on everyone's body stood on end as a chilling presence appeared behind Rasa!

The strong survival instinct made him forcibly stop his steps, using all his chakra to create a defense of golden sand.

A blue light flashed past him, and the lower limbs of the Suna shinobi next to him were shattered, eliciting a painful scream.

The air fell into deathly silence, and no one dared to make any sudden movements. Their throats rolled as they swallowed saliva, fearing that the next second, the deadly blue light would descend upon them. They could only watch helplessly as Yamatsuchi escaped from under their noses.

It wasn't until a long time later, when the blue light didn't appear, that they finally let out a sigh of relief.

"He... He must have left, right?"

One of the Suna shinobis swallowed nervously, stuttering.

"I don't know," another Suna shinobi said fearfully, wiping the sweat off his forehead.

Rasa released his defense of golden sand, coldly ordering, "Go and investigate the situation. The enemy should have already left."

"Right." Since Rasa had let his guard down, the remaining Suna shinobis had no choice but to investigate.

"It's an arrow!"

One of the Suna shinobis held up what he had found—a slender metallic arrow with a faint blue reflection.

An arrow???

Rasa's eyes narrowed. What kind of jutsu could give an arrow such immense power? Moreover, they had been observing the surroundings all this time, and there hadn't been any other shinobi within a one-kilometer range.

Could the attack have come from a kilometer away?

How was that possible?

"Rasa, you might need to think carefully about how to explain this to Lord Kazekage. This mission has completely failed," said Pakura coldly from the side. The two of them had never gotten along. She wouldn't have followed his command if it weren't for Kazekage ordering Rasa to lead the squad.

Rasa's face looked quite grim. Yamatsuchi had escaped, which meant that the Tsuchikage would undoubtedly find out about their actions today. It seemed that the Suna was in for a big loss.

"Who the hell was it?" He gritted his teeth.


A kilometer away, on a large tree, Satoru lowered his bow, a faint smirk appearing on his lips.

Don't hesitate to tell me in the paragraph comments if you see any grammar mistakes.

I'm translating another chinese fanfic go to check it out if you have nothing else to read : My Pokemon Trainer Simulator

Ethanmacreators' thoughts