
Magical Princes

Vivie, a beautiful and courageous young woman had once heard the story of Vivo, the vampire, but she never imagined that he could actually exist, let alone that she would ever meet him. But she did. She met him and loved him. This immortal, cursed and lonely being...

ashellion · Fantasía
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23 Chs


I came to think, if only all the days up until now had been like those since he came to my life, days full of him, then I surely wouldn't have had to think to be mortal anymore to know eternal happiness.

On an afternoon, when they thought I was sleeping, I heard them, Azeo and the dear butler talking, like friends like family.

- I felt his love for that woman and his awful sadness when he had to let her go, for this another human.

- Yes, I know master.

- People can say and think they wish to, but for a loving parent there would be nothing more sadder than to see their children unhappy.

- I am conscious. I promise you the moment you gave me your son to protect him and to make him happy. The butler bowed. I am sorry I couldn't keep my promise.

But Azeo smiled slowly shaking his head.

- Don't butler. I am sorry too. Because I loved him so much, I freed him as much possible from this heavy duty as king, but in the end, I just broke his heart by being apart from him and let him suffer in loneliness those cruelties of life.

- No...

- Thank you so much for loving my son like you do dear butler. Thank you.

I returned to bed and fell asleep. I was so tired.

And when I woke up, he was the first thing I saw.

Then we returned to our pitiful joyable game.

- Vivo?

- Yes?

- If you tell me what is my weakness, then I will reveal you something fantastic.

- Really?

- Yes.

- Love?

- No.

- Human?

- No.

- Jokes?

- No!

- How can it be no? You were awfully joking on me since you arrived! And still you dare to say that it is not your weakness?

- It's not.

- Wait a minute! How could I be sure that I didn't tell the one? For us, without knowing, I may have said it and you'd still deny.

- Then, let me tell you something good Vivo, if ever, I was about to lie when you tell me the true one, then I'd burn before you.

- It's a promise?

- Yes, it is.

I never said him that I knew, how I came to love him, I never called him "father". My most beloved person who didn't love anyone but his son and didn't know how to. I kept quoting a lot of weaknesses, being aware of that none of them was the good.

- It's time for you to go sleep now. You are still weak.

- No, Azeo, our game hadn't ended yet.

- I know, but we'd continue it tomorrow.

- Really?

- Yes.

I shut long and finally smiled to him.

- It would be so wonderful if it was really the case right Azeo?

He returned my look nodding tenderly.

- Yes.

- Azeo, I am sure that if you ever had a son, you who love so much, then this son would have been your eternal weakness.

- Yes. I am sure too.

Then, standing beside the window, reflecting by the timeless starry night, he burned.

Before my eyes that poured endless tears, he burned, before me, his unique son who he saved in all ways, he burned. He burned over and over until nothing remained, not even ashes.

With his life, he set me free and let me have a glimpse of the world he wished for me to see.

- Vivo, I am sorry, but saving you with my life is forever my greatest achievement which I forsake that life that should not have ended for.

I nestled a little more in his heat, and wet him with my tears. He lifted me up and we did it again. Yes, his father was right about him. He deserved to be a timeless weakness of someone. He loved Darlia as far as it could go, with a heart that refused to die, and any outsider would think, like I used too, that losing her was his most painful misfortune. They'd ignored overly his true and greatest sadness. He was putting himself to hope, to wish for various things and to understand Darlia and her troublesome way to love. As he had someone who accepted to do anything for him, even to stop forever his unstoppable heart.

When we reached again the absolute enjoyment, where everything was bright and perfect, he carried me sweetly to my bed in the golden kiosk and installed me gently.