
Magical Isekai: I Am The Man Who Dancing Between Enemies

Nathan had just grown up. Like how the tradition was carried out, he had to find a life of his own in the outside world. Armed with a little knowledge and teaching from his parents, he looked for work in the Capital of Blessinguard. In the Adventurers' Guild, Nathan enrolls as a novice adventurer. Incidentally, it was time for registration to open as reported. Then, he took the exam with the other would-be adventurers. With Nathan passing the exam, he finally begins his life as a novice adventurer.

TeentaZero · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Preparation for Next Journey

The Adventurers' Guild, a worldwide organization in which there are many very strong people working for their own lives. The independent organization has a good vision for society. Not tied to a kingdom, but serving the community by using an exchange system.

The Adventurers' Guild is able to connect people or parties who need workers or human resources for a need for a fee of gold coins or something equivalent.

With the power and influence that the Adventurer's Guild has, neither side would dare to break the promise what has been signed on a piece of paper. In the name of the contracted cooperation, the Adventurer's Union is able to treat those who break their promises according to the violations they have committed following the written rules.

In this case, even the government will not be able to help anyone who is in the hands of the Adventurer's Guild, including kings and princes or dukes who have the highest positions in government.

Ah a free atmosphere, befitting the name of the guild itself. Adventurer's Guild, those who work under the guild have their own freedom by not going overboard in their actions. Crime is something that is prohibited for adventurers, including doing things that violate the norm such as sexual harassment and others. So even though they are free, they are still within reasonable limits.

What makes the adventurers seem free, the way they dress for work is limitless. Whether it's a man who looks like a woman or vice versa, a woman who looks sexy like a night butterfly, and so on. Here, that is called freedom at work. Even those who have licenses as adventurers have the freedom to carry weapons, the government is speechless about that.

When it comes to work though, it's the adventurers who decide. Whether they want days, weeks, months, years, or even forever, they will still be adventurers while their license is still in their hands.

As soon as the sound of the door opening, the people inside have time to direct their attention towards who has come. Then not long after, they return to their respective activities.

Nathan walks with a nervous feeling of being under pressure which for some reason, felt suffocating according to him here to the reception desk.

This is how the aura emanating from strong people... thinks Nathan.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" asks the woman receptionist smiling warmly, she is a friendly woman who is either because she is at work or she really is, which is clear that she is a friendly woman.

Nathan is a little taken aback to find himself being questioned like that, because he was previously still looking around without knowing that he has arrived in front of the reception desk.

"A-ah yeah, I want to work here as an adventurer..."

"Sorry to say but you have to enroll at Central Guild, in Blessinguard City. Incidentally, tomorrow is the opening day for new adventurers to take the exam..." explains the Receptionist.

"Ah so. Too bad, I have to go to Blessinguard City first..." sighs Nathan while he remembers that he has no enough supply for the journey.

Having a fair amount of experience dealing with people like Nathan who was flustered after learning that registration to become an adventurer could only be done in the Central Guild, the Receptionist shakes her head helplessly. She couldn't help much, apart from giving some pointers in order to get provisions for the journey.

Nathan listens carefully to the Receptionist's explanation of the things needed to be able to continue the journey. He nods in agreement that there are several things he could do to replenish supplies, particularly food and gold coins.

"Thanks for the explanation, Miss Beautiful. I'm really helped..."

Hearing the compliment, the Receptionist chuckled with one hand covering her lips before saying "That's no problem. Have a good trip, Mr. Handsome~"


Pointing a sword at a goblin, Nathan feels intimidated. He didn't expect that the goblin who was said to be included in the ranks of the weak monsters could make him feel scared. The sword he is holding seems to be shaking, it is because his hands are shaking.


The goblin seems to be laughing at Nathan. It fiddled with his rusty sword for a while, before the goblin dashes over to swing its sword at Nathan's neck after entering the attack area.


Nathan reflexively parries it. With a violent heartbeat, he glares at the goblin.


Thinking that he wouldn't be able to become an adventurer if he only faces a goblin still trembling with fear, Nathan tightens the grip on his sword to try using the Illusionist Blade Dancer: Chapter I technique.

"Come on, Nathan! Take this opportunity to try out that weakest sword technique!" he cried to himself, before starting to dash swiftly toward the goblin with a movement that looks like it is about to slash vertically at it. But as soon as the goblin dodged the slash, the sword has pierced its chest.

The goblin's body trembles, its gaze slowly moves towards the sword that is stuck in its chest with a look of disbelief that it is defeated by a human who's afraid of it.

With heavy breathing and trembling hands, plus a confused mind, Nathan with great difficulty draws the sword that is still stuck with the help of one of his legs to push the goblin's body. Then, he falls.

The blue sky is covered with leaves, the clouds seem to move slowly in the wind.

The gust of wind really feels comfortable for Nathan after he was tired of fighting against a goblin, his first fight.

Staring at the sword which is still stained with green blood, before gets up from lying with laziness, Nathan mutters "I forgot to clean it... Sigh..."

Since it is still dirty, Nathan takes some things what the goblin has that needed the sharpness of his sword to be able to pick it up. He does it lazily, the fatigue in fact has not completely disappeared.

There are dull earrings, a rusty sword, a goblin's sharp nose piercing with an ugly shape, and a belt. That's what Nathan gets from the results of his first fight. According to the previous Beautiful Receptionist, these things have a price to sell, although it's not much but still worth more than nothing.

It is still daylight, after Nathan cleaned the bloodstain on his sword, he immediately returns to the city.


"12 silver coins and 15 copper coins..." Nathan mutters as he's staring at the coins in his leather bag. The coins were the proceeds from selling the items he got from the goblin drop items.

Nathan does still have coins, the initial provisions. There are still 9 gold coins and 50 silver coins left, he had just spent the 50 silver coins he used for last night's stay and breakfast. He went on a hunt not only to increase supplies, but battle experience just as the Beautiful Receptionist had suggested.

So getting a small result like that didn't disappoint Nathan, instead it was quite proud that he managed to defeat a goblin in his first fight.

"Tomorrow, maybe I'll take down some goblins..."


"Welcome back, sir. Want to stay again?"

Nathan is greeted not by the waitress he expected to greet him like the first time he opened the door to the inn.

Just this morning he didn't see her, and it's the same now. Where is she actually?

For some reason, Nathan is worried about her. Is it because he just wants to see her and be greeted by her again, or something else? He himself doesn't know why but can't feel calm.

"Yeah, I wanna stay for this night and then. By the way, where is the servant girl who has beautiful big eyes and cute round-faced? I didn't see her this day..." says Nathan feeling worried.

The woman, who is serving Nathan, gasps at being questioned like that. She looks confused as she knows about whom Nathan is referring to, as to what she should say to answer the question, besides that she also seems worried about the girl Nathan is referring to after she's reminded of her.

After taking a deep breath to compose herself, the Servant finally answers "She's brought by Slave Trader, his name is Leonardo..."

"Can you explain more detail?"