

When Izzy unlocked her dorm door the room was in its normal state and she didn't feel any cold breeze in the room that she had felt previously. The coffee-like stain in the corner of her room had grown larger than before and Izzy wondered if it was just her mind playing tricks on her.

She got undressed and climbed into bed exhausted and then began to dream.


Izzy was sitting at a table, there seated at the head was her father and next to him was her mother. Izzy however, was on the far end of the table sitting, isolated from her parents.

" Mom, Dad!" she called out but her voice was drowned out and she began to feel the air in her lungs pour out. The floor opened up below her and Izzy fell through it.

She was now suffocating in a dark abyss she flailed about trying to find a source of air. Her body sank. Her lungs began to fill with water. She breathed out and began to float.

Izzy had stopped struggling in the water and closed her eyes.


" Ahhhh!"

Izzy woke up with a start, her hair was damp from sweat and Theonymphi rested on her bed. He looked at her with his small eyes.

" Your dreams," he said, " they feel too real".

Theonymphi had a connection with Izzy although it wasn't a deep connection he could still sometimes tap into her feelings. He felt Izzy's fear and the feeling of life leaving her body.

The only thing that baffled his was that it was a dream and not something happening in real life. He couldn't understand why he had felt like their connection had broke for a moment and then re-established itself once she woke up.

" I know, that felt real too".

Izzy wobbly got out of bed and headed out into the early morning.

It seemed that she had been waking up every time early in the morning when it was still dark. It may have been dark but Izzy felt much calmer outside than inside.

She walked around for a while then decided to continue her training. The air was cold and crisp. Izzy moved her body according to the books in her mind. She had memorised two fighter magic books and one spellcaster book.

Trying to focus Izzy began to follow through the contents of Water's peak. A base specialisation phase, water magic. The magic required a sequence of calm words spoken out, the melody specified in the book was simple and Izzy had no problem making out how to perform the spell.

She quickly sang it out under her breath and a small amount of water floated around in the middle of her palm. Calming her mind Izzy tried to focus and visualise as she sang, part of spellcaster magic was not only in the music but in the visualisation of the magic.

Izzy tried to picture the water piercing through something and threw the water against a tree trunk. Unfortunately, the water ball only landed with a splash and dealt no damage to the trunk.

Izzy, of course, did not give up, she needed to train more and often. So she spent the remainder the morning training until the sun rose.