
Magic Mimicry System

young boy Leonis Lionheart (Leo) gets the help of the system to find the hidden mistery of the death of his parents

aviral_anand · Fantasía
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8 Chs

swamp and skills

Chapter 7: Swamp and Skills

The humid air clung to Leo like a second skin as they pressed on through the swamp. Elara, her brow furrowed in concern, turned to the guard captain.

"Why would a Swamp Terror stray from its territory and approach the main path?" she inquired.

The guard captain, a grizzled veteran with a mane of salt-and-pepper hair, stroked his beard thoughtfully. "It's not unheard of," he rumbled. "Monsters have their own reasons for venturing outside their usual haunts. Maybe prey scarcity, territorial disputes, or just plain instinct."

Elara nodded, her gaze flickering to Leo, who was deep in thought, his brow furrowed in concentration. He wasn't just walking; he was strategizing, limited by the need to conceal his true affinity.

'Fire Bolt… maybe I can use the swamp gasses to amplify it,' he thought.

He focused his will, picturing a Fire Bolt igniting the methane pockets known to exist in swamps. A spark flickered at his fingertips, but fizzled out as he struggled to control the foreign element. Frustration gnawed at him. Adapting without his water magic was proving difficult.

He glanced at his interface, his mind settling on his remaining usable skills.

'Strength Enchantment… Lesser Heal…'

An idea sparked. Focusing on the guards' fighting style, he combined his own physical prowess with the fortifying effects of Strength Enchantment. A warm sensation enveloped him, his muscles tightening with renewed vigor.

Suddenly, a high-pitched shriek pierced the stillness. The guards tensed, hands instinctively reaching for their weapons. Elara's grip tightened on her staff, her eyes scanning the murky depths of the swamp.

"Swamp Stalkers," the captain growled, his voice low and urgent.

Emerging from the murky undergrowth were three reptilian creatures, their slender bodies covered in glistening scales. Their long, sinuous tails lashed back and forth, and their eyes glowed with an eerie emerald light.

The guards, well-rehearsed in dealing with these swamp predators, charged forward. Steel clashed against razor-sharp claws as the battle commenced. Elara unleashed a wave of verdant energy that entangled one of the creatures in thick vines, momentarily stunning it. Leo, however, stood poised, ready to support.

He watched, analyzing the guards' movements. One used a swift maneuver to disarm a Stalker, while another used a well-placed shield bash to send one sprawling. Their movements were a dance of deadly grace, years of experience etched into every action.

A pang of envy shot through him. He yearned for that kind of mastery, but brute force alone wouldn't suffice. He needed to think, to adapt, to fight within the limitations of his concealed magic.

As one of the Stalkers lunged at a guard, Leo saw his opportunity. With a burst of enhanced speed from Strength Enchantment, he darted into the fray. A well-placed kick, fueled by his bolstered strength, connected with the Stalker's midsection, sending the creature sprawling back into the swampy mire.

The guards, surprised by his sudden intervention, quickly recovered and pressed their advantage. The tide of the battle turned. With Leo's newfound prowess and the guards' experience, the Swamp Stalkers were swiftly dispatched.

As the adrenaline subsided, Leo stood panting, his chest heaving. He knew relying solely on his physical abilities wouldn't be sustainable, but for now, it had proven effective. He glanced at his hand, yearning to unleash the power of his true element.

Elara approached him, a newfound respect gleaming in her eyes. "That was impressive, Leo. You used your strengths well, even with limitations."

Leo forced a smile, the frustration of his hidden power bubbling beneath the surface. "Just doing my part," he said, vowing to find a way to utilize his full potential without revealing his secret.

However, a new plan was already brewing in his mind. He focused on the fight, analyzing how the guards combined their physical prowess with defensive maneuvers. An idea struck him.

With a mental nudge, he accessed his system, selecting both Strength Enchantment and the Iron Heart skill he'd recently acquired from the guard captain. The system whirred for a moment, then a message flashed on his interface:

Combining Skills…

Strength Enchantment + Iron Heart = Bronze Body (Rank D)

A surge of energy coursed through him, solidifying his muscles and enhancing his resilience. A grin tugged at his lips. This was more like it.

"Looks like I found another way to contribute," he said to Elara, his voice brimming with newfound confidence.