
Chapter 14

*Ding Dong*

Solomon "Haah~. Yes."

Ophis "He said 'Take her' when I asked."

Solomon "Okay. Why don't we go and watch some tv you may enjoy it?"

She wasn't even gone for an hour. This may be troublesome, but something tells me this will be fun as well.


It's been a week since Ophis moved and nothing really changed except for me adding a dedicated 2 hours of anime watching with Ophis. By the way the anime in this world isn't very kid friendly so I used Solomon's Wisdom and was able to make a tv that connects to Netflix and other apps from my old world. It's about time I go to see Millicas and since Ophis doesn't want to leave my side I'll just take her with me. It may cause some problems, but I don't want Millicas to think I hate him.

Solomon "Are you ready to go Ophis?"

Ophis "Hm."

Solomon "Then let's go. Remember to be nice to him."

Ophis "Hm. Got it."

Millicas "Uncle Solomon! You're here!"

Solomon "Hey Millicas. How have you been since I was gone?"

Millicas "Guess what!"

Solomon "What's up?"

Millicas "Dad taught me how to use my power of destruction!"

Solomon "With my magic and your dad's power of destruction you'll be a monster in no time."

Millicas "By the way who is this? I haven't seen her before?"

Solomon "She is my new roommate Ophis. Say hi Ophis."

Ophis "Hello."

Millicas "Ophis! Your roommate is Ophis! You're so cool Uncle Solomon!"

Solomon "It'll cause some problems if you go around saying her name so call her Ophi please!"

Millicas "Got it! It's nice to meet you Ophi!"

Solomon "So what do you want to do, Millicas?"

Millicas "What do you want to do Ophi?"

Ophis "Watch anime."

Millicas "Anime? Those weird shows dad won't let me watch?"

Solomon "These ones are a little different. Do you want to see some?"

Millicas "Yes please!"

Solomon "What do you want to watch, Ophi?"

Ophis "Black Clover."

Solomon "I don't understand why you of all people would want to watch the anime with the most screaming but okay."


Solomon "Did you like it Millicas, Ophi?"

Ophis "Hm. Good."

Millicas "It was really fun! Why have I never heard of it before?"

Solomon "Let's keep this between us but this is anime from a different world!"

Millicas "Really? That's so cool! How are we watching it then?"

Solomon "I did some magic here and there and boom! Anime."

Millicas "That's really cool Uncle Solomon! Can I tell my dad about this?"

Solomon "You could but I'd rather you don't since it's a complicated thing."

Millicas "Got it! I'll do my best to hide it from him!"

Solomon "Thanks Millicas. Are you ready to head home Ophi?"

Ophis "Hn."

Solomon "Did you have fun?"

Ophis "It was fun."

Millicas "I always have fun with you Uncle Solomon!"

Solomon "That's good. We have to get going but we'll be over again soon so don't miss us too much."

Millicas "Got it! By Uncle Solomon!"

Ophis "Bye bye."


Sirzechs "Solomon. Why won't my son tell me what you did last time you came over?"

Solomon "What do you mean? Aren't you overreacting?"

Sirzechs "I would agree but it's been a week and he still won't tell me!"

Solomon "It was nothing too bad. We just watched anime from another world."

Sirzechs "Can you repeat that? I think I heard you let my son watch anime even if it's from another world."

Solomon "I think your priorities are wrong. Come watch one with me while we talk."

Sirzechs "How did you get anime from another world?"

Solomon "I used the magic spell I made Connect to connect my tv to theirs. As for how I found them it was completely random. Why don't I show you something interesting first? Do you see this yellow butterfly?"

Sirzechs "Yes but what is it? Isn't it just a butterfly construct you made out of light? Even I could do that."

Solomon "No. This is Rukh, and it creates mana."

Sirzechs "What! Then how haven't we found it yet?"

Solomon "Because you can't see it while I can. These little guys are everywhere and in every world. I just used a special power I have to connect the two Rukh."

Sirzechs "Haah~. Will we be able to see these ourselves?"

Solomon "Probably not since I can only see them due to a special power I possess."

Sirzechs "And may I ask what this special power is?"

Solomon "So you see this magic formation on my forehead?"

Sirzechs "Yes is that the power you mentioned?"

Solomon "Yes. It is called Solomon's Wisdom and gives me the ability to see the Rukh, read the and even summon dead souls for a goodbye or maybe a homunculus body but that one's tough."

Sirzechs "What do you mean 'read' the Rukh?"

Solomon "Rukh are the will of the world so when I read them, I can see the past, present and even the future."

Sirzechs "So you can see the future."

Solomon "I can but it doesn't give me one path we must follow and is inevitable it gives millions of branches all leading to different futures."

Sirzechs "I see. This is quite a lot to take in. Since you trusted me with this information, I'll make sure not to spread it even to the other Satans."

Solomon "Thank you."

Sirzechs "Also Millicas was talking about his new friend Ophi. Do you know who that is?"

Solomon "Yeah, she is my new roommate. Her name is Ophis."

Sirzechs "Of course she's your roommate. I'll leave before I get any more shocks. Thank you for trusting me, Solomon."

Solomon "Don't worry about it. See you later Sirzechs."