
Mage System in a Martial World

A high school boy dies in a traffic accident and suddenly wakes up in another world. Normal cliche settings, with only one rather...peculiar change. "What the hell do you mean I got the wrong system?!"

ACrazySheep · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Reincarnated In The Wrong World(Remake)

[Host is in the Azure Sky continent and this world is similar to the host's world ancient China, and the main combat force here are Martial Artists-]

"Wait, stop a bit, martial artists? ancient China? I'm not in a xianxia world right?" said Adam in a joking tone.

[Yes and no host, To be exact, you are inside a Martial World.]

Adam was dumbfounded.

"Why in the hell am I using a mage system in a world like this?" Shouldn't he have a martial god system or something like that?

[Due to a bug in the system, the host swapped places with someone from China called Xia Feng that died at the exact same time.]

Adam was beginning to understand the situation.

"So, he reincarnated in a magical fantasy world with elves and whatever with a martial system or something like that?" Said him with sarcasm. But he did not expect the system's answer.


Adam suddenly felt like facepalming.

There are many problems reincarnating in a world like that. How was he supposed to explain his powers, and his almost total lack of knowledge about chinese culture and manners.

'And the Law of the Jungle mentality.' Adam thought sadly.

With the number of chinese xianxia/wuxia novels he read over the years, he knows very well that people in a world like this have the strange habit of abusing people weaker than them for no real reason at all.

He was more of a fan of the "Good always win!!" cliche, and a big reason he stopped reading said novels was characters used the law of the jungle logic to justify doing very....questionable things, which was a turn-off for him. And now he had to deal with it up close and personally.

'Well as long I don't meet those cannon fodder young masters, jade skin beauties, crazy sect masters who act like moody teens and underdog protagonist materials, I'm probably going to be fine....' Adam consoled himself.

"System do you have a shop or something like that?" Adam asked after remembering the usual system novel trope.

After Adam asked, a virtual screen appeared in front of him with categories like spells scrolls, staves, robes, and magical items.

He was a bit surprised, he didn't actually expect a shop to exist and just asked for the hell of it.

"Hey system, how do I gain points?" Adam asked after seeing his pitiful 0 points.

[Completing missions, improving spells, and selling items to the system.]

"What type of items?" Adam was curious why would the almighty system need things but he put that thought at the back of his mind.

[Cores from magical beasts and any type of magical items]

After the talk was over, Adam asked for the location of the closest city and some unimportant things and headed to Red Jade City.

After walking until he nearly passed out, swearing a lot at the godforsaken distance, Adam finally reached the city's border.

'Closest city my ass, I ran an entire marathon to get here.' Adam grumbled inside his mind.

For some reason, the city didn't have a wall. Adam speculated that it was because in this world martial artists and beasts can just jump over it, so why waste so much time and resources?

According to the system, the name of the city is Red Jade City, named so after the first settlers found red jade on the mountains nearby.

Adam felt like a fish out of the water there. Most people were using loose fitting pants and shirts, with a small amount using silk clothes. They had faces similar to asians in Adam's old world,little to no facial hair.

Some people stopped to stare at him, who had a pretty odd looking face compared to them, and a somewhat unusual robe. Adam was embarrassed at the stares and was doing his best to keep calm.

Being stared at like that, Adam was feeling like some Chuunibyou patient and was regretting forgetting his normal clothes in the forest. And yes, he somehow forgot his clothes.

Adam searched for somewhere that buys beast parts to sell the wolf corpse he was carrying with him. As for why he had that, when he was heading towards the city he found a wolf sleeping without a care in the middle of the forest.

Drunk with the thought of testing out his newly acquired magical abilities, he hid in a bush nearby and began casting Fireball.

He nearly died.

The wolf's ear twitched and he suddenly woke up and charged towards him who was chanting in the bushes with a crazed expression, like it knew it was going to die, but the chant ended first and the fireball hit right inside its open mouth when he jumped at Adam.

It was one hell of a traumatic experience and Adam stood there for a good five minutes, as the blood and guts of the wolf dirtied him.

Adam finally found a shop for it, and due to the horrible state of the wolf with burned fur and everything he only got eight copper coins for it no matter how much he haggled.

According to the system, ten copper coins equal one silver and ten silver coins equal one gold tael.

Adam grumblingly asked the location of the cheapest inn to the shopkeeper who still had some conscience left and answered him. He was able to get a room for five coppers a night thanks to the kind innkeeper.