
Arc 2: A New Start - Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 2: A New Start - Chapter 1

The next day*

"Uh, Rias. You may want to come in here!" Zheng called out to Rias, who quickly came into the experiment room. "I might have accidentally created an unstable portal to a different universe, but it's a one-way trip." He is still baffled that he manages to make this just by accident, which only took a single sneeze and a small change in one of the Magic Words to make this portal that shows a different place on the other side. And as to how he knows it's a different universe and not using the Dimensional Gaps as a passage is due to the small innate knowledge that came with this portal. Weirdly enough.

"Let's go!" Rias grab Zheng by his left wrist and drag him along into the portal, not a moment to think about it. "Devil's Luck, don't fail me now!" She prays to her Devil's Luck would send her and her darling into a universe she has knowledge of. Hopefully, this will give her and her darling a world to relax in without being afraid of someone very dangerous out to get them. As well as hoping her family won't be able to find her in this new universe too.

"Wait! Wait!" Zheng cried out and forgot that Rias is a Devil, not a human; therefore, her strength is higher than his without enhancing himself. "We don't know if this new universe is more dangerous than the one we're in right now!"

"Believe in the Devil's Luck!" Rias said with madness, for she has no desire of staying here any longer and she knew the chance of them beating Sirzechs is near zero, more like at zero if she gonna be honest.

And so, the two redheads enter the portal, not realizing that by doing this. They'll never return back in this universe, nor would they realize that by the end of the year. A great war would break out and it would last for years until only a few people remain in the aftermath. All due to one little Devil went missing.

A few minutes later*

"I blame your Devil's Luck, Rias." Zheng said dryly, for he instantly knew what universe they just came into. "I shouldn't have been able to make that portal in the first place." He knew how impossible it was to do such a thing in such a short time. He was already planning to keep on experiment for a decade if needed. Only less than half a year was needed for them to leave the universe of Highschool DxD through Letter Magic. "If that wasn't enough. I know exactly what universe we're in and I don't like it one bit."

"What's wrong with this universe? And, yeah. My bad, I feel like my Devil's Luck responded to my deepest desire to leave the universe." Rias didn't try to push the blame off her. She will accept it as it is. Also, she literally just scream believe in the Devil's Luck a few minutes ago. So yeah...

"For one thing, we don't have to worry about this world being dangerous as the one we were in." Zheng starts off. This put a smile on Rias's face for a few seconds. "It just that power corrupts and we might become something on the line of tyrants or monsters that take in the joy of others' suffering." That removed Rias's smile straight away. "And before you argue. Think about the time you were growing up and the many setbacks you had to experience in order to become who you are as of now. If it wasn't for the setbacks. Do you truly think you would still be who you are right now?"

This got Rias thinking and became quiet for a while, leaving Zheng to think as well. But, completely different from what Rias is thinking at the moment.

In all honestly, Zheng is relieved that Rias's Devil's Luck had made sure they came into this universe fine without any side-effects whatsoever. Other than it being a one-way trip here with no chance of returning back to Rias's universe. Though, he wasn't planning on going back there any time soon until he reaches the standard of the top-tier Mage.

Okay, now that he thinks about it. Clearly, this version of Rias possesses something closest to the canon version Rias, who has too many lucky moments and never did reveal the unique ability of the Gremory Clan. Therefore, Rias possessing the Devil's Luck due to her bloodline as a Gremory Clan is similar to the line of Rias possessing plot armor. In fact, it's due to Rias that he manages to escape that deadly Highschool DxD's universe, where even someone with a Sacred Gear could potentially kill him if they reach Balance Breaker, and god forbid, a sub-specie of the Sacred Gear and into the different version of the Balance Breaker too. Making it even more powerful than it should already be.

As canon Rias commenting on the abilities of Sacred Gears to Issei.


Sacred Gears are driven by the power of desire. And it also determines the power for it as well. Even though you are a Devil, your will to desire hasn't been lost. The stronger your desire, the stronger your Sacred Gear will respond to you.

Luckily, for him and Rias. They both have Sacred Gears and it seems to still work, even when they are no longer in the same universe that the Sacred Gears original came from. If going by how he can use his Aeon Balor easily with a single thought and dismiss it afterward.

"Should we leave this universe for another?" Rias asks Zheng, breaking him out of his inner monologue.

"Well, as long we don't let our abilities go to our head. We should be fine." Zheng replied. "Also, unless your Devil's Luck can make a miracle happen again, where I've accidentally created a portal to another universe. We're kind of stuck in this one for a long time until your Devil's Luck says otherwise. This is very possible since you're the only Gremory Devil around and in this universe. Not to mention, your Devil's Luck has been enhanced by me." He points this out because he recalls how Rias mention about others with Devil's Luck could affect others with the same unique luck ability, depending on how one is stronger than the other.

"I forgot about that!" Rias is just used to having other Gremory Devils alive and realized how important this is to them. In fact, Rias can already see her helping Zheng so much more now that she the only one that owns the Devil's Luck. "Do you think if I use the Devil's Luck, we can get all the things we need here?"

"I have no idea. Isn't your Devil's Luck pretty much random, though? Even you try to use lots of Demonic Power to control it. The results will still be random." Zheng points this out since he still remembers this small part of Rias's Devil's Luck.

"Yeah... it's random." Rias said with a little disappointment that she couldn't control where her Devil's Luck would influence in. "Would have been great if I could. Then, I could have made many things go my way."

"Careful there. That line of thoughts could lead you to develop a big ego and you know how that worked out for you." Zheng warns Rias, who just stick her tongue out playfully at him. "Okay, the first thing we need to do. Is to find a place to stay. Unless you want us to stay outdoor?" He looks at Rias, who snorts at him for asking such a question. Can't blame her. "Right, let's find ourselves a place to stay. After we find a pawnshop around here to get some money unless you have a way for us to get some money straight away?"

"Think this bag is filled with money?" Rias look to the side, where there is a brown small bag, and pick it up and found it a bit heavy. Opening it to find some apples. "Nevermind. Just apples." She is a bit disappointed in not finding it not carrying money. "Well, at least we got something to snack on. By the way, what universe are we in anyway?" She looks at her darling, who is looking around the place.

"If I'm correct. Then, we're in the universe of RWBY." Zheng replied for he can see many people walking around not too far away from where they are. Especially, when he sees many things that are shown in the series that help him remember about it. "We don't have to worry about very powerful people since your Power of Destruction be enough to deal with them. Plus, you have the Boosted Gear too."

"I see. Do you mind telling me about this universe?" Rias is once again, reminded how her darling is one of these so-called: Outsiders, who have knowledge of the multiverse, be it fictional or not worlds. Making her feel quite proud of herself to bag herself such a unique man.

"Sure, but I'm gonna have to warn you about what you'll have to expect in this universe. Not to mention, the crazy things we may have to encounter." Zheng said to Rias, where they begin to walk into town while he explains to her about what kind of world RWBY is, as well as all about the many things one should expect upon being in this world. "Also, if possible. Make sure not to use your Demonic Power in public since people would start asking unwanted questions. If you need a cover. Just say that you have a Semblance that allows you to do anything with the only limitations are your imagination and Aura."

"Got it. Anything else I need to know?" Rias asks Zheng.

"Don't get me a sex slave." Zheng looks at his love with a deadpan, who looks back at him blankly. "Hey, I've asked you before not to and you still got me one, even if it's just for a short period of time." That got Rias to look away, letting out a nervous laugh. "If anything, we can just role play with you being my sex slave instead." Zheng pulls Rias into a one-armed hug and whispers in Rias's ear, causing her to blush madly.

Then Zheng's face became serious as he secretly locates all the security cameras and begins planning for any incoming unwanted company. After all, they did come into this city through unknown means that's impossible to be explained normally. Though, maybe Rias's Devil's Luck made sure their sudden appearance wasn't noticed. He won't be surprised if that was the case.

"Hey, let's find a place for us to stay here. Since it will be a long time until we leave." Rias said to Zheng, "Oh! They have bento!" She quickly drags her darling towards the store that sells what looks like Japanese foods.

Zheng forgot that Rias has an obsession with Japan. Now, he just has to make sure she doesn't end up trying to buy everything that could be related to Japan. And speaking of which, he had to pickpockets a few guys that are too distracted by Rias's appearance to realized they just have been robbed.

Demonic Power is pure bullshit since he can easily use other kinds type of Magic by imagination alone. Though he knew how it would require precise imagination, otherwise, it won't work. Nevertheless, he really needs to help Rias understand that they don't have many things that are needed to live anywhere in such a large city.

Now, if he can just stop Rias from buying everything within her line of sight.