
Mage King Solomon

That man was born a king from the moment he drew breath; however, he was not a seeker of omnipotence but of knowledge. Been given miracles of God, he only uses it once. His ten rings hold dominion over all of magecraft; his eyes can view both the past and the future. His summoning spell has 72 Demon Gods at his service; the name of that summoning spell is “Goetia.“. The king of mages, said to be capable of the impossible, is the origin of all summoning spells. However, I cannot overlook this, and I cannot continue to overlook it. Despite his gaze resting on such tragedy, he did nothing but have a thin smile on his face. Despite having the power of the universe within his grasp, the king did absolutely nothing. He was a king who only smiled; we all thought we must not allow this man to be.  

Kellyaminu · Fantasía
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41 Chs

Ruler Of The Underworld

Fujimaru, Mash, and the powerful Goddess Ishtar found themselves standing at the threshold of the mystical city of Kuta, a place where the ethereal boundaries between the realms of the deceased and the living intertwined delicately. In a moment charged with magical energy, the Goddess Ishtar raised her celestial bow, imbued with the essence of maana, channelling a surge of power that shimmered with lapis lazuli brilliance. Her melodious voice rang out, resonating with ancient power, as she intoned the sacred incantations that would set into motion the unlocking of the gateway to the underworld. "Load the tide-convergence rounds in Maana bow cannons! Output at isosceles of ⅓ the lapis lazuli! Gate of Kur, shatter! Let the light of Ann shine through the sunless skies," she intoned, each word a precise vibration in the vast tapestry of magic. With a resounding crescendo, unleashed a cataclysmic assault, a radiant beam of energy cascading towards the earth, a force that rent asunder the fragile veil separating the realms of life and death, heralding a profound shift in the balance of existence itself. The boundary between the land of the dead and the land of the living trembled and shattered under the might of this divine intervention.


The party ventured through the mysterious veil, leading them into the haunting land of the dead. The ethereal surroundings were both eerie and captivating as they made their way towards the Palace of Ereshkigal. Along their journey, guided by Ishtar, they encountered the daunting challenge of passing through the seven gates of hell. Ishtar, with her celestial wisdom, explained to Fujimaru and Mash the significance of each gate they crossed, as her own divine power gradually waned with each passage.


Curiosity tugged at Fujimaru's mind as he inquired of Ishtar's knowledge about the underworld. In a surprisingly candid moment, Ishtar revealed her past encounter with the fearsome goddess of the underworld. She recounted her brave yet futile attempt to challenge the omniscient entity in a fierce battle; she stated, "I screwed up the last time here; I felt like there was nothing I couldn't do after conquering Mount Hebi. I got carried away and matched into the underworld, but I was meant with a miserable defeat, a complete and total loss," she continued. "My seven authorities were stripped away, and I was dragged in front of her naked and pieced with several spears." Ishtar's vulnerability was a stark contrast to her usual commanding presence, and her tale emphasised the perilous nature of the underworld and the power that resided within its depths.


As the party ventured further into the eerie realm of the deceased, a sense of foreboding crept over them. Their footsteps echoed ominously, creating a haunting backdrop for their encounter with a shadowy figure. The figure stood before them, cloaked in mystery, until gradually revealing himself to be none other than the legendary King Gilgamesh. A warm smile graced his regal features, signalling unexpected goodwill in this desolate place.


King Gilgamesh shared with Fujimaru and Mash a harrowing tale of his demise. He recounted, "I relaxed my guard and found myself dead. But I know the underworld well, and I invaded her minions easily. Before the gallu spirits came, I hid in the shadows, meditating, and after I had lost them, I waited for just the right time." In a voice tinged with solemnity, King Gilgamesh revealed to Fujimaru the harsh reality of his predicament. Only the capricious Goddess of the Underworld, Ereshkigal, held the power to grant passage for his soul beyond this spectral domain.


Fujimaru, Mash, accompanied by Ishtar and King Gilgamesh, made their way with unwavering determination towards the heart of the underworld, the domain overseen by Ereshkigal, the formidable goddess of the underworld. As they ventured deeper into the realm of shadows and mystery, their party finally reached the designated destination, where the pulsating aura of an otherworldly power permeated the air. In a display of regal authority, King Gilgamesh invoked the presence of the enigmatic Goddess Ereshkigal with venerable words, addressing her, "O Queen of the gallu spirits who casts her gaze upon the sky of darkness." The very fabric of reality seemed to tremble, resonating with an intense surge of magical energy as the arrival of the Goddess of the Underworld drew near. Emerging in all her majestic glory, Ereshkigal, the keeper of death and sovereign ruler of the underworld, responded to the summons of King Gilgamesh with a chilling proclamation; she declared, "Fear me, kneel before me, and taste the bitter essence of despair, mortals. I am the keeper of death, the sovereign of the underworld, the one who treads upon the sanctity of the sacred mountain. I am Ereshkigal."


The powerful Goddess, in all her majestic glory, suddenly manifested before Fujimaru, Mash, and the proud King Gilgamesh, her gaze filled with intent as she readied herself to unleash a devastating attack upon her adversary. Attempting to win over the allegiance of the mighty Goddess Ereshkigal, Fujimaru sought to persuade her to join their cause, stating, "You are not evil," yet the resolute Goddess rebuffed their entreaties, firmly declaring, "I have already made my choice; Gorgon shall assault Uruk in two days; I will seize control and claim the Holy Grail before she has the chance. Then I will kill every human in Uruk and gather their souls in Kur. They will all become my properties once I am finished," the valiant hero, Fujimaru, replied. "I know that's not something you actually want." In response, the goddess declared, "If you are going to stand in my way, I will destroy you." At that pivotal moment, the formidable Ruler of the Underworld unleashed a devastating attack directed towards Fujimaru and their steadfast companions.


Despite the goddess's divine attack, Fujimaru persevered in his attempts to reason with the powerful goddess Ereshkigal. Despite his efforts, Ereshkigal continued her onslaught, unleashing fierce attacks aimed directly at them. Throughout the chaotic battle, Mash and Ishtar stood by Fujimaru's side, valiantly defending him against the relentless assaults of the Goddess.


As the confrontation intensified, the formidable Goddess Ereshkigal summoned her divine might to crush her adversaries. Even with King Gilgamesh joining the fray, the sheer power of the ruler of the underworld seemed insurmountable. Despite the overwhelming force arrayed against them, Fujimaru remained resolute in his conviction that he could win over Ereshkigal to their cause.


As the clash of titanic forces raged on, it became increasingly clear that the outcome of the battle hinged on Fujimaru's unwavering determination. The goddess Ereshkigal's fury knew no bounds, her attacks growing in intensity with each passing moment. Yet, King Gilgamesh stood resolute as he unleashed the formidable power of his Gate of Babylon, a dazzling display of divine might directed towards the ruler of the underworld, Ereshkigal. Despite the overwhelming force of his attack, it proved to be inadequate to topple the invincible goddess within her domain. Ereshkigal, radiating a fierce aura of authority, continued to launch relentless assaults upon her adversaries, undeterred by the combined efforts of King Gilgamesh, Mash, and Fujimaru.


In a pivotal moment, the scales of the battle began to shift as the King, with unwavering determination in his gaze, questioned the formidable goddess about her unexpected allegiance to the Three Goddesses alliance. Ereshkigal's response, resonating with unyielding resolve, reverberated throughout the battlefield as she proclaimed her purpose as the goddess entrusted with the sacred duty of overseeing the realm of the dead.


Her words, fraught with divine conviction, echoed through the clash of powers as she declared, "Make no mistake, King of Uruk, I am Ereshkigal, the guardian of the underworld. It is my eternal fate to shepherd the souls of mortals through the realm of shadows, and I bear no remorse for devoting my entire being to this sacred duty." With a solemn intensity, the goddess readied herself to unleash her ultimate cataclysmic attack, her otherworldly powers coalescing into a maelstrom of divine energy that threatened to engulf all within its path. The battlefield trembled with the weight of destiny as the confrontation between these titans of legend reached its zenith, each determined to uphold their sacred responsibilities at any cost.