

Two species of different nature A rivalry that started from the beginning of time Nobody was able to bring them together Then SHE happened.... But, will she be able to fulfil the hidden prophecy that has been around since the start of time without anyone being able to decipher the meaning Or..... Will she...even her fail? Please stay tune My own creation (Just love Amara and Valerio from Bound: wish the author will update)

GloriousMornings · Fantasía
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4 Chs


Georgia - Atlanta

A haggard man carrying a child not older than four can be seen navigating through the street seemingly urgently, the child seems to be sleeping soundly despite many sounds of footsteps and noises that surrounds the street.

The man came near a huge building that seems to be a cross between a temple and a palace with its spectacular structure and wondrous architectures. He stood in front of it and seems to be debating with himself before a resolute expression settled on his face then he moved forward towards the building when suddenly the area that seems to be deserted appeared two extra people who seems and are dressed as guards.

Guards: "state your business"

"I wish to have an audience with the ruler, please, it is extremely urgent!"

Guards: "our sire won't be seeing anyone"

"Please tell him this is about princess Hatshepsut!" When the man mentioned that name, the guards who has expressionless face froze while showing astonishment thus breaking out of their mask

The guards looked at the haggard man again but this time very seriously because that name is a taboo and only few people know of it but this man knows it then they turned to each other as if silently communicating with their mouth close then one of them nodded at the man before silently disappearing as they appeared while the other stayed to make sure the man doesn't suddenly change his mind and disappear.

After a while, suddenly the air seems to ripple and dozen of guards appeared while one of them beckoned for the man to follow them along with the child the man is carrying.


Inside the huge audience hall that is capable of containing many people and still have some spaces left, a tall man who seems not older than twenty - five can be seen sitting on the huge throne at the end of the hall. He is extremely handsome but it can still be seen that he is male and despite his appearance that screams he was way too young to rule, his eyes states otherwise because they seem so old and profound and looking into them, one can feel the weighty age of the person sitting on that throne.

The ruler opened his mouth and said in a cold tone, "welcome human. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

This man that is exuding such noble and majestic temperament is the ruler of Georgia - his majesty, emperor Aurar of Georgia also known as the vampire king to be precise.

The haggard man bowed and greeted using the custom of the Georgian people which he had practice and seems to have done well seeing from the approval that appeared in the ruler's eyes despite his expressionless face

After the greeting, the man started reporting without standing from his kneeling position, "the princess is gone" Aurar tightened his hands on the throne before losing his grip but his face gave nothing away as if the name mentioned has nothing to do with himself it but. he still couldn't help it and asked, "how?"

"She was giving birth but, there was a fight and her consort died in the battle and she escaped with the child but died a week ago" the man summarised everything that went on

Aurar closed his eyes tightly while remembering his beloved daughter. Hatshepsut was as the man called her, princess of Georgia - the only pure-blooded daughter of the Aurar. She was his most beloved Pearl in his eyes and loved by everyone in the country but what has she done? She forsook her heritage and married his mortal enemy's son then eloped together.

He tried everything to find her but, he doesn't know how she did it but, she was able to avoid his detection every time. There is no one day that he doesn't wish to go back to the past and stop himself and give her his consent so she doesn't have to run away.

But it is too late now, when she passed away, he couldn't even sense her passing away as she was too far away.

He looked at the human who came to give him this bad news and said with a voice that became even more colder but if listened carefully, some of the extreme sadness he was feeling has leaked along with it, "is that all?" He asked

" No, your majesty. Please save her" the man said while moving the sleeping child from his neck and placing her on his knees while still not standing up

When the man moved the child, Aurar moved his gaze to the child and suddenly felt a jolt in his entire being and his gaze immediately stopped on the child unable to move away, "who is she?" He said with a low voice as if afraid she would wake up but, he already has a hunch because he can see that she looks exactly like his daughter – a miniature version of her with blonde hair and although her eyes are closed.

"She is the only thing left of her" said the man while still cradling the child and Aurar immediately stood up walking one step at a time towards the child as if in fascination that he was unable to pull himself out of it

"Can I hold her?" He said slowly with his voice shaking slightly as if afraid he would be rejected

Hatshepsut was the child he watched grow up, the child who brought laughter and childish joy to the palace. She was the one whom he was resolved in protecting forever but in that effort, he pushed her away and now she has disappeared forever but now, there is still a light of her left, a seed of her left which is a blessing from goddess Selene and her consort Endymion.

The man carefully places the child on the outstretched hands of the king. When Aurar touched her, his eyes turned silver due to immense emotion he was momentarily unable to control. He touched the cheek of the baby sleeping in his hands gently with one finger afraid that he would hurt her but suddenly noticed something is wrong with her, "what is wrong with her?" He asked urgently while still keeping his voice low

"I don't know. She suddenly got sick but nothing seems to be able to cure her no matter what I did" the man explained sadly

Hearing this explanation, Aurar immediately used his powers to inspect her body and the cause of the illness that caused her to not be able to wake up and he noticed that her body is full of immense power which he supposed was from both vampire and shifter bloodline which are both pure-bloods but, this power that is just starting to awaken is already too much for her tiny body which hasn't gone through the change to bear which is why her body entered into self defence state by going into deep sleep.

She is a miracle that has been given to him by the gods and he won't let anything happen to her. He didn't even know before today, that vampires and shifter could give birth together because they have different biology so, it comes to no wonder that he was amazed of her existence which is nothing short of a miracle.

A/n: new book, plz view and comment if you like it!

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