
Mafioso In Darkness

The infamous Aleksander Konstantinov is an important executive with an impeccable name, a perfect image and a life that every mortal would like to have. Although pragmatic, by day he is a correct being, apparently the prince charming that women look for in a fairy tale, being in reality insidious, because when the moon rises he is a crooked, frivolous man, he is dangerous, at night his dark side and The most evil desires take over his dark and implacable soul, unleashing all the demons in him.

Romance_Romance · Ciudad
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37 Chs


POV. Alexander

I grab that son of a bitch by the neck, I glare at him, I don't let him go. One of the things I hate is being challenged, breaking my rules and refusing to follow them.

"Can't you follow a single damn order?! "You better get out of my sight or you're a dead man." I release him suddenly, the good"for"nothing idiot falls to the ground trying to regain oxygen. Did you know? Stop right there.

I change my mind by pulling out the gun.

"I will not fail again, sir," he speaks quickly like a frightened rodent.

"Of course not, see you never, Steven," I spit, shooting him straight in the chest.

His death is quick, he deserved it. I hate that pool of blood that has formed around him, so I call Arkady to clean up the mess and dispose of the body.

I remain furious, striking blows from all sides. Damn! With this going wrong, I have to fix it before I return to the United States. I will leave Volkov in charge, the only one who is available and capable of doing things well.

Shortly afterwards the soldier arrived. He knows what to do, I don't need to explain it to him.

"How was the confrontation?

"Everything under control, sir.

"Perfect, I'll go out, I have to take a flight to New York.

"Sir..." he calls, I turn around before leaving.


"Your father Dimitri wants to talk to you, he is in the room now.

"OK. "I leave the office.

My father is waiting for me comfortably in the armchair. I exchange glances with him. Making an effort he stands up and smiles.

"Father, shouldn't you be home?

"According to the doctor, it should already be underground. Look at me, this damn disease can't handle me"he lets out an exaggerated laugh.

My father Dimitri has bloody cancer, the doctor said he doesn't have much left, but he's still breathing. Before he arrives the last breath of his life has left me in charge of everything, that's why I am now the leader of the Russian mafia.

I sit in front of him.

"I have everything in order, don't worry.

"I don't worry, son. I know you know how to do things. I don't know what he would do without you, because Dominic is so young and inexperienced, he needs to be taught.

"Dominic doesn't want anything to do with the mafia, he told you, he's a momma's boy," he said seriously.

"I don't care, if I die I want you to take care of him, no matter what he has to join the family business. It's not a question of whether he wants to or not, Dominic must do it, period.


"How did yesterday go? "She questions.

"Did you hear the shot? "I ask, taking a deep breath.

"He didn't know how to do the job and you finished him off. "Ata her in conclusion.

"Yes, you know me, I hate mistakes.

He nods.

"Is the girl here? "She wants to know, her gray eyes light up.

"That's right, do you want to see it?

"No, if I do I assure you that I will kill her, I prefer that you do it. Aleksander, promise me you will kill her.

"Father," I look at him with a smile. I will have a lot of fun with Luna, but her days are numbered.

"Damn Elena will suffer, I hope she's still here to appreciate her pain.


The trip is exhausting, I arrive at the company. With my imposing presence the chattering stops, the giggles over some joke, the relaxed atmosphere turns into a fearful silence. The employees each returned to their workplace.

Yes, I, the tycoon, have canceled every bit of joy from their faces.

"Good morning," I greet as usual, cold and exaggerating formalism.

Everyone responds in a panicked greeting, waiting for my next action: the slamming of my office door. What I don't do in question. My attention, almost ferocious, is directed towards Henrie, the rookie who was filling in in the marketing area. I can't stop looking at him in that dangerous and intimidating way that makes anyone tremble.

As a good observer, I know that the spectators are already praying to heaven for the young man who, under my deep gaze, barely blinks. In a flash I confront him, I still don't say a single word, him not speaking meant more danger for that idiot.

"Who allowed you to replace Marcus, huh? "She demanded mordantly.


"Whatever your name is, I want you in my office in thirty minutes," I demand.

Nearby I can hear the chatter of that gossiping pair. They have no shame, I should fire them from my company.

"It's a beast, no one is going to want the vacancy.

"What are you saying? "whispers the other.

"You heard me," she answers obviously. They all end up resigning in less than a week, the next one that exceeds seven days should be in the Guinness record book

"Have they called for the position?

"That's what the receptionist told me, who will be the next victim, eh?

"The poor thing doesn't know what awaits her, I already feel sorry for her.

Enough. I approach them both, I see them tremble with my closeness. Inside I enjoy generating terror in women. They both look at me with their eyes wide open.

"Is that what you do all day? "he snapped fiercely". Stop gossiping and get to work, if not quit once and for all.


"I"I... I will return to my post, with permission.

"I didn't say you could leave, Mackandal," I fix my eyes on the cowardly female. At the first mistake, you're fired, you understand?

"Yes, Mr. Konstantinov," she says with her head down. Can I go to my post?

"Yes, you too, Brickmann," I point to the other with my chin.

"Okay, excuse me, boss.

I take a look around me, as I imagined, everyone is aware of what is happening. I demand in a loud voice that they start working, then I go to the office slamming the door. Once in my swivel chair, I make a call.

It doesn't comfort me to know that it will be at least a week without being able to see Luna. I need to start doing everything my father asked me to do, he urges me to make my mother's whore pay for abandoning her, for her infidelity with that damned Miller.

"Luna," I savor her name, I think I have acted out of line, but I will no longer be condescending to her.

As soon as he returns to Russia I will give him the welcome he deserves.

"Sir, Konstantinov," they call and knock on the door at the same time.

Can't I be alone for even a second?

"You can come in, Greenwald," I give permission to my secretary Grizela.

The attractive redhead goes in and tries her best to tease me with her flirtatiousness. She thinks I take the bait, in reality I'm the one who catches, no one imprisons me. Her expressive greenish eyes soon look at me with double intentions, she bats her eyelashes seductively. Her methods are ridiculous, an old"fashioned interlude that doesn't capture my interest. The romance we had should remain just that, a simple adventure, but she doesn't get over it.

"Alek, I brought you your favorite tea, I thought it would be good for you. How are you? "he asks, leaving the cup containing the steaming liquid on my desk. Should I thank him? ". And here are the documents, sorry for the delay, but I wouldn't be so busy if you had an assistant too.

You are right, but if you focused only on working, you would perform better. I fly my eyes over the hot drink. I take a sip, it's just the way I like it, there's no doubt he wants something. I sense that he is looking for the same thing as always: sex and money or just sex. Grizela is no longer just anyone. I take another sip, taking a look at the papers she brought. Looks like I'll have to stay up until night checking everything.

I go back to her, she doesn't say anything waiting for me to finally speak to her.

"What do you want, Grizela? "I'm going straight to the point. He seems hesitant, I've hit the nail on the head, his nervousness is a sign that there are interests behind his actions. He speaks either now or get out already.

"I... Aleksander, I'm pregnant," she blurts out.

The news overwhelms me, with my jaw slack and my eyes wide open, I get up from my chair.

"What the fuck are you saying, Grizela? "I question incredulously, the security has been extinguished from his being, I can bet that at any second he will start crying. I can't imagine dealing with it. Fuck ". Speaks! It's a joke?

"No, Alek"he can't even look at me. She looks fearful, she can't hide it. I didn't believe it either, I swear I always took care of myself, but I'm expecting a baby.

He breaks down crying.

I won't go hug her, her performance stuns me. I stop to reflect, I can't transform, be a monster here. But I won't let that baby step foot in this world. That would tie me to this freeloader who surely planned everything to obtain rewards.

"Grizela, try to calm down, sit down. Everything has a solution " I assure you.

She takes a seat, little by little the impertinent whining subsides.

"What are you talking about?

"I'm talking about you getting rid of the baby, I'll give you the money and we'll keep this between the two of us. OK?


"No buts," I warn harshly. This is what you will do if you want to keep your job and a normal life.

He nods slowly.