
Mafioso In Darkness

The infamous Aleksander Konstantinov is an important executive with an impeccable name, a perfect image and a life that every mortal would like to have. Although pragmatic, by day he is a correct being, apparently the prince charming that women look for in a fairy tale, being in reality insidious, because when the moon rises he is a crooked, frivolous man, he is dangerous, at night his dark side and The most evil desires take over his dark and implacable soul, unleashing all the demons in him.

Romance_Romance · Ciudad
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37 Chs


Chapter: "His Harmful Being"

Where the hell did it come from? From a movie?

He is aware of my diving on his body, and I know that he did it on purpose. Appearing like this has not been by chance. He was really catching me and there he is.

"I-I thought maybe I could use the kitchen, just if you let me," I whisper, taking the attention away from his body, my nerves playing against me, it can't be. I mean, can I make lunch?

"It's fine with me, go ahead."

It was simple, he did not refuse.


"I want you in my room tonight, okay?" "She informs me by way of order."

And he wanted to say: "Tonight I'm going to possess you"


When he's gone, I blow out the air. After recovering, I go fully into the kitchen, looking everywhere for ingredients that will allow me to make an Italian dish. In the end I manage to gather what is necessary for a Rissotto.

I put everything in motion, so to prepare the onion sauce, I cut it and put it in a pan over very low heat. Once the onion has browned and lost its pungent flavor, I add the other ingredients. I know it is just the beginning, I hope it remains "al dente".

After a long process in which I have put all my care so that it looks good, I remove the saucepan from the heat and add the Parmigiano Reggiano cheese (the one that fortunately I found in the fridge) as well as butter to add even more creaminess to the dish. After that, I let the covered Rissotto rest for five minutes before serving.

I take care of cleaning everything, and I think setting the table is a good idea. Everything it took me to prepare the dish has entertained me a lot. I do my best to make a good presentation at the table. I do not even notice the dedication I put into it, the intention does not involve a feeling or it is that I struggle to convince myself that it is so, by stopping and seeing what I have done.

It looks like an arrangement tinged with romance, it's so much like an evening for two lovers that I want to remove that vase full of flowers and replace it with nothing. I reach out my hand and I'm about to have it, but before I even hold it, his voice that has come impregnated with surprise makes me leave the flower arrangement as the centerpiece.

-The truth is that…

Why did I do all this ?!

"Wow, I'm amazed at what you've done." It's a date? "His eyes from him face me, there is mockery in those orbs that make me feel ashamed and stupid." What's next, Luna? You expect me to kneel down and put the ring on your finger, right?

If I had the courage, I would punch him, but that won't happen. I seek revenge, pretending that the poison of her mockery has no effect on me.

"I just wanted to make the table look pretty, it doesn't matter."

"I see, let's eat then." He takes a seat across from me.

She pours herself a glass of wine, she offers me knowing that I will decline. The first time I tried a sip of alcohol I found it disgusting, I don't like it, so I have completely ruled it out.

-No thanks.

"Don't you like it or are you afraid of getting drunk?" "She questions." The smile that moves on her lips is an accomplice of her eyes that inspect me -. Tell me.

"No, that's not why," I say without looking at him, I sigh. I see -. I just consider it in bad taste, for me it is not delicious.

We do not speak again. Swallowing and swallowing is what we dedicate ourselves to the next few minutes, although every so often I feel his powerful gaze on me, for my part I do the same without him noticing, what was I thinking when I agreed to marry him? Yes, I remember, I was thinking about my life, just for that I am willing to bear his last name.

"Your food was good," she says. I take it as a compliment from him, strange as it may be, it's a compliment from her. I smile briefly at him. It's not perfect, but it's not bad either.

I change the expression, who do you think you are making fun of? At least I have satiated her appetite, she hasn't left a single crumb on his plate. He is an idiot, for sure he wants to make me annoy.

-Thank you anyway.

I get up, start to collect the dishes, his palm rests on my forearm, he grips the hand around my limb, preventing me from continuing the work. Now what does he want?

"Do you know what you look like when you get angry?" She asks, leaving me confused.

And when I think she will make another dark and malicious comment, he continues to answer her question.

"Exciting, Luna Miller, and beautiful too," she says, she doesn't pretend what she says. And I'm just kidding. I have loved the food, I did not know of your culinary gifts.

»There are many things you don't know about me«.

He lets go of me.

"At least I know how to defend myself," she admits with a slight smile.

He doesn't say anything, he just watches me.

-Do you want to go to walk?

"I don't think it's safe, doesn't anyone know we're here?" —I am urged to know.

"Only my men, the ones you saw before we came." If she's worried about Elmo knowing, don't worry, Ferreti doesn't know about this property. Here in Capri we are safe.

"What happened to his daughter?"

"She died," she informs without a hint of remorse.

Sometimes I forget that I speak to a murderer, despot and heartless, it is enough that I mention a single victim and I remember what kind of miserable he is. Enough to remove the strange sensation that I experience when I see him, knowing that he is a psychopath reiterates the urgent urge to get thousands of kilometers away from the harmful being of him.

"Will we ever go back to Russia?" I ask again, I hope not.

"When everything calms down, I've already told you." While the tide is high it is better to stay on the shore, "she assures, standing up. I'll take a breath.

In question disappears from my sight. No way, I have to wash the dishes. While I wash everything, I think about it, I'm done and I'm still hooked on the same thing. I do not want to return to Russia, the only flight I want to take is to New York, an impossible destination for the moment.


The night has fallen. As he has asked me, I go to his room. As soon as I enter the exotic, shocking and penetrating perfume of him seeps through my nostrils. Notice that I have arrived while I take a look at the room. I don't find much difference in what I occupy and this one, only that Aleksander's is more masculine, his touch goes from corner to corner.

"Turn around." His demand for him takes me out of the study.

I obey without seeing him yet, soon I feel his breath in my ear and I find it difficult to keep up with mine. His breath brushes other parts surrounded by weakness, like the curve of my neck that receives the occasional wet kiss. It takes my breath away. A cold runs down my back, it shudders me. He whispers to me to close my eyes. When I do it he puts on a silk scarf that blinds me completely. Everything is black, shrouded in uncertainty.

-What are you doing? I want to know, my heart is beating wildly, it's hard to calm down.

"Blindfolded, you'll teach me how to make love, Luna," he says, my system short-circuiting what he's said.

I'm an apprentice at this, inexperienced, if he does it because of what I told him on the plane, it's a cruel way to get revenge.

—I don't know how I could do it, I don't love you, I don't feel anything for you ...

"But you're dying to try, come on, Luna." His hands caress my shoulders, sliding the first strap of my dress over my right shoulder, it goes to the left, the fall is slow, soon the fabric lies around my bare feet -. You don't really need love to make love, tonight you are going to witness it.

I say nothing, less words and more action I demand for myself, inevitably the frenzy runs through me to feel the feverish outburst of his hip and mine shaking in unison. I fear there will be a tortuous wait before then. Aleksander has slid his tongue through my legs, the route sends electricity to all parts of my body, it is distributed with such intensity that my legs weaken, I can hardly balance myself. He stops taking the edge of my underwear with his fingers.

"What do you know, Luna?" He questions, what I imagine he will do has already started a fire inside me, and I feel wet.

He tosses his panties aside and one of his slippery fingers slides inside me easily. I breathe ragged to the point of wheezing. My center burns, each visit of his agility makes me groan, it drives me out of control. He doesn't stop, and I don't want him to stop. When I think I can't resist anymore, the magic dissipates. The skill is gone and I'm dying of frustration. However, Aleksander now spreads my legs a little, I guess he has perched in front of me and leaned in, suddenly everything inside me collapses when I feel his mouth in my center, in a way so deep that I convulse.