
C4 - So that's a thing

While Sea was drowning in disillusions Maren made his way to her village, brewing plans about how to get his organization up and running in his mind. But before he could delve into his strategies any further, a sound interrupted his thought process again.


-The main server has issued an optional mission:

Name: "Conspiracies"

Description: Find out who hired the thugs that threatened Sea and her brother, and make the culprit give up on Sea.

Steps completed: (0/2)

Reward(s): 50 points, Nature's-Heart Array (gathers nature aura, helping Cultivators of Following-Ascension Realm and under with forming their Qi)

'Hm? The name of this array certainly sounds cool. And it looks like it'll be quite useful for my sect's headquarters! System, can you give me a description of it?'



Nature's-Heart Array

A big-scale Array designed and developed by the Zhiwu sect's Ancestor, to help his successors create their own Heaven's Lantern easier, letting them reach Following-Ascension. By relying on the array to nurture their disciples, the Zhiwu sect is now a large-scale force on the mainland.

'Woa isn't that a bit much for a reward given by a sidequest?'

-Information: The system doesn't choose rewards by their monetary value, but how useful they are for the [Host]'s current goal

'Oh, I thought systems just give out random rewards!'

-Information: The reward distribution differs from system to system

'Guess that makes enough sense."

While talking with the system Maren arrived at the outskirts of Sea's village. Upon entering it, she wriggled out of his arms and started running towards a short-haired, intelligent-looking youth coming out of the door of a nearby house, nearly stumbling because of her sprained ankle. When the boy saw Sea, the look on his face changed to a happy one, but when he saw the tears that were welling up in her eyes again it got gloomy. Looking at Maren who was standing behind her, his eyes gained a sharp, malicious glint.

"What is the meaning of this Sir?"

He didn't dare to be too rude towards the unknown figure since not everybody could afford a sword, and his clothes were basically screaming that he was important. He could even be an envoy from Koda city, the governing force in this region, hence he mantled his displeasure, but the suspicion on his face grew. Seeing his behavior Maren smiled.

'He is difficult to read, what a scheming young man.'

The thought of recruiting this exceptional youth flashed through his head, but he turned it down.

'It's probably either Sea or him. This could be interesting.'

He took off his mask while looking at the youth.

Seeing the staring contest between the two men, Sea started to explain the situation.

"Hadi, don't be like that, he saved my life!"

"Huh? Saved your life? What the hell happened during the two days you spent outside the village Sea? And where is your brother?"

The youth named Hadi was obviously anxious.

"Zhi and I got attacked by some hired gang, and they separated us. And just when I was about to start losing hope the Sir Cultivator helped me by... defeating the robbers."

She decided on not telling the part when two of the villains got accepted as disciples by the Cultivator before her.

"After he rescued me, he told me he was asked by somebody to help me, returning a favor from long ago."

Hearing the explanation, Hadi's tension seemed to loosen up, but he was still concerned about her brother's fate.

"And what about Zhi? What happened to him?"

Remembering the origin of the two people currently on their way to save her brother, she decided on twisting the story a bit, as to not create animosity between her village and the Immortal due to an overreaction of her cousin.

"Sir Immortal send his two disciples after the people chasing Zhi."

For a split-second, Hadi's expression turned weird, but Sea didn't notice it. The change couldn't escape Maren's eyes though.

'Is he jealous of her brother?'

He chuckled slightly.

'She certainly is quite beautiful. Sorry for intervening, kiddo, but I needed her for my quest.'

Hadi turned towards Maren with a strange expression.

"I'm sorry if I accidentally offended you Sir Cultivator, I was just anxious about Sea and my sworn brother. I beg for forgiveness."

With those words, he kowtowed once.

"No worries, I'm not a hateful person. Stand up!"

Maren waved his hands, dismissing the problem. He then turned to Sea.

"Shouldn't you inform your father of being back? I bet he is full of worries right now."

"He is right Sea, your father is dying of worries right now."

With those words, Hadi sent Sea on her way to the village chief. After she was gone he looked at Maren, who just showed a neutral face. Seeing his probing look, Maren decided to initiate the conversation.

"I've got no problem with your plan, but I need her, you know, at least for the moment."

At this point, a system notification rang out.


Mission objective fulfilled:

Name: "Conspiracies"

Description: Find out who hired the thugs that threatened Sea and her brother, and make the culprit give up on Sea.

Steps completed: (1/2)

Reward(s): 50 points, Nature's-Heart Array (gathers nature aura, helping Cultivators of Following-Ascension Realm and under forming their Qi)

Hadi's face didn't flinch.

"As I thought, you already knew about it huh."

Sighing, Hadi replied,

"As expected of Sir Cultivator, you already saw through me. But do you mind telling me why you foiled my plan?"

It was obviously Hadi who sent the gang to kill Sea's brother and frightened her.

"I've got my reasons, but mostly because I need to get some information from your village chief. After I'm gone in a few days you can try again. But don't touch Sea!"

Maren's eyes stared daggers. Take it as a mood-swing, but he didn't want the first person he met in this world to be hurt.

"No worries Mister Cultivator, Sea was only a bonus for me in the first place."

"Good that you know your place."

Maren was quite satisfied with the submissive attitude of Hadi.

"May I ask Sir Cultivator, what do you plan on doing in this remote island anyway?"

"Hmmm... I plan on opening a sect first, maybe I'll go on an adventure afterward, but only after the sect's basic foundation is solidified."


"Kind of a sect, yes."

Hadi's face paled instantly after he heard of Maren's plans. After all, even the most basic of sects on the mainland of legends had a Calling-Ascension Ancestor watching over them. And on this island, even a Peak- or Perfection-Practitioner was an ultimate rarity, with the most powerful ones publicly known as city lords of the 3 cities Ahan, Sedan, and Koda.

"M-may I know if... Sir Immortal, did you reach the Ascension-Realm?."

"Ascension? No, I'm not in the Ascension realm... "

Hadi let out a silent breath he didn't even know he was holding in, until...

"I'm currently at Reality's Fabric-Divinity."

Maren said it matter-of-factly like it was an everyday thing to meet a Divinity-Realm Cultivator, but Hadi instantly wanted to puke out blood. There were only a few cultivators recorded in history books that reached the Divinity realm. While there might be more experts who reached it somewhere in the world, there certainly weren't any on the island. He immediately fell on his knees and begged.

"Please Sir Immortal, I didn't know, I didn't know. Forgive me for my earlier offenses."

Hadi inwardly cursed at his dogshit luck, there was only a small amount of people he couldn't afford to offend here on Tenti-island, yet today he actually met somebody who didn't even put those mighty figures in his eyes. Or rather said, instead of not putting them in his eyes, it was more of not knowing about their existence. Would humans step down to learn about every single ant in the anthill? No, they wouldn't, and all of the inhabitants of this island weren't even comparable to ants in front of the expert currently smiling at him.

What Hadi didn't know was, Maren didn't even bother with such a small issue. The only reason he smiled right now was that he got a message from the system again.


Mission objective fulfilled:

Name: "Conspiracies"

Description: Find out who hired the thugs that threatened Sea and her brother, and make the culprit give up on Sea.

Steps completed: (2/2)

Reward(s): 50 points, Nature's-Heart Array (gathers nature aura, helping Cultivators of Following-Ascension Realm and under forming their Qi)

--QUEST COMPLETED-- Rewards obtainable at every time convenient to the [Host]

'So you were actually trying to scheme behind my back brat, huh. Well, I like it, I like it very much in fact.'

Maren was thinking of scamming the intelligent Hadi into joining his sect by himself after it got established, after all such an intelligent person was quite rare, and surely a prodigy when it came to cultivation. Even if not, a smart manager was something that every sect needed.

He waved his hand towards Hadi.

"Kid, I won't kill you, don't worry. It would be such a waste of great talent."

With that, he let his view wander of behind Hadi, looking at the village head and the elders that were brought over by Sea.

'I guess it's time to fulfill my starting quest finally. I already know a good location where I'd like my sect to settle down.'

Maren revealed a thoughtful expression and flashed a smile towards the village head.

'Time to act again then, well here I go.'

With that, he put on his mask again.