
Mafia overlord

The harsh reality of life on the streets had a profound impact on young Kelvin when he was deserted by his parents at the fragile age of five. Left without any form of guidance or assistance, he found himself navigating a world fraught with peril and unpredictability. Unknown to him, fate held a different course that would ultimately mold him into the individual he has become today.

Adedeji_Adeniyi · Acción
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15 Chs

A man with nine lives

Immediately, Kelvin took cover, using the table as a shield. Unfortunately, a bullet grazed his left arm. Kelvin wasn't bothered by it, his main focus was survival. Ducking behind the table, he plotted his next move, thinking aloud as he stared at the exit sign not far away. But the route was already blocked by his assailants. Feeling trapped, he turned to the side. "It's time to bring you out, my old friend," he said, referring to his gun as if it were human. "Sooner or later, I will have to use you." He took out his automatic pistol, aiming to shoot the closest person to him. Kelvin had been practicing shooting for a long time, and he was a sharpshooter in every sense of the word.

But before he could shoot, he felt another pain in the side of his lower abdomen. "I've been shot more than once," he murmured to himself. "No time to debate about it right now." He started shooting. Before long, he had taken down three of his assailants. He felt like he was being cornered - the number one rule of the street is to never allow yourself to be cornered. Immediately, something crossed his mind: why were they taking so long? This was Don Chavez's territory - they must have heard the gunshots by now. Why weren't they responding to the distress call?

Soon enough, a squadron of Don Chavez's men arrived at the scene. Kelvin took a deep breath of relief, but his attention quickly shifted from surviving to catching the men and stopping them from escaping. There was no way he was going to let any of them get away now. Diego Ribas was the squad leader, known for his brutality. He yelled at his men, "Don't let them get away!" But the remaining assailants didn't back down - they remained steadfast in their goal of eliminating Kelvin. Retreat was never an option.

Shooting carelessly at Kelvin, they didn't bother to protect their flanks. "Is my life worth that much?" he thought to himself, "at the risk of losing your own life?" As Diego and his men closed in on the assailant, they tried to close in on Kelvin too. But Kelvin was smart enough to understand the outcome, so he didn't relent on his efforts. Filled with courage and confidence, he pressed on, attacking ferociously. With the help of Diego and his men, they managed to take down the assailants, leaving only two alive.

Diego went over to Kelvin and said jokingly, "who did you piss off again?" Kelvin met his gaze and replied, "Who knows? The world seems to want me dead. I guess I'm a cat with nine lives." Both men chatted for a while before Kelvin changed the topic and focused on the remaining two assailants, ordering, "take them away and find out what they know." Diego assured Kelvin, "Don't worry, they will talk. I will get everything out of them before they meet their maker." Both men laughed maniacally.

Some were in town. The early gangs were in a meeting. A man, believed to be the leader of the gang, was seated at the center of a large hall. He had a beaming expression on his face. His beaming face told his own story. "Sir, we failed in our assassination attempt to kill Kelvin. Our men were too slow, and his back-up team arrived earlier than expected," said the man with the beaming face, as if expecting the results. "What about the men we used? Will it lead back to us?" asked the leader. "No, sir. They were local hitmen. They don't have any ties with us," replied the man. "Good! That is all I need to know for now," muttered the leader to himself. "Kelvin, sooner or later I will get you."

Mark Foley was sitting in a restaurant with some of his group when a breathless man rushed in. "Boss, I have urgent news," he said. Mark Foley recognized the man and called out his name. "What is it, Jacob?" he asked. Jacob, catching his breath, explained that someone had tried to assassinate Kelvin tonight. Mark Foley's face became perplexed; he was genuinely curious and concerned about the situation. After thinking for a moment, he asked, "Do we know who did it?" Jacob replied, "No, but from the look of it, we are to blame. Someone is deliberately trying to set us up." Mark Foley nodded in acknowledgment and said, "I see."

Kelvin was back at Don Chavez's mansion, accompanied by a beautiful young lady who happened to be a doctor. "Margaret, it seems you just can't get enough of me," remarked Kelvin. Margaret smiled before saying, "Who knows if you purposely got shot just to see me?" Kelvin replied, "Here I am with my clothes off, and you're touching everywhere but my wounds. Are you trying to seduce me, doctor?" Margaret blushed before saying, "Kelvin, you have to be serious for once. Even if these are flesh wounds, they can still become infected. With you taking care of me, I know I'll be fine." Kelvin replied.

Don Chavez walked in, and after greeting him, Margaret walked out. Don wore a concerned expression as he examined Kelvin. He let out a sigh before asking, "Do we know who carried out this attempt?" Kelvin shook his head, indicating they did not know. Then, he continued, "We think it was Mark Foley and his gang." Don was lost in thought for a moment before saying, "Mark Foley is never this reckless, and he would never attack you in my territory. I don't think this is his doing. Someone is deliberately trying to cause a conflict. I sense a sinister conspiracy here." Kelvin was surprised and couldn't contain himself anymore. "Who would dare to try to assassinate me if not Mark Foley?" Don was shocked by Kelvin's naivety. "You're not thinking with your brain, my son."

"Who would benefit from your death?" asked Don Chavez. "Who stands to gain the most if you were to die?" Don asked again. "This is the question you must answer in your head before you act. There is no room for mistakes. Once action has been taken, there is no going back. Now, do you understand?"