
Mafia King vs Mafia queen

"For the first time in my life, I myself do not know what I want ", said Lucy. Lucy Anderson, the CEO of Coco Styles one of the biggest clothing companies in the country. But behind the mask of a hard working and workaholic CEO, lies the most dangerous mafia queen of the underworld. Extremely capable and cold hearted, she has no emotions, guilt and regret and the worst for her is not death but failure. Will she be able to achieve her life's motive and retain her fiercome mafia queen image or get entangled in a trap with a famed dark CEO who has a big secret from her? "She is my wife. This is my duty and in Adrian Smith's life duty always comes before life ", he said. I am Adrian Smith. With a rather complicated past, I grew up burning in the fire of vengeance. A cold and dangerous CEO, I can scare the living hell out of anyone with my demanuring personality. What will happen when the mafia queen will enter the life of the mafia king? Will they be able to sort their priorities or fall in love. Keep reading 'Mafia king vs Mafia queen' to find more about the love hate relationship between them.

Anshu_Anand_7820 · Adolescente
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38 Chs

Worst cooks ever

"I didn't like it. He made me do it ", said Lucy, annoyed .

"Made the CEO of Coco Styles do it ?", he questioned, slowly.

"He's an A Level Actor with more than a million fans, you realise that, don't you? Besides I can keep a check on him so that he doesn't do anything out of the line while he's here ", said Lucy, explaining.

"So , you think that mom won't be upset that a 'married' woman is bringing men to her house", said he.

"You seem more upset than her. It's not like he's demolishing the house or anything ", said Lucy, trying to shake the matter off.

" But the house is mine ", said Adrian, playing the boss card .

" Half mine too, in case you forgot ", said Lucy.

" You ! ", said Adrian, angrily.

" I won in the argument, you lost ", said Lucy, and started to walk towards the bathroom but Adrian blocked her way.

" What now? Mr Useless? ", asked Lucy.

" You forgot Mrs Useless that the bathroom 🛁 is in my part of the room. Since you talked very rudely with me and even invited your guests to 'my' house, I am very displeased. So if you want to use 'my' bathroom, you will have to apologise sweetly to me and I might consider it ",said Adrian.

" There will be no need for it, Mr Useless husband ", said Lucy. She took the glass jar from the bedside table and poured water on her hands and washed her face, flooding the floor in the process.

" This was my part of the room ", said Adrian.

" The air is not yours. My hands were in the air and water is not your problem. I am very tired and want to take a short nap before going to dinner, so excuse me ", said Lucy and turned back.

" You're not getting away with this ", said Adrian, as he threw water in her face. Lucy turned back in time, and dodged but the sleeping bag got drenched with water.

"Now that you've drenched my bag, I am going to sleep on your bed. You are free to sleep on the floor ", said Lucy.

"I am not sleeping anywhere, the bed 🛏️ is mine", said Adrian.

"Your wish", said Lucy, as she snuggled inside the blanket and fell asleep.

"Hey you, are you .... she's already sleeping. Fine, I will just sleep on the other side for now", thought Adrian, as he also climbed up on the bed to sleep.

The next morning.....

"I have no hurry...I have a holiday today.You can shower 🚿 first if you want to.", said Lucy.

" I have a holiday as well ", said Adrian.

"I am hungry ", said Lucy, as her stomach growled.

" Me too ", repeated Adrian as they walked to the hall.

Just below the stairs, Lia was standing fully dressed in her college uniform 🥋. The hall seemed strangely empty and there was no sign of anyone except the trio.

" Where is the breakfast? ", asked Adrian.

" Mum had some urgent work, so she went away with dad . Hailey and George have also left for work. I am also leaving. That leaves you , Lucy and Felix in the house as your friend is also out. ", said Lia.

" What shall I eat then ? ", asked Lucy.

" Order something or go to a restaurant. You better not ask Adrian to cook, he will burn the whole kitchen. The last time he cooked , it took ages to clean the darkened utensils ,🥣🍽️", said Lia, warningly.

" I am not even that bad", said Adrian, as Lucy started laughing.

Lia left the house, shrugging her shoulders.

" I am cooking today", said Adrian, as Lucy continued to laugh.

" You know how to cook ?", asked Lucy.

"You're saying as if you're a mastershef", said Adrian to Lucy.

"I can cook better than you", said Lucy.

"Fine then, let's see who knows to cook today", said Adrian.

They walked to the kitchen. Not only Lucy, it was the first time for Adrian in the kitchen too. He revolved checking out everything in the place.

"So what are we cooking 🍳?",asked Lucy.

"I will check the internet", he took out his phone and checked something and then suggested , "Coconut custard 🍮".

"Sounds too complex ", said Lucy ,rejecting openly.

"Extra cheese pizza 🍕", he said, looking down.

" Something simpler ", said Lucy.

" How about a glass of water ? ", said Adrian, completely irritated.

" You can have that ", said Lucy, nodding.

" Fine, let's make an omelette and boil some eggs 🥚. Sounds easy and ok", said Adrian, looking in his phone.

"Fine ", said Lucy, taking out eggs from the tray.

" First fill it half with water 🌊", said Adrian.

Lucy filled an big bowl like flat bottomed utensil with water.

" Is this much ok? " ,asked Lucy.

" That's nearly full", complained Adrian.

Lucy poured out some water in the wash basin and showed it to Adrian.

" Still more than half ", he said, judgingly.

Lucy poured out some more water from the container.

" Now it's less than half ", said Adrian.

" Fine, you do it ",said Lucy, losing her cool.

Adrian gave the phone to Lucy and poured three to four drops of water in the container and showed it to Lucy. Then without waiting for her feedback, he placed eight eggs and put it on the stove.

" You need to cover it with something ", said Lucy , checking the phone.

Adrian placed another bowl over it.

" A plate , you fool", said Lucy. Then she took out a plate and covered it.

After a few minutes....

" Now turn off the gas ", said Lucy.

" What do you mean", said Adrian.

" You didn't even turn it on ", said Lucy , slapping her forehead," Man, have you entered the kitchen before in life? ".

" You didn't tell that to me and now you're blaming me ", said Adrian, as he turned on the stove.

After fifteen minutes....

" That smell !", said Lucy, pinching her nose 👃.

" Do you think it is done? " , aske Adrian, looking towards her.

They lifted the lid. The water had completely evaporated and the eggs were burnt, not the mention the whole utensils bottom was now charcoal black in colour.

" I smelt something burn in the kitchen ", said somebody.

Adrian and Lucy looked up. It was a slightly annoyed Felix.

" Uh , sorry about this", said Lucy, guilt painted on her face.

" No need. I knew that you two would burn the kitchen down. Atleast give a warning before entering the kitchen ", said Felix, savagely.

" I will order something ", said Lucy, looking at the burnt eggs.

" Leave it to me ", said Felix , as he picked up the apron and wore it.

" You know how to cook? ", asked Lucy.

" I am sure that I will cook better than you ", said Felix.

Not willing to hear any more rude remarks, they walked towards the dining table together.