
Mafia King vs Mafia queen

"For the first time in my life, I myself do not know what I want ", said Lucy. Lucy Anderson, the CEO of Coco Styles one of the biggest clothing companies in the country. But behind the mask of a hard working and workaholic CEO, lies the most dangerous mafia queen of the underworld. Extremely capable and cold hearted, she has no emotions, guilt and regret and the worst for her is not death but failure. Will she be able to achieve her life's motive and retain her fiercome mafia queen image or get entangled in a trap with a famed dark CEO who has a big secret from her? "She is my wife. This is my duty and in Adrian Smith's life duty always comes before life ", he said. I am Adrian Smith. With a rather complicated past, I grew up burning in the fire of vengeance. A cold and dangerous CEO, I can scare the living hell out of anyone with my demanuring personality. What will happen when the mafia queen will enter the life of the mafia king? Will they be able to sort their priorities or fall in love. Keep reading 'Mafia king vs Mafia queen' to find more about the love hate relationship between them.

Anshu_Anand_7820 · Adolescente
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38 Chs

Villain or hero?

The man moved back a few inches. His face was covered with a gold mask that came up to his nose 👃 showing his sparkling mischievous eyes 👀. He had a good tall figure and black fine hair.

He moved back a few inches. Then he turned behind and walked a few feet. His gaze dropped as his phone started to ring. His eyebrows curled as he saw the name.

He picked up the phone and rudely asked," How dare you call me at this time ?",

The other man said, " Fine, cut the phone then. I doubt you don't want to know about Lucy...".

"What is it?", he interrupted, rudely.

"Your so called woman saved your enemy. She jumped on him and rolled him away, risking her own life. Gosh such an intimate moment...", he said.

"Shut the fuck up. If I ever catch you saying that again, I am going to burn you alive", he said, dangerously.

" Who are you threatening? ....Remember, that I am not your servant....I am your partner...Talk like that and the deal's off", the other person said.

"I am waiting till the day I marry Lucy. After that, I will erase your whole existence ", said he.

"You should worry about your Lucy then....You don't even know what they may or may not be doing in their room right now", said the other man.

"Shut up if you want to stay alive ", he growled.

"I was just expressing my views. I just can't understand that you want to marry a girl who is already married to someone else, and most importantly is under constant threat of death due to her position ", he said.

"She's the one who I have cherished till now and will keep on loving till the last breath of my life. I love her truly, even if she's not mine yet. As of being the mafia queen, I love her even more because of that. She is hot and dangerous just like the way I want her to be. As for death, as long as I am alive I will not let anyone touch a single hair of her. I am going to deal with those people who dropped the chandelier on my Lucy. Nothing can happen to her, as long as I am there for her", said he, fiercely.

"But unfortunately that duty now belongs to Adrian...sorry, the mafia king now, or didn't you hear the wedding vows properly. In sickness and health...", he began.

"Don't you dare....was that the fucking reason you called me?", he asked.

"No.... however, it would be good to waste your time but I myself am a very busy man", he said, in an annoying voice.

"Why the fuck did you call me then? If I find out that you called me just to gossip about some shit... you're going to pay for my each second which you wasted", he said, icily.

"No....it's just that the gas is ready ", he said.

"It is!", he exclaimed, his voice slower as he tried to hide the glee in his voice.

"Yes, it is. I just need to test it. You can come and take it tomorrow morning", he said.

"I will", he said .

"And don't forget to bring my two thousand dollars 💵 with you", he said.

"Don't worry you will be full rewarded for this", he said, and disconnected the call.

"Beware, Adrian Smith. Now James Russo is coming to wipe the smile off your annoying face and comfort off your fucking life. You're going to regret ever messing my life. I am coming to snatch my lovely Lucy from you and make her mine forever. I will leave you with nothing, mafia king , not even to cry upon. You will just watch me carve a new world for only me and my Lucy. I am coming", he said , smirking slightly.

With these words, he pulled out his revolver, put his phone back and disappeared in the long corridor.