
Mafia King vs Mafia queen

"For the first time in my life, I myself do not know what I want ", said Lucy. Lucy Anderson, the CEO of Coco Styles one of the biggest clothing companies in the country. But behind the mask of a hard working and workaholic CEO, lies the most dangerous mafia queen of the underworld. Extremely capable and cold hearted, she has no emotions, guilt and regret and the worst for her is not death but failure. Will she be able to achieve her life's motive and retain her fiercome mafia queen image or get entangled in a trap with a famed dark CEO who has a big secret from her? "She is my wife. This is my duty and in Adrian Smith's life duty always comes before life ", he said. I am Adrian Smith. With a rather complicated past, I grew up burning in the fire of vengeance. A cold and dangerous CEO, I can scare the living hell out of anyone with my demanuring personality. What will happen when the mafia queen will enter the life of the mafia king? Will they be able to sort their priorities or fall in love. Keep reading 'Mafia king vs Mafia queen' to find more about the love hate relationship between them.

Anshu_Anand_7820 · Adolescente
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38 Chs

I can deal with her

She could hear someone talking or rather screaming over her. She opened her eyes and saw a blurred vision of two girls screaming at each other on the top of their voice.

She got up and turned towards the other girl. She was a young ragged creature, with a haunting, dead look in her eyes. She must have been about twenty but looked much older.

Lucy's head was still bleeding but she paid no attention to it. The other girl had turned white with fear, even though she was in a much better state than Lucy.

"You should know", she began in a deadly cold voice," that we should never attack someone when they have their back turned".

The girl looked as if she had stopped breathing. Every part of her body has frozen. The iron rod with which she had attacked Lucy, dropped with a thud on the wet ground.

"Surely, someone would have told you that this is an extremely cowardly act", she continued in a whisper," And I hate cowards".

The girl had suddenly came to senses. She picked up the rod, ready to attack. Reva looked at Lucy, waiting for her permission but Lucy shook her head.

Bang.... Erica had brought down the rod right down on her left hand. She again tried to break her head but Lucy was too swift for her.

She jumped out of the way, and caught hold of the rod.

"You need me",said Reva desperately.

"I can deal with her, myself", said Lucy as she wrenched the rod out of her hands.

Erica tried to trip Lucy but she moved backward and strangled her. Erica made one last attempt by blowing dust into her eyes but

Lucy bended her waist backwards and dodged it off. Then she took out a gun from the back of her wedding dress and pointed it straight at her head.

"The game's over, Erica. So, unless you want to be tortured, you should give up",said Lucy.

"I ....I surr...render",she said in an extremely thin voice.

"Wow, I always knew you were the best but I never thought that you could fight like that in a wedding dress",said Reva.

"I hate compliments", reminded Lucy.

"Oh, ok. I will remember that ",said Reva.

"Take Erica back to the den. This time, I don't want any problem. In any case, I want the report till tomorrow morning. Everything clear?", she asked.

"Yes", nodded Reva.

"Your salary will be tripled. You managed to prevent her from killing me", she continued, "I am going back. Do not call me until it's very urgent. I am taking this car. You can call Ransome to take you and Erica back".

"Umm... your", started Reva but Lucy had already handed the gun to her and walked away. She reached the car and began her journey towards her wedding venue.