
Mafia Husband

A short story that tells the story of a mafia who wants to take what has been stolen from him along with his mafia gang and his mafia wife.

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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Yoongi: After my dad die, I promise to myself that I will find that diamond and kill the person that steal the diamond from my family. And I will kill them with no mercy. //his eyes got dark//

Namjoon: Alright I understand..

Yoongi: And yeah I already research about the person [mafia] who took the diamond from my family.

Jimin: So who's that mafia?

Yoongi: The biggest CEO….. Byun Jaeseok

BTS (except Yoongi): WHAT?!!

Namjoon: So what do you want us to do?

Yoongi tell the plan to them

Jin: OK we understand with the plan..

Jimin: Did noona come?

Yoongi: ...…. No.

Hoseok: But why hyung?

Yoongi: I can't let her come with us. This is so dangerous, I don't want her to get hurt.

Jungkook: But hyung isn't noona already good enough to come to the mission with us?

Yoongi: I know she is good and perfect everytime she did her mission but not this time.. I'm sure you guys must have known all the facts about our enemy by now. Jaeseok is not an easy opponent. If he found out about Y/N surely he would do anything and everything to get what he wants, and I will not let that happen.

Suddenly the door burst opened, and they all look at the door. They got eye widen as they look at the person in shock.

Yoongi: Y- Y/N…

Y/N: I heard everything. So you want to say that I can't fight?!

Yoongi: Not that baby…

Y/N: Don't 'baby' me!

Yoongi: Baby please listen to me..

Y/N: No. You're the one should listen to me!

Yoongi: Baby-

Y/N: Shut up Suga! I don't want to listen anything from you! Why can't you just let me come to this fucking mission?! Why?! Am I going to cause trouble?! Am I going to become a burden on a mission?! Say it! Have you forgotten? That I will go wherever you go! I will go even while you are on your mission! I will always be beside you and always with you while you are on missions! Have you forgotten that?! Min Yoongi!

Yoongi: B- baby…

Jin: Y/N… Calm down.. //try to touch her//

Y/N: Shut up and don't touch me! //glare at Jin then look at Suga// I know you are a Mafia Boss, I know that. But as your wife do you think I can calmly sit back at home, go shopping, go anywhere I like without even thinking about you for a day? While you're on mission, that might got you hurt when you fight. Huh? Tell me.

They all got silent as Y/N said all of that, they could only be silent while looking at Y/N with teary eyes, while Y/N was already crying because of disappointment.

Yoongi: B-baby…

Y/N: Stop! I didn't want to hear anything…

With that Y/N left from there and went out.

Yoongi: //sigh// I messed up this time. I really messed up. Shit!

Jin: Calm down Suga.. She'll be alright… I know you did this because you love her.. But as her brother I think I agree with her..

Yoongi: Hyung!! Are you kidding me?! //look at Jin//

Jin: No. But try to understand her, You both love each other.. You didn't want her come with us to this mission because you're afraid that she will got hurt and you didn't want that to happen plus you didn't want to loose her too, but in other side she feel the same as you, when she didn't come to the mission and she's just at home waiting for you with worry in her eyes because she didn't want you go home with bruises she didn't want you got hurt too… She want to come with us in this mission because she want to protect you and all of us like we all protect her from get hurt..

Jimin: I think Jin hyung is right..

Hoseok: Yeah I agree with Jin hyung.. Try talk to her hyung..

Jin: Try to understand her feeling Suga…

Namjoon: Yes hyung..

Yoongi: //sigh// I will try talk to her..

Jungkook: But I heard the door was closed by slamming earlier, is it possible that Noona went out?

Taehyung: Well… I heard it too Kook..

Yoongi: Aish! I really messed up this time! She's really mad right now.

Jimin: Calm down Suga hyung…

Yoongi: Let's find her..

Namjoon: No hyung.. I think it's not the right time, she probably still mad about what happened earlier, we should wait until she calm her down and come back home.

Hoseok: If she didn't come home then we will find her..

Yoongi: Ugh fine!