
Mafia Captured

"You're already the mother of my four children," Arsalan chuckled, "and you're about to bring another one into this world. And you say I wasn't romantic?" Sahira stared at him with scornful eyes. "If you want to know how romantic you were," she said, her voice laced with venom, "then listen..." She recounted her experiences in such a poisonous tone that Arsalan's cheeks flushed to his ears. "And if you want to hear about all the things you did to me..." Arsalan's playful demeanor evaporated. He released her wrist, and Sahira wriggled away from him. Arsalan's gaze fell to the ground. "Was I that bad?" "You're far worse than bad, Arsalan. This act of amnesia you're putting on - you could fool the entire world with it. But not me. I've seen your masterful acting before. But I'm not going to fall for your deception anymore, Arsalan Ansari." Sahira was about to turn and walk away when Arsalan's voice reached her from behind. "Hira...can't you forgive me? I don't remember anything about my past. I don't remember anything about who I was, what I did... Please believe me. Forgive me." For a moment, Sahira's heart wavered. Her feet remained rooted to the spot. She turned to face him, her eyes filled with doubt. "Very well. What a splendid performance, Arsalan. You should win an Oscar," she said sarcastically, and walked away. Arsalan let out a deep sigh and stood there, alone. -------- Arsalan Ansari, the ruthless mafia kingpin, operates on a cold, calculated smile. But a glimpse of vulnerability cracks his icy facade. Has amnesia truly buried his past - a past rife with vengeance and betrayal - or is this a masterfully crafted ploy to outmaneuver his enemies? As the line between truth and manipulation blurs, one thing remains certain: underestimating Arsalan Ansari could be your deadliest mistake.

FarzanaTutul · Ciudad
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7 Chs

6. Blessing or curse?

When she turned around, she felt as if she'd forgotten how to breathe. She couldn't believe her eyes.Was it really him standing before her, the one she'd longed to see for so long? Was he really here in front of her today? Or was she dreaming? If this were a dream, she prayed to Allah that it would never end."Sahira..." Arsalan's voice brought her back to reality. She snapped out of her daze.The room was dimly lit by candles, and in that faint light, they could see each other. Their gazes were locked on one another. Sahira felt like she'd never seen a man so handsome before.Arsalan was standing very close to her. He hadn't yet moved his hand, perhaps fearing that she might scream in terror. But Sahira, standing so close to Arsalan, felt her heart race wildly. Her heart was beating so loudly she feared Arsalan might hear it."Sahira, I'm Arsalan. Please, don't scream," Arsalan pleaded. Sahira nodded, and Arsalan removed his hand from her mouth."I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. You must have been very frightened by my unexpected arriaval."As he spoke, Arsalan suddenly grabbed her wrist, and Sahira's heart skipped a beat. Checking her pulse, he said, "You seem very scared. Your heartbeat is racing. I can hear it from here."Hearing this, Sahira lowered her gaze in embarrassment. What could she say? The reason for her racing heart wasn't fear, but his proximity.Arsalan gently led her to the sofa, and Sahira sat quietly, a blush creeping up her cheeks as she felt intimidated by his presence. The enchanting atmosphere and solitude seemed to amplify Sahira's nervousness. She felt hesitant around Arsalan, her voice catching in her throat when he spoke.Arsalan poured water from a jug into a glass and handed it to her, "Drink this. It will help you relax. And take deep breaths; it will calm your nerves."With a charming smile, Arsalan added, "Sorry." Sahira looked up at him and was mesmerized. Could a man's smile be this beautiful?"I should have told you I was coming. But I didn't know you'd be home. Why didn't you go to the wedding?" Arsalan asked, making Sahira even more nervous."Well, I have exams," Sahira mumbled, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. She could barely meet his gaze. This quiet solitude, the first since their wedding, sent a jolt of nerves through her. Boys were a complete mystery to Sahira. In fact, she rarely even spoke to them. Now, with this sudden new relationship, her mind raced. How was she supposed to act? What did he expect from her?""Yes, exams are important, but don't let them stress you out," Arsalan said with a light smile, his gaze lingering on her. Sahira stole a glance at him, then quickly looked away. Feeling his playful eyes on her, she bit her lower lip nervously. "Maybe you don't enjoy my company," Arsalan teased gently."No!" Sahira blurted out, her cheeks flushing a light pink. The last thing she wanted was for him to misunderstand. "Of course not," she stammered."Then why are you so quiet?" Arsalan asked, his voice soft. "Is there something on your mind?"Sahira hesitated. His touch sent a spark through her. It was a new sensation, both exciting and unfamiliar. "I... I'm not sure what to talk about," she admitted shyly.Arsalan's smile softened. He reached out and gently squeezed her hand, his touch lingering. "Tell me anything you feel like," he said lovingly. "Your dreams, your worries, even what you had for breakfast. I just want to get to know you better."When Sahira didn't respond, Arsalan continued, his voice softer now. "Maybe I do understand your shyness a little. South Africa... because of my medical campaign, I was stuck there for six months. The network connection was terrible. That's why I couldn't contact you. Believe me, Sahira, ever since I found out you were here, I've been longing to meet you." With those words, he impulsively leaned down and kissed the back of her hand.Relief washed over Sahira, washing away the doubts that had gnawed at her. A relieved smile bloomed on her face, chasing away the shadows of doubt. Yet, Arsalan's lingering touch and his intense gaze sent a fresh wave of shyness crashing over her. His words calmed her anxieties, but his actions sent her heart into a frenzy. She could only manage a barely audible nod in response. Arsalan's playful gaze held hers for a moment, then he gently stroked her hand with his thumb. Sahira felt a warmth spread through her, a mixture of happiness and nervousness. She stole a glance at him, then quickly looked away, a blush creeping up her neck.Just then, both of them heard the sound of approaching footsteps. Sahira quickly pulled her hand away from Arsalan's, a jolt of surprise momentarily replacing her shyness. Arsalan's smile faltered slightly, a shadow crossing his features. It was evident he didn't like the way she freed her hand from his. Without saying anything he grabbed her hand once again and subtly tightened his grip."Sorry, sir," Mary began apologetically, unaware of the interrupted moment. "I didn't know you were here."Arsalan quickly schooled his expression, replacing the annoyance with a polite smile. "No problem at all, Mary. Did you need something?""Yes, sir," Mary continued. "There's been a nasty storm rolling through, and it seems it's knocked out a power line. The electrician won't be able to fix it until sometime tomorrow, so I'm afraid we'll be without electricity for the night."Sahira exchanged a nervous glance with Mary. The housekeeper's kind eyes held a hint of concern, but Sahira couldn't decipher if it was directed at the power outage or something else."No worries, Mary," Arsalan said reassuringly, his gaze returning to Sahira. A hint of a playful smile tugged at his lips. "We'll manage just fine. You can go now, thank you."With a small nod, Mary excused herself and left the room, leaving Sahira and Arsalan alone once more. The silence stretched for a moment, thick with unspoken emotions. Arsalan reached out and gently placed a finger under Sahira's chin, lifting her gaze to meet his. His eyes twinkled with amusement, but there was a hint of something softer beneath the surface."So," he began, his voice a low murmur, "where were we?" Sahira felt her cheeks flush under his scrutiny. His playful demeanor, while charming, sent a wave of nervousness through her."H-have you eaten?" she stammered, desperately trying to distract herself and hide her shyness.Arsalan studied her for a moment, a knowing smile playing on his lips. He seemed to sense her flustered state. "No, I haven't," he admitted. "Shall I serve you dinner?""Yes, let's have a have a candlelight dinner."Arsalan said, and Sahira nodded. A soft smile bloomed on her face. This, a candlelit dinner with Arsalan, felt like a scene straight out of a cherished novel.As they ate dinner, the candle burned lower, casting long shadows on the table. Conversations flowed effortlessly, touching on everything from childhood memories to future dreams. He also shared incidents from his trip to South Africa. Sahira could feel the tension melt away with each passing moment. Arsalan spoke about their upcoming trip to Italy. Sahira found herself leaning in, captivated by his stories and the sparkle in his eyesAfter dinner, Arsalan disappeared to his room. Sahira didn't want to disturb Mary, so she cleaned the kitchen herself. By the time she finished and reached her own doorway, a knot of anxiety had tightened in her stomach. It wasn't just nervousness; it was the apprehensive flutter every bride feels on her wedding night.The sound of running water from the bathroom confirmed Arsalan was taking a shower. Sahira occupied herself with tidying her books and smoothing the bedsheets. As she straightened the final pillow, the bathroom door creaked open. Arsalan emerged, a white bathrobe loosely draped around his form, a damp towel wrestling with his dark hair.His gaze, warm and heavy, landed on her. In all her life, Sahira had never known such a suffocating wave of nervousness. Tonight, every little thing seemed to amplify her anxiety.The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows on the walls, painting the room in an intimate glow. Rain lashed against the windowpanes. Arsalan crossed the room, each step deliberate, until he stood mere inches from Sahira.Arsalan grabbed her silky soft hair in his hands and inhaled their smell. A jolt of electricity shot through her, leaving her breathless."What shampoo do you use?" Arsalan whispered, sending a tremor down Sahira's spine as the warm breath tickled her ear. A shiver danced down her back. She instinctively flinched, a flicker of shyness crossing her features. Yet, he remained rooted behind her, his fingers lingering in her hair, gently toying with the silky strands.Then, suddenly, he turned her around to face him. Her breath caught in her throat, a tiny hitch that betrayed her nervousness."Sahira, can I tell you a secret?" Arsalan placed a finger under her chin, making her look at him. "Yes," Sahira said, a shy smile blooming across her lips."I love you," Arsalan whispered near her ear. "Not from now, but from a long time ago."His sudden confession left Sahira stunned. A warmth bloomed in her chest, spreading through her limbs as she realized his words. Euphoria washed over her. She looked at him in disbelief."I am one of the lucky ones who got their first love without any fight," Arsalan chuckled, kissing her forehead. Sahira felt as if she had been given all the happiness of the world. Her husband, her life partner, was confessing his love to her. What could be more joyful than that?"I know it might be hard for you to believe, but it's the truth." He suddenly broke down all barriers and pulled her close, making her crash into his strong chest. Sahira saw all the love in the world reflected in Arsalan's eyes, just for her. How could she not believe in him?But when Sahira looked into his eyes, she felt like she was completely lost in them. Arsalan's eyes were incredibly captivating. His eyes were like a mesmerizing vortex, pulling her in with a force she couldn't resist, just like a moth drawn to a flame. His Cimmerian eyes drew people towards them like the deep sea calls the shore with its waves."I believe you, Arsalan," Sahira said without thinking, completely lost in his charm."Sahira, do you love me?" Arsalan's voice was a low murmur, sending shivers down her spine. He moved closer, the heat radiating from his body stealing her breath away. Their breaths mingled with one another's. Sahira met his gaze for a moment, drowning in the depths of his Cimmerian eyes. But the intensity was too much, a raw vulnerability laid bare. She couldn't bear the weight of his unspoken emotions and squeezed her eyes shut, a soft sigh escaping her lips. A beat of silence stretched between them, thick with tension. Then, in a voice barely above a whisper, she confessed, "Yes, Arsalan, I love you."All her shyness, hesitation, anxieties and nervousness melted away at that moment. She wanted to belong to Arsalan entirely. She wanted to lose herself in him.Arsalan stepped away and began to extinguish the candle one by one. With each extinguished candle, a flicker of orange light danced across Sahira's face, momentarily illuminating the wonder in her eyes before fading into the growing darkness. Arsalan snuffed out the last candle, and the room plunged into complete darkness. Then, a warm hand brushed against hers, sending a jolt of electricity through her.Sahira felt as though she was enveloped in a beautiful dream, with Arsalan showering her with his love so passionately. Finding love had never seemed so effortless to her. Sahira couldn't fathom what virtuous act she had performed to deserve Arsalan, a man who was perfect in every way being written into her destiny. Despite her uncertainty, she basked in the happiness he brought her. Little did she know, Arsalan Ansari hadn't entered her life as a blessing but as a trial. Unaware that the person she considered her fortune today would be the cause of her downfall tomorrow.----------